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dēnɡ lonɡ
  • lantern;lamp;Chinese lantern
灯笼 [dēng lóng]
  • [lantern] 照明用具,有透明的罩防风,通常有支架或提手

  1. 晚上点亮的灯笼在黑暗中发出柔和的光。

    The night lantern glowed softly in the darkness

  2. 后来,这种灯笼成了沈家的绝活。

    In the course of time , this kind of lantern has become an exclusive of the Shens .

  3. 内德打开开关亮起了装电池的灯笼。

    Ned turned on the lanterns , which worked with batteries

  4. 风吹得灯笼不停地晃荡。

    The lantern swayed in the wind .

  5. 观看这些红灯笼是主要的传统之一。

    Watching the red lanterns is one of the main traditions .

  6. 不同形状和大小的灯笼通常被放在树上,或沿河岸展出。

    Lanterns of different shapes and sizes are usually put on trees , or along river banks on show .

  7. 一次穿越动物园的轻松而难忘的夜间旅行,节日人偶和巨大的动物样式的灯笼会指引你,为你照亮前行的道路。

    A relaxed and unforgettable night time journey through the zoo with festive characters and giant animal lanterns to light your way .

  8. 他们穿着一致,都是蓝色的运动衫和灯笼短裤。

    They were dressed alike in blue jersey and knickers .

  9. 他们有的拥到了走郎上,有的坐在挂着灯笼显得有点阴暗的院子里。

    They overflowed on verandas and many were sitting on benches in the dim lantern-hung yard .

  10. 这是中国的灯笼。

    This is a Chinese lantern .

  11. 因为那个地方没有通电,医生把灯笼递给那个快要当爸爸的农夫,说,“把这个高高举着,这样,我好干活”。

    Since there was no electricity , the doctor handed the father-to-be a lantern and said , " Here . You hold this high so I can see what I am doing . "

  12. 据说在这段时间,逝去的祖灵都会回到家中,为防止祖灵找不到家,人们会在家门口摆放欢迎的火盆,并在屋内挂上灯笼。

    It is said that the ancestors ' spirits will return home , and so each household put fire basins outside at the gate and hang lanterns for the spirits to find their way back .

  13. 非晶SiO2纳米灯笼的制备和表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of the Amorphous SiO_2 Nano-Lantern

  14. 和你最欣赏的欧洲电音DJ们相约灯笼,度过复活节假期的快乐一夜!

    Join us at a joyful spring night out at the Easter party with your favorite collection of European DJs !

  15. 这次去MtGambier主要是为了帮助当地的汉语老师办中国灯笼节。

    The purpose of going to Mt Gambier was to help Chinese teachers for the Lantern Festival .

  16. SAVIDGE:那个灯笼就是你的取暖设施?

    SAVIDGE : That lantern is your source of heat ?

  17. 因此,高领、高腰、灯笼袖的连衣裙或上衣成了她的主要风格,而且只选择名牌比如路易威登、伊夫圣洛朗(yvessaintlaurent)、瓦伦蒂诺(valentino)。

    Hence dresses or blouses with high necks , high waists and Juliet sleeves are her staple if they have the right label ( Louis Vuitton , Yves Saint Laurent or Valentino ) .

  18. 由照亮亚伯科基桥梁,日本人志愿者位置蜡烛点燃了灯笼入佐世保河在期间Obon节日。

    Illuminated by the Albuquerque Bridge , Japanese volunteers place candle lit lanterns into the Sasebo River during the Obon festival .

  19. 店铺由工厂改造而来,房梁露在外面,悬挂着优雅的红灯笼,这里供应冰镇堡林爵香槟(Bollinger),上菜时会敲一下锣。

    Set in a renovated factory with exposed beams and elegant red lanterns , this is the kind of place that has Bollinger on ice and a gong to announce the arrival of your bird .

  20. 展销彩纸灯笼的陈仁山(音,renshanchzen)表示:“我们主要通过经销商向英国销售,但我希望直接销售。”

    " Mainly we sell to the UK through distributors , " said Renshan chzen , who was manning a display of colourful paper lanterns , " but I hope to sell directly . "

  21. 为了庆祝这个胜利,佛罗伦萨人兴起了一个纸灯笼节。

    To celebrate his victory , Florentines initiated the Rificolona Festival .

  22. 根据各部分的描述给灯笼着色。

    Color the lantern according to the words on each section .

  23. 灯笼节,灯谜节对吧?

    The Lantern Festival , the lantern riddle festival , right ?

  24. 在做灯笼的过程中,孩子们也学到了环保观念。

    Children are able to learn about environmentalism during the activity .

  25. 船上的灯笼在疾风暴雨中猛烈地晃动。

    The ship 's lanterns swung violently in the raging storm .

  26. 海南黄灯笼辣椒2种病毒病的电镜诊断

    Diagnosis of Virus in Capsicum chinense Jacq . Using Electron Microscope

  27. 人们都很喜欢这些点亮的灯笼和欢庆的表演。

    People always enjoy the lighted lanterns and the gala performances .

  28. 雪莉:你注意到灯笼上的字了吗?

    Shirley : Did you notice the characters on the lanterns ?

  29. 你把这灯笼点起来,带着它下楼去。

    Light the lantern , take it and go down stairs .

  30. 罗拉:哇,这里有好多灯笼可以观赏啊。

    Laura : Wow , there are so many lanterns to appreciate .