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  • oil consumption
  1. 珠钢CSP生产线均热炉油耗的研究及降低油耗的改进措施

    Investigation of light diesel oil consumption of soaking and measures of decreasing in Zhujiang CSP steel

  2. 混合动力汽车(HEV)是当今最具实际开发意义的低排放和低油耗汽车,而电动力系统控制技术又是混合动力汽车研制的关键技术之一。

    Hybrid Electric Vehicle ( HEV ) is the most valuable developing automobile with its low exhaust and low oil consumption . The driving motor and its control system are the heart of HEV , and also one of the HEV developing key technologies .

  3. 油箱里面的油只有这么多了,你要是太快把油耗光可就麻烦了。

    There is only so much fuel in the tank and if you burn it up too quickly you are in trouble

  4. 双方可能展开研发合作的一个领域将是空气混合动力(HybridAir)技术。这项复杂的技术能够降低油耗。

    One area of potential RD collaboration will be over the Hybrid Air , a complex technology to reduce fuel consumption .

  5. 如何满足越来越严格的CO2排放或油耗法规?

    How to meet the increasingly stringent CO2 emissions or fuel consumption regulations ?

  6. 关于中重型汽车用柴油机的NOx、PM和油耗的改善

    The Reduction of NOx , PM and Fuel Consumption of Diesel Engine for Heavy Truck

  7. 最后,以MATLAB为工作平台设计了遗传算法,寻找油耗和排放的优化。

    At the end , design the Generation Algorithm by MATLAB , look for optimization of fuel consumption and emission .

  8. 当XH超过5%之后,其比油耗的减小幅度逐渐变小。

    After the containing hydrogen ratio is larger than 5 % , the in - crease extent of the indicated specific fuel consumption is smaller ;

  9. 百公里等速油耗的影响因素有七个:Ge与Ff和Fw成正比;

    There are 7 factors which influence the constant speed fuel consumption per 100 km ; G_e and F_1 are directly propotional to F_ ;

  10. 通过进气支管喷水试验得出,工质加湿对降低NOx排放效果明显,且在一定范围内能减少油耗。

    Test results show humidification could considerably decrease NOx emission and reduce fuel consumption to some degree .

  11. 燃用LPG比燃用汽油的当量比油耗低,节能率在5%左右。

    Fuel consumption ratio of LPG was lower than petrol , the rate of saving power was about 5 % .

  12. AVR单片机在油耗测量中的应用

    Application of AVR MCU in Oil-Consumption Measuring

  13. 试验发现,当甲醇含量高于1.5%时,油耗率增加明显,HC和CO排放显著增大。

    It can be found that HC and CO emissions would be increased greatly as the methanol content is higher than 1.5 % .

  14. 基于ANFIS的油耗特性建模及燃油经济性仿真

    Modeling of engine 's fuel consumption and simulation of vehicle 's fuel economy by ANFIS

  15. 最后,利用Visualc++和MATLAB软件编制了超声波油耗测量修正系统的上位机软件,实现了数据的输入、修正和输出等功能。

    At last , the softwares in the top computer for ultrasonic flowmeter by using Visual C + + and MATLAB program language , which include data input 、 fixing and output function .

  16. 将二者优化,取得颗粒、NOx、油耗的最佳匹配,并最终达到工程机械用欧II柴油机排放标准。

    Optimize both can help to reach a best condition of PM emission , NO_x and BSFC and finally reach Euro II standard on off-highway diesel engines .

  17. 但是废气的加入又会使微粒、CO和HC的排放量增大,比油耗升高。

    However , when EGR is introduced , the particulate matter , CO and HC emissions may increase , and the feul economy may deteriorate , too .

  18. 带有稳压箱的低压EGR系统在相同EGR率下油耗增加和功率损失最小。

    The low pressure EGR systems with surge tanks have the least increase of fuel consumption and power loss .

  19. 混合动力电动车辆(HEV)不仅可以改善汽车排放,降低油耗,还可以提高车辆动力性能。

    Hybrid electric vehicle technology can not only reduce emissions of car , but also reduce fuel consumption and increase power performance .

  20. 50mL四冲程发动机降低油耗的技术探讨

    A Technical Inquiry into Fuel Reduction of 50 mL 4-stroke Engine

  21. 结果表明:延后喷油正时和(或)减少压缩比可以实现柴油机的低温燃烧,从而降低柴油机的NOx排放率,但柴油机的油耗率和烟度将受到影响;

    Experiment results make it clear achieving low temperature combustion and reducing NOx emission from the diesel engine by reducing injection timing or / and compression ratio , but increasing fuel com-sumption and smoke ;

  22. 怠速试验结果表明,其油耗、NOX和HC排放性能均优于化油器式发动机。

    The test results at idle speed show that direct-injection gasoline engine is superior to carburetor engine in fuel consumption , NO_X and HC emissions .

  23. 二冲程汽油机由于严重的燃油短路损失造成功率时间质量油耗高和未燃碳氢化合物(HC)排放严重的缺点。

    Higher fuel rate and emissions from unburned HC would happen with 2-stroke gasoline engine due to the serious loss of fuel short circuit .

  24. 但是,中国许多买SUV的人更看重的是社会地位,而不是油耗。

    However , many of the new buyers of SUVs in China are more interested in social status than miles per litre .

  25. 在柴油机采用废气再循环(EGR)技术以降低氮氧化物(NOx)排放的情况下,分析了不同供油提前角对发动机排放及油耗的影响情况。

    Influences of different fuel advance angle on engine exhaust emission and fuel consumption are analyzed under the conditions of using EGR technology to reduce NOx emission .

  26. 通过对多能源动力总成控制器的硬件在环仿真试验和实车匹配测试,不仅证明该控制器能高效、可靠地运行,而且取得了降低整车油耗16.9%,排放指标远低于欧III标准的控制效果。

    The test results show that by using this power-train controller , HEV can achieve better control performance , with not only 16.9 % fuel consumption reduced but also lower emissions than Euro III .

  27. 新型供油系统&膜片式喷射化油器(DIC)能较好地满足二冲程汽油机分层扫气系统对供油系统的各种要求,大幅度地降低油耗和排放。

    DIC will very well meet requirements from 2-stroke gasoline engine with stratified scavenging system for the fuel supply system , reducing greatly fuel consumption and emissions .

  28. 部分负荷下,单侧进气EGR比传统进气EGR具有更高的经济性,油耗降低4.1%。

    At part load , the jet by the side of intake port attains better economy than conventional mode with the fuel consumption reduction by 4.1 % .

  29. 为了提高ND2内燃机车的扩编能力和运营经济性,对ND2机车进行了改造,以增加柴油机功率和降低油耗。

    In order to raise the capability of expanding train formation and the econmic effect of railway transport , the ND_2 diesel locomotive has been improved to raise power and reduce fuel consumption in the diesel engine .

  30. 在HCCI燃烧可运行范围内,有害排放产物和指示油耗均下降。

    In the operating range of HCCI combustion , exhaust emissions and indicated fuel consumption would decrease with negative valve overlap duration increasing .