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dēng mí
  • riddles written on lanterns;lantern riddles
灯谜 [dēng mí]
  • [lantern riddles] 贴在灯上的谜语。灯谜是中国民间传统的娱乐活动,多在晚上进行,也叫灯虎。现在贴在墙上或挂在绳上

灯谜[dēng mí]
  1. 另一个传统是猜灯谜。

    Another tradition is guessing lantern riddles .

  2. 另外,猜灯谜也让年轻人彼此互动,进一步地了解对方。

    Another activity , guessing the answers to lantern riddles , gives young people a chance to interact with each other and know more about each other .

  3. 我肯定能赢今年的灯谜会!

    I bet I 'll win the riddle contest this year !

  4. 灯笼节,灯谜节对吧?

    The Lantern Festival , the lantern riddle festival , right ?

  5. 男女老少进行彩灯比赛和猜灯谜比赛。

    Young and old compete in lantern contests and riddle competitions .

  6. 宏扬民族文化发展灯谜艺术

    Developing the National Culture and the Art of Lantern Riddles

  7. 年青的单身人士聚在一起猜灯谜和玩情侣配对游戏。

    Young singles gathered around for lantern riddle quiz and matchmaking games .

  8. 文本·隐喻·认知:灯谜的认知语言学研究

    Text , Metaphor and Cognize : A Cognitive Linguistical Study on Riddles

  9. 京晶:现在人们会猜灯谜,吃汤圆。

    Nowadays people enjoy guessing lantern riddles and eating tangyuan .

  10. 传统的灯谜是直接写在灯笼上的。

    The traditional riddles are written on the lanterns .

  11. 我们还准备了有趣的灯谜游戏和自由讨论。

    There will be fun games and free discussion .

  12. 我很高兴他们已经开始要求灯谜。

    I 'm glad they 've begun asking riddles .

  13. 他们去那里看大型花灯还有猜灯谜。

    B : They go there to see giant lanterns and play quizzes .

  14. 猜灯谜是元宵节上很重要的一项节目。

    " Guessing lantern riddles " is an essential part of the Festival .

  15. 所有中国人都喜爱猜灯谜。

    Riddle solving is beloved of all Chinese .

  16. 此外还有吃元宵、踩高跷、猜灯谜等风俗。

    There are also eating Lantern , walking on stilts , riddles and other customs .

  17. 大部分的小孩子会动手做灯笼、猜灯谜,玩得不亦乐乎。

    Most kids have fun creating lanterns or playing games like guessing the lantern riddles .

  18. 人们很喜欢制灯笼、挂灯笼以及猜灯谜。

    People enjoy the fun by making lanterns , hanging lanterns , and guessing lantern riddles .

  19. 马克:我想我最好好好练习我的中文,这样我就能猜出灯谜了。

    Mark : I think I better practice my Chinese so that I can crack the riddles .

  20. 元宵节时,不少人会提灯笼,去参加猜灯谜大会。

    On the Lantern Festival , many people will carry colorful lanterns and attend the riddle-guessing contests .

  21. 灯谜是中国特有的文字游戏,古时候称作“射虎”,最早出现在宋朝。

    Guessing riddles , coming into being first during the Song Dynasty , were called shoot tiger .

  22. 灯谜是中华民族传统文化艺术的重要内容之一,谜艺活动是社会主义精神文明建设的一个有机组成部分。

    A Lantern riddle is one of the important contents of Chinese nation 's traditional culture and art .

  23. 猜灯谜真有意思,明年的正月十五我还要来,我会猜得更棒的!

    Guess riddles really interesting fifteenth day next year I 'll come , I would guess more stick !

  24. 我有时候觉得看招聘名单上的职衔就像猜灯谜一样。

    I sometimes think that reading the titles on the list is like solving riddles posted on lanterns .

  25. 灯谜作为中国文学的样式之一,具有悠久的历史和研究价值。

    As one of the Chinese literary styles , the centuries-old Chinese riddle is of value to study .

  26. 若是你不喜欢猜灯谜,或许可以去看看天灯。

    If riddles aren 't your thing , you might want to go and watch the sky lanterns .

  27. 由于猜灯谜极具趣味性,又需要动脑筋,所以后来在全社会各阶层中收到普遍欢迎。

    As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom , it has become popular among all social strata .

  28. 因此,就灯谜翻译而言,邦索尔译本不易被译语读者所接受。

    As a result , his translation of the lantern riddles is hardly easy for readers to accept and appreciate .

  29. 灯谜是一种中华传统汉字文化艺术,从它的诞生、发展来看,它具有鲜明的时代性、民俗性和艺术性。

    As a traditional culture of Chinese writing , the art of lantern riddles has its distinctive contemporaneity and folkways .

  30. 如今每逢元宵节,各个地方都打出灯谜,希望今年能喜气洋洋的,平平安安的。

    Now every Lantern Festival , playing riddles in various places , hope this can be joyous , and safely for .