
  • 网络segmental duplication
  1. 结果表明在水稻的12条染色体的九条之间发生了七次片段重复事件,并且大部分的重复发生在2、3、10和12号染色体上。

    The results indicate that segmental duplication events had occurred in rice chromosomes and six chromosome segmental duplications events occurred were found on 9 of 12 chromosomes . Moreover , most of duplications were concentrated on chromosome 2,3,10 and 12 .

  2. serpin基因拷贝与片段重复及转座元件的相关性分析表明,在家蚕微孢子虫11个serpin中,有6个基因与转座元件存在极显著相关性,有两对基因是片段重复产生的多拷贝。

    The relative analysis between serpins and segmental duplications and transposable elements indicated that there are six out of eleven serpins have significant correlation to the TEs , and two pairs of serpins were produced by segmental duplication .

  3. 【目的】应用基因短片段重复序列(STR)对4例曾生育过经典型苯丙酮尿症(PKU)患儿的孕妇,在妊娠8~11周进行产前诊断。

    Prenatal diagnosis was made for 4 women at 8 ~ 11 weeks pregnant who had given birth to phenylketonuria ( PKU ) babies .

  4. 我们从水稻基因组中鉴定出了几种类型的细胞周期蛋白基因,并通过系统发生和随机片段重复对它们进行了描述。

    We identified several types of cyclin genes in the rice genome and characterized them by phylogenetic , tandem and segmental duplications analyses .

  5. 其多态性改变(核心片段重复数减少)与食管癌的易感性关系较密切。

    There should be a closer correlation between the alteration of its polymorphism ( reduction of core segment repetition number ) and esophageal cancer susceptibility .

  6. 后来的程序员无法站在以前程序员的肩膀上,而是制造了大量无用的片段和重复。Scheme程序员之间要彼此重复。

    A great deal of unnecessary fragmentation and duplication of effort : instead of standing on the shoulders of previous programmers , Schemers step on each others'toes .

  7. 许多修改就是在用于JDBC访问的Java代码片段中重复修改某个行,如果使用的是Hibernate之类的数据库持久层,那么这些修改都是可以省去的。

    Many of the changes were simple repetitive one line changes in a series of Java code for JDBC access that is unnecessary if a database persistence layer such as Hibernate is used .

  8. 另外有些基因,特别是由许多相同的碱基对短片段不断重复而所组成的基因,是很难很好地测序的。

    And some parts , particularly those where the same short pattern of base pairs is repeated over and over again , remain difficult to sequence well .

  9. 马铃薯Y病毒CP基因的短片段及其反向重复转基因烟草的RNA介导的抗病性研究

    RNA Mediated Transgenic Resistance to Potato Virus Y by Transforming Tabacco with the CP Gene Segments and Inverted Repeats

  10. 它的特点是在一二个和弦的基础上即兴演奏引子似的片段,不断重复,延长时间,并具有强烈的切分节奏;

    It is characterized by one or two chords in the riffs on the basis of primer-like fragment , repeat , extended time , and has a strong segmentation rhythm ;

  11. 目的在中国汉族人群中寻找散发精神分裂症与多巴胺D4受体(DRD4)基因第3外显子48bp片段可变数串联重复(VNTR)多态性的关系。

    Objective To investigate the association of the 48 bp variable number tandem repeat ( VNTR ) polymorphism in the dopamine D4 receptor ( DRD4 ) gene exon III with schizophrenia in Chinese Han population .

  12. 在这些克隆片段中80%的插入片段是重复顺序,少部分是单拷贝序列。

    Southern blot analysis showed that most of these cloned fragments were in repetitive sequence and a few in single copy sequence .