
  • 网络maritime rights and interests;sea rights;sea right and interest
  1. 海洋权益、经济及一体化管理研究

    Maritime rights and interests , economy and integration management

  2. 坚定维护国家领土主权和海洋权益。

    We resolutely safeguarded China 's sovereignty , territorial integrity , and maritime rights and interests .

  3. 坚决维护国家主权、海洋权益和其他核心利益。

    We must resolutely5 safeguard China 's national sovereignty , maritime6 rights and other core interests .

  4. 海岛与国家海上安全和海洋权益密切相关。

    The sea islands link national maritime security and maritime rights and interests .

  5. 如今我国维护海洋权益的形势不容乐观,海洋环境权益危机也日益严重。

    Nowadays , the crises of marine environmental rights and interests are increasing .

  6. 海洋权益维护信息系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Development of Information System for Marine Rights and Interests Maintaining

  7. 海洋权益争端进一步突出。

    The ocean rights dispute is further outstanding .

  8. 南海划界纠纷中维护我国海洋权益问题的研究

    The Research on the Protection of Ocean Rights and Interests in South China Sea Dispute

  9. 维护海洋权益

    Safeguarding Maritime Rights and Interests

  10. 中国表示将加强国防教育,关注维护海洋权益教育。

    China says it will strengthen national defence education with a focus on safeguarding its maritime rights .

  11. 海洋权益的维护主要依靠海上军事力量的建设。

    Development and equipment of navy armament is significant way to maintain the ocean rights and interests .

  12. 维护国家的海洋权益是国家赋予海洋局的神圣职责。

    To protect the national sea and ocean is the duty of Ocean Office by the government .

  13. 海岛调查是实现对岛屿及其邻近海域的有效管理,维护国家海洋权益的必要基础。

    The survey for sea islands is essential for national maritime security and the management of maritime space .

  14. 但是,不管其内涵如何变化,海洋权益仍然是国家利益的重要组成部分。

    Nevertheless , however its connotation changes , sea rights and interests remain an important component of national interests .

  15. 它将用于灾害预警、天气预报、水资源评估和海洋权益保护。

    It will be used for disaster warning , weather forecasting , water resource assessment and maritime rights protection .

  16. 两国主张的海洋权益区域重叠,由此产生海洋划界争议。

    The maritime areas claimed by the two states overlap , giving rise to a dispute over maritime delimitation .

  17. 毋庸讳言,本地区还存在着一些领土主权、海洋权益等争议。

    There is no denying that there are some disputes over territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in this region .

  18. 在海洋权益争端解决之前,各方可以搁置争议,共同开发。

    Pending the settlement of disputes over maritime rights and interests , parties could shelve differences and engage in joint development .

  19. 无居民海岛作为一种特殊的海岛类型,在国家海洋权益上发挥越来越重要的作用。

    As a special type of islands , non-residential islands play an increasingly important role in the national rights and interests .

  20. 介绍了海洋权益维护信息系统的总体结构、数据库组成和主要功能。

    This paper introduces the architecture , database and the main function of the information system for marine rights and interests maintaining .

  21. (二)中国始终坚定维护在南海的领土主权和海洋权益

    ii . China has always been resolute in upholding its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea

  22. 海洋权益是一个非常复杂的范畴,在不同的历史时期具有不同的内涵。

    The conception of sea rights and interests is an extremely complicated category , and it has various connotations in different historical periods .

  23. 自中国融入全球经济以来,北京方面10多年来更加关注国家的海洋权益。

    Beijing has been paying more attention to its maritime interests for more than a decade following its integration in the global economy .

  24. 中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益在任何情况下不受仲裁裁决的影响。

    China 's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea shall under no circumstances be affected by those awards .

  25. 这些问题值得我们认真研究和探讨,以期维护国家海洋权益,促进海洋法的发展。

    These questions worth close study and probe to maintain the maritime rights and interests of countries and promote the development of maritime law .

  26. 坚定维护国家领土主权和海洋权益。我国的对外影响力进一步提升。

    We resolutely safeguarded China 's sovereignty , territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests . China 's influence in the world further increased .

  27. 菲律宾妄图借此否定中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益。

    In doing so , the Philippines attempts to deny China 's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea .

  28. 去哪儿网数据显示,同样在海洋权益问题上与北京方面存在纠纷的东京,在排行榜上从第6位跌至第8位。

    Tokyo , which is also embroiled in a dispute with Beijing over maritime claims , fell from sixth to eighth place , according to Qunar data .

  29. 讨论了当前国家在海洋权益、防灾减灾、海洋资源管理和开发等方面的进一步需求;

    Secondly , the neads of this technique in national rights and interests , preventing and reducing natural calamities and management and development of marine resources are discussed .

  30. 海权主要指海洋权益和海上力量,它以海权意识作为内在驱动力。

    The conception of sea power mainly refers to naval force and maritime rights and interests , of which the ideology of sea power is the inner core .