
dēnɡ lonɡ kù
  • knickerbockers;plus fours;knee-length or ankle-length sports trousers
灯笼裤 [dēng lóng kù]
  • [knicker] 长至膝部,在膝部的裤口边袢上收裥的肥大裤子,男人或男孩运动时或非正式场合穿用

  • 打高尔夫球时穿的灯笼裤

  1. 他还穿着他的绿色灯笼裤。

    And he was still in his Green Lantern pajamas .

  2. 她们绝对不能穿灯笼裤,更不应该去钓鱼。

    They certainly did not wear bloomers and go fishing .

  3. 他们会弯下腰露出灯笼裤以示嘲弄

    They bend over and show their bloomers .

  4. 你看见了那个穿灯笼裤的队伍了吗?

    You see them blokes in the knickers ?

  5. 男孩,你是调皮的女孩,你脱下你的灯笼裤。

    Boy , you been a naughty girl and you let your Knickers down .

  6. 不是毛织的灯笼裤。

    It ain 't the full bloomers .

  7. 男式灯笼裤已不时兴了,成了滞销货。三滞销退厂整理或加工为应税菸酒者。

    Goods returned to the factory for reprocessing or refining into taxable tobacco or alcohol products .

  8. 斯麦尔丁中学的男装校服包括一件栗色的燕尾服、橙色的灯笼裤以及一项硬草帽。

    Smeltings ' boys wore maroon tailcoats , orange knickerbockers , and flat straw hats called boaters .

  9. 毛织轧别丁绒宽阔外长裤灯笼裤,缩绒或非织造织物(婴儿的除外)

    Wool worsted gabardine slacks knicker bockers made up of felt or non-woven fabrics ( excl. babies ' )

  10. 虽然辣妈穿的很显身材,但估计谁都会看着那团穿着粉色小裙子和灯笼裤的小家伙会心微笑。

    Hayek wore a shape-flaunting Pucci while her little one played in a pink jumper with matching bloomers .

  11. 他制定了棒球规则并且成立了第一支棒球队??纽约灯笼裤队。

    He developed a list of rules and formed the first baseball team , the New York Knickerbockers .

  12. 小孩穿的上下一体的衣服;下边的一部分像灯笼裤。

    ( usually plural ) a one-piece garment for children ; the lower part is shaped like bloomers .

  13. 我们打篮球的时候,我们在外面打,女孩们穿着裙子和灯笼裤,而且相处融洽。

    When we played basketball , we played outside , and the girls wore skirts and bloomers , and got along fine .

  14. 他穿上红色的灯笼裤,戴上白色的鸭舌帽,唱首歌儿走出森林,来到了公路上。

    He put on red baggy , wear white cap , sing song out of the forest , and came to the highway .

  15. 他们几乎是光着身子,无论男女都穿不合身的短裤或老式的灯笼裤,有三四个穿着破旧的运动衫。

    Nearly naked , both males and females wore ill-fitting shorts or old-fashioned knickerbockers , and three or four had donned threadbare jerseys .

  16. 灯笼裤在英语里是一个用来描述几种不同的女性着的词语。

    Bloomers is a word which has been applied to several types of divided women 's garments for the lower body at various times .

  17. 怎么叫它们都行――灯笼裤、马裤、挖蛤裤――唯一没有被叫过的名字就是短裤。

    Call them what you want -- knickerbockers , breeches , clam diggers -- the one thing they haven 't been is particularly short .

  18. 辣妹身穿束腹紧身衣和镶褶边灯笼裤出席在伦敦举办的颁奖礼,她同时获得“年度企业家”称号。

    The Spice Girl , who also won Entrepreneur of the Year , attended the London event dressed in a corset and pair of frilly knickers .

  19. 另外,这种鸟笼也不是那么难挣脱的。灯笼裤,缩绒或非织造织物(婴儿的除外)

    Besides , this birdcage cannot be that hard to bust out of . knicker bockers made up of felt or non-woven fabrics ( excl. babies ' )

  20. “啊,这场面多让我回想起过去的一切啊&我发现这里人人都穿灯笼裤或宽松裤,”她带着略微拖长的异国口音说,目光又回到他的脸上。

    " Ah , how this brings it all back to me & I see everybody here in knickerbockers and pantalettes ," she said , with her trailing slightly foreign accent , her eyes returning to his face .

  21. 很多参加者为了这项活动特意穿了圆点灯笼裤、普通款条纹拳击短裤等很喜庆的内裤,为这项与众不同的年度活动又增添了一丝滑稽趣味。今年的“无裤日”还在全球24个国家的另外大约50个城市上演。

    Many participants donned festive underwear for the occasion , from polka dot bloomers to basic striped boxers , adding another a measure of frivolity to the unusual yearly happening , which also is staged in some 50 other cities in two dozen countries around the world 。