
  • 网络Projectile Loom;gripper loom;Sulzer Loom
  1. 片梭织机生产弹力牛仔布的工艺探讨

    Study on weaving process for elastic jean manufactured by gripper loom

  2. 片梭织机在生产高目筛网中的应用

    Gripper Loom Used in Fine-Mesh Screen Production

  3. 基于PLC的片梭织机自动混纬系统

    The automatic mixed filling system of projectile loom based on the PLC

  4. 片梭织机导梭齿检验量规的设计量规计算机辅助设计

    Design of Inspection Gauge for Guide Tooth of Projectile Weaving Machine

  5. 片梭织机纬向控制系统低成本改造方案

    Low Cost Innovation Plan of Weft Control System of Projectile Loom

  6. 浅谈片梭织机几种常见疵点的防治

    Prevention and Control of Common Cloth Defects Emerged on Gripper Loom

  7. 片梭织机折入边的结构与设计

    The Structure and Design of Tuck-in Selvedge on Projectile Loom

  8. 片梭织机生产涤棉细布的工艺调整

    Weaving Technology of T / C Fine Plain on Projectile Shuttle Loom

  9. 片梭织机若干工艺设计问题实践与探讨

    Practice and Discussion of Some Process Problems of Projectile Loom

  10. 片梭织机织造双纬织物的实践

    Practice of Weaving Double Weft Fabric in Projectile Loom

  11. 片梭织机的工艺特性及产品开发

    Processing Characteristic and Product Development of Gripper Looms

  12. 片梭织机散件装配结构流程图的绘制及应用

    Drawing and application of assembling structure flow chart of projectile weaving machine knock-down parts

  13. 片梭织机卷取辊涂布金刚砂的研制

    Development of the Method for Applying Emery on Batch Roller of Projectile Weaving Machine

  14. 片梭织机的发展前景及产品开发思路

    Developing Prospect and Development Route of Projectile Loom

  15. 片梭织机布边及废边的改进

    Improving Selvedge and Waste Selvedge on Projectile Loom

  16. 片梭织机与布边

    Traditional shuttle looms and selvedge of fabrics

  17. 片梭织机梭夹的应力分析

    An analysis of the Sulzer loom gripper

  18. 可以在织机的单侧或两侧投梭。苏尔寿片梭织机的打纬机构

    Beat-up Mechanism of the Sulzer Projectile Loom

  19. 片梭织机扭轴的可靠性设计

    Reliability of torsion bar in gripper-projectile loom

  20. 介绍了片梭织机卷取辊涂布金刚砂的制造工艺,并对制造工艺进行了讨论。

    The paper presents and discusses the manufacturing technology of applying emery on batch roller of projectile weaving machine .

  21. 氧含量高质量钢的关键片梭织机扭轴材料评价

    Oxygen Content , a Critical Factor to High Quality Steel ─ Evaluating the Materials of Torsion Bar in Gripper-Shuttle Loom

  22. 文章对在片梭织机上如何处理好布边的问题作了一些理论上的探讨,并介绍了一些经验。

    The paper introduces how to design a good selvedge on gripper-projectile looms in theory and offers the experience for reference .

  23. 苏尔寿片梭织机的筘座驱动装置使用几对共轭凸轮,共轭凸轮沿筘座的宽度方向相同排列。

    The Sulzer sley drive uses several pairs of matched cams , spaced at intervals across the width of the sley .

  24. 从而解决了在没有零件装配图的情况下,装配散件片梭织机的问题。

    Thus under the condition of without component as sembling diagram , solve the problem of assembling projectile weaving machine with knock-down parts .

  25. 本文从引进片梭织机的生产情况和经济效益,论证了片梭织机在棉织厂的发展前景。

    The article proves the developing future of gripper looms in cotton mill , interms of the production conditions and economic profits of the imported gripper looms .

  26. 利用流体引纬时,织机的入纬率与苏尔寿片梭织机相近,但这种引纬方法在织物幅宽上受到限制。

    The technique of inserting weft in a fluid jet achieves weft-insertion rated comparable with those achieved by the Sulzer weaving machine , but there are width limitations .

  27. 为了实现在片梭织机上进行纬向控制系统的低成本改造,自行设计了信号转换板,采用常规电子元器件自制的纬纱传感器代替纬纱检测器,并给出了线路连接图。

    To innovate weft control system of projectile loom with low cost , signal transducer was designed , designed weft sensor was instead of weft detector , circuit diagram was got .

  28. 从土工布应用的市场分析入笔,阐述了片梭织机在推广土工布中的优势及推销片梭织机的对策。

    This paper expounds the dominance of projectile weaving machine in popularizing the earthwork cloth and the promotion of marketing the machine by analyzing the market and utilization of the earthwork cloth .

  29. 探讨片梭织机片梭质量与每次击梭所消耗能量之间的关系,以及如何确定片梭织机扭轴直径和扭轴长度。

    Discusses the relationship between shuttle quality and energy of every beating shuttle on projectile looms , and the approach to making certain the torsion axis diameter and the torsion axis length .

  30. 通过分析片梭织机产生布面油污疵点的原因,从管理、设备、操作三个方面采取相应措施,减少布面的油污疵点,提高产品质量。

    Through investigation of reasons that oil stain cloth defects are formed on gripper loom , measures of controlling such emerged defects are proposed from the aspects of management , devices and operation .