
zī rǎo
  • Nuisance;trouble;make trouble
滋扰 [zī rǎo]
  • [make trouble] 制造事端进行扰乱;使不安宁

  • 聚众滋扰

  • 不敢复行滋扰。--《广东军务记》

滋扰[zī rǎo]
  1. 流寇滋扰百姓。

    The roving bandits caused trouble to common people .

  2. 从近几年高校发生的各种案件来看,从外部犯罪滋扰逐渐转移到内部犯罪增多;

    Judging from the various cases in the past few years which happened in the colleges and universities , the questions from the outside trouble gradually transfer to the inside crime ;

  3. 我们社会的团结遭到了一小撮滋扰生事、不安分守己的群体的威胁。

    The unity of our society is threatened by troublesome and restless minorities

  4. HDTUNE我问正宗地道的智能与我有一个系统测试真实的滋扰!

    HDTUNE I asked authentic authentic smart with what I have A system test authentic Nuisance !

  5. 牧场上的马不断受马蝇滋扰。

    The horses in the meadow were being pestered by flies .

  6. 吹动的风,也并不见得对我滋扰之心能起到任何的宁神作用。

    Wind rising , doesn 't help to soothe my ruffled spirits .

  7. 当我走出机场,我就象被一大堆的人滋扰着。

    When I came out of the airport , I got mobbed .

  8. 在此种调解中支付的费用经常被称为摆脱诉讼滋扰费。

    The money paid in such a settlement is often termed nuisance money .

  9. 旅客列车有害生物滋扰侵害乘客调查分析

    Study on Pests Invading and Harassing Passengers in Train

  10. 村民们联合起来保卫他们的家庭以防流氓的滋扰。

    The villagers banded themselves together to protect their homes from the scoundrels .

  11. 在剧院里我们受到晚来者的滋扰。

    We were disturbed by latecomers at the theatre .

  12. 那些野餐的人受到了蜜蜂的滋扰。

    The picnickers were annoyed by the bees .

  13. 这项法律是为了保护诸如邻居喧闹等滋扰行为的受害者。

    The law was designed to protect victims from nuisances such as noisy neighbours .

  14. 柳条筐里的乘客在不滋扰山谷的情况下,饱览其绝世美景。

    The occupants of its wicker basket survey the valley without intruding on it .

  15. 法官命令两名罪犯具结保证,在一年内不滋扰生事。

    The judge bound over the two criminals to keep the peace for a year .

  16. 他们饱受蚊虫的滋扰,还有蛇不请自来

    They often had insects.They invited snakes .

  17. 使用者不应在电脑上制造滋扰性噪音,以免干扰其它使用者。

    Users should not use computers to create sound or music that may disturb other users .

  18. 目的查明旅客列车有害生物滋扰侵害乘客的种类,为有效控制提供科学依据。

    Objective To study pests invading and harassing passengers in train , to provide evidence for pest control .

  19. 每当那帮无家可归的酗酒闹事者过分滋扰公众时,警察就把他们抓起来。

    The police pulled those homeless alcoholics in whenever they got up the public 's nose too much .

  20. 它看起来在这些照片,但它是一个真正的滋扰,如果你在中间你。

    It might look in these photos but it 's a real nuisance if you 're in of it .

  21. 当骑马不再是种折磨,丹妮开始注意到身边这片土地的美。她跟卓戈和他的血盟卫一起骑在卡拉萨最前面,所以眼前的一切都是充满生机、未经滋扰。

    As the riding became less an ordeal , Dany began to notice the beauties of the land around her .

  22. 只要情况许可,本署会不断力求改善,以尽量减少对附近居民可能造成的环境滋扰。

    Whenever circumstances permit , the Department continues to make improvements to minimise any possible environmental nuisance to nearby residents .

  23. 申请破产保护将确保该公司免受债权人的滋扰,而其债务则会由破产法官监管。

    Filing bankruptcy protects the companies from its creditors while regarded its debts under the supervision of a bankruptcy judge .

  24. 一个稳定的没有恐怖主义侵袭的东盟对中国的发展是一个良好的周边环境,反之亦然,一个繁荣的未见恐怖主义滋扰的中国也是东盟快速发展所需要的有力依托。

    Vice versa , a prosperous China without the nuisance of terrorism is a powerful support for the rapid development of ASEAN .

  25. 混凝土路面开裂还只是一种滋扰,但道路,桥梁和建筑物开裂就成为一种隐患。

    The cracking of concrete pavements is merely a nuisance , but cracks in roads , bridges and buildings are a hazard .

  26. 滋扰公众行为是指对社会全体成员享受法律规定权利的干涉。

    A public nuisance is an act that interferes with the enjoyment of a right that all members of the community are entitled to .

  27. 我只是想为他举办了他的健康,他的办公室是不是担心,是对他造成滋扰。

    I just wish for him that his health holds out and that his office isn 't a worry and a nuisance to him .

  28. 市区的柴油黑烟及微尘是最迫切的空气污染问题,它们不但造成滋扰,对健康也有严重影响。

    Diesel smoke and fine dust in the urban areas are the most imminent problems , causing a nuisance and constituting a serious health concern .

  29. 环境噪声是非常不同的,因为烦恼或滋扰的水平可以是很主观,并会引起不同的人不同的反应。

    Environmental noise is very different because the level of annoyance or nuisance can be very subjective and will elicit diverse reactions from different people .

  30. 垃圾堆积、喉管淤塞或损坏、冷气机滴水、私人住宅渗水等都是常见的环境卫生滋扰。

    Accumulation of refuse , choked or defective plumbing systems , water dripping from air-conditioners , and water seepage inside private premises are common sanitary nuisances .