
qīn fàn quán lì
  • infringement;disturbance of a right;infringement of rights;invasion
  • disturb a right;infringe (up) on a right;invade a right
  1. 盗用他人注册商标是一项严重的侵犯权利行为。

    Using a registered trade mark without its owner 's permission is a serious infringement of the owner 's proprietary right .

  2. 在关乎被指称为已在该影片公开放映、广播或包括在有线传播节目服务内的日期之前发生的侵犯权利的法律程序中,此项推定同样适用。

    This presumption applies equally in proceedings relating to an infringement alleged to have occurred before the date on which the film was shown in public , broadcast or included in a cable programme service .

  3. 对于全部无效的身份协议在没有造成损失的前提下可以恢复原状,在侵犯权利造成损失时则可要求侵权损害赔偿。

    For all invalid identity protocol can be recovered without loss , the violations of the rights of the losses will request the tort damages .

  4. 界限不清,会造成滥用权利或者侵犯权利的情况发生,不利于互联网中法律制度的规范。

    The ill will caused by the abuse of rights or violation of rights occurred , is not conducive to the norms of the legal system in the Internet .

  5. 因此如何能让权力既维护秩序、发挥效能,又不侵犯权利和自由,这就需要对它进行有效的制约,这也是权力运行的内在需要。

    In order to keep its social order and efficiency rather than infringing upon right and freedom , it needs effective power restriction and it is the internal demand in power operation .

  6. 除此以外,追诉机关将不是涉案财物当作涉案赃款赃物予以追缴而侵犯权利人合法财产权利的现象也十分严重。

    In addition , the prosecution authorities will not be involved in the case of property involved in illicit money and goods to be recovered as a violation of the legitimate rights of the phenomenon is also a serious property rights .

  7. 根据该报告,63.7%的反亚裔事件涉及言语骚扰,16.5%涉及刻意回避——故意回避亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民。约13.7%的报告涉及人身攻击,是报告事件总数的第三大类别。侵犯公民权利的事件占11%,而网络骚扰占8.3%。

    According to the report , 63.7 % of the incidents involved verbal harassment and 16.5 % involved shunning accounted for 11 % of the incidents while online harassment made up 8.3 % .

  8. FBI正在调查可能的侵犯公民权利相关案件,而地方和州警察也开展自己的调查。

    The FBI is investigating possible civil rights violations , and local and state police are conducting their own probe .

  9. 教育惩戒不应成为侵犯大学生权利的借口,对大学生提供司法救济可以规范高校的办学行为。

    Providing students with judicial remedy can normalize higher education .

  10. 需要减少公权力侵犯私权利的行为,完善权力监督制约体系。

    The supervision and balance system of administration rights should be improved .

  11. 盗窃罪是一种常见的侵犯财产权利的犯罪。

    Theft is a common criminal violation of property rights .

  12. 它可能侵犯隐私权利。

    That it was likely a violation of privacy right .

  13. 在自然法的学说之中,财产权是一种神圣不可侵犯的权利。

    In the words of natural law , property right is exempted from infringing .

  14. 现实中存在侵犯罪犯权利现象,因素复杂。

    In reality there exists the phenomenon of violations of the rights of offenders .

  15. 第三,保持个人生活领域不受干扰和侵犯的权利。

    Third , the right of maintaining individual life territory not to be infringed .

  16. 对职业足球俱乐部侵犯运动员权利的法律思考

    Legal thinking on the Professional Football Clubs Encroach upon the Athlete Right in China

  17. 四名警务人员被发现犯有侵犯公民权利但是已经排除谋杀罪。

    Four police officers were found guilty of civil rights violations but cleared of murder .

  18. 消毒餐具收费侵犯消费者权利?

    Charges for Sterilized Tableware Infringe Consumers'Rights ?

  19. 在自由资本主义时期,公民对其财产拥有占有、使用、收益、处分的极大自由,是一项神圣不可侵犯的权利。

    In Free capitalist era , citizens have absolute right to posses and dispose their property .

  20. 人民享有不可侵犯的权利。

    The people possess inviolable rights .

  21. 非法侵犯公民权利罪

    Offence of illegal infringement of citizens

  22. 因此,个人不能宣称任何神圣不可侵犯的权利范围在有组织社会的权威之上。

    Thus the individual cannot claim any inviolable sphere of rights beyond the authority of organized society .

  23. 刑事赔偿便是对刑事诉讼当事人被侵犯的权利进行国家赔偿的重要制度。

    Criminal compensation is just a important system to compensate the rights offended of litigants for our country .

  24. 南非境内侵犯工会权利的指控特设专家工作组;

    Ad hoc working group of experts on allegations regarding infringements of trade union rights in South africa ;

  25. 从立法学上来说,禁止性规则更能表达防范国家权力可能侵犯公民权利的目的;

    On legislative science , prohibitive regulation expresses the aim of preventing national power from invading citizen rights better .

  26. 司法部称,这样侵犯儿童权利的做法违反了《美利坚合众国宪法》第四、第五及第十四条修正案。

    Justice says this violates the children 's fourth , fifth and fourteenth amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution .

  27. 最近几年高校学生状告高校侵犯其权利的案件比重加大,研究高校的侵犯学生权利行为及其应承担的法律责任成为了必要。

    Currently , it is essential to study HEIs ' infringement of the students ' rights and their legal responsibility .

  28. 当时,全美各地因雇主侵犯劳工权利引发的类似诉讼案至少有40起。

    The case was one of at least 40 similar suits filed nationwide at the time , alleging workplace violations .

  29. 乡村关系的失范就是国家权力侵犯农民权利的外在表现。

    The anomie of relationship between town and village is the exterior performance on state power violating farmers ' rights .

  30. 然而,部分教师却利用手中拥有的特权随意惩罚学生,侵犯学生权利。

    However , some teachers take advantage of their privileges to punish students at will , which infringe student 's right .