
shèng yàn
  • feast;banquet;regale;grand banquet;fine dining;sumptuous dinner;blow-out
盛宴 [shèng yàn]
  • [grand banquet] 盛大的宴会;盛筵

  • 举行盛宴为金牌得主庆功

盛宴[shèng yàn]
  1. 啤酒、饮料机械盛宴&中国国际啤酒饮料技术展展会后记

    Grand Banquet of Beer & Drink Machinery

  2. 虚幻状态下的视觉盛宴对现实主体来说意味着什么?

    What does the visual grand banquet under the fancy condition mean to the real mainbody ?

  3. 献祭了两头白牛,并举行了盛宴。

    Two white bulls were sacrificed and a feast was held .

  4. 这部新的系列剧将会是一场特效和舞美的盛宴。

    This new series promises a feast of special effects and set designs

  5. 《芝加哥》将给所有音乐爱好者献上一场听觉的盛宴。

    Chicago provides a feast for the ears of any music lover .

  6. 在皇家餐厅举行了祝捷盛宴。

    A grand victory banquet was served in the royal dining room .

  7. 参观考古与人类学博物馆绝对是一场视觉与思想的盛宴。

    Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology offers a feast of images and ideas .

  8. n.筵席,宴会;节日国王昨晚邀请他们参加盛宴。n.雾;

    feast The king invited them to a feast last night .

  9. 是为了赶赴谁的盛宴,SKY的标志在深色天鹅绒幕布的映衬下,显得熠熠生辉。

    Who rushed to the feast , SKY marks in against the background of dark velvet curtain , the shine appears .

  10. 原料涨价VS圣诞盛宴中国玩具礼品出口左右为难

    Increasing prices of raw materials VS Christmas Feast Export of Chinese toys and gifts in a dilemma

  11. 看T型台上的3D盛宴,伦敦Burberry公司用一场全世界直播的3D时装展向伦敦时装周致敬。

    A 3D trip down the catwalk , British company Burberry capped off London fashion week with a 3D show , streamed live around the world .

  12. 纽约时报的音乐评论家期待这融合天王幻影与3D技术的演出将带给给所有观众一场视听上的盛宴,并将让无数歌迷们津津乐道。

    Jim Farber , music critic for the New York Daily News , said the combination of3-D technology and Michael Jackson could be a strong way for the show to get viewers talking .

  13. 本月的菜品是ApacheGeronimo,请准备好厨房,让我们来烹饪一桌盛宴。

    The dish of the month is Apache Geronimo , so get your kitchen organized and let 's cook up a feast .

  14. 要使Java在长期战略中成为可行的客户端平台,它必须天生能有​你所看到的iPhone/iPad应用那种视觉盛宴。

    For Java to be a viable client platform in the long haul , it must be inherently capable of the sort of visual delicacies that you see in iPhone / iPad applications .

  15. 他的马“永远的盛宴”在比赛刚开始时就被撞到了,骑师钱宁•希尔(ChanningHill)从马上摔了下来。

    His horse , Always a Party , was bumped early in the race and jockey Channing Hill went flying .

  16. 《一代宗师》很快得到了评论人士的好评。《综艺》(Variety)杂志称,这部电影“超乎预期”,而视频直播网站Twitch说该片是动作场面的视觉盛宴。

    Critics were quick to praise ' The Grandmaster . ' Variety said the film ' exceeds expectations , ' while Twitch described it as ' an action-packed visual feast . '

  17. 迟到这场盛宴的厂商正涌向中国:意大利菲亚特(Fiat)本周签署了一项4亿欧元的合资协议,要在中国生产汽车和发动机。

    Those late to the party are piling in : Italy 's Fiat this week signed a 400m joint agreement to make cars and engines in China .

  18. 作为曾统治企业市场的领导者,在如今“带上自己的设备(BYOD)上班”这一商界盛宴中,RIM显然来晚了一步。

    Once the leader in all things enterprise , rim is a little late to the " bring your own device " ( byod ) party .

  19. F1围场俱乐部(PaddockClub)是一个耀眼的娱乐旅行组织,为客户提供美食盛宴、赛道游览和香槟自助餐,平均每人每天花费3000美元。

    F1 's Paddock Club , a glitzy travelling circus of entertainment that provides clients with gourmet banquets , track tours and champagne buffets , costs an average $ 3,000 per person per day .

  20. 新加坡的WOMAD是一个世界级的音乐和舞蹈盛宴。

    The WOMAD Singapore Festival is a feast of music and dance from all over the world .

  21. Jat为庆贺儿子的诞生和幸存在村里举办了盛宴,并表示他将试着让妻子生出更多的孩子。

    But Jat celebrated the birth of the surviving son with a feast for villagers and said he will try for more children .

  22. 这是预言者Elijah的盛宴,所以对所有以Elijah命名的人来说,今天是一个特别的日子。

    It 's the feast of prophet Elijah . So for people with a name derived from Elijah , it 's their special day .

  23. 香港文华东方酒店Pierre餐厅的新年前夜盛宴从餐前鸡尾酒开始,包括小吃和一杯香槟,每位定价4388港币,加收10%的服务费。

    The Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong 's Pierre restaurant offers a New Year 's Eve banquet complete with starting cocktails , canap é s and a glass of champagne for HK $ 4388 per person plus 10 % service charge .

  24. 我也很喜欢Gastronomica杂志最近推出的赫斯顿布卢门撒尔的电视连续剧盛宴。

    I also love Gastronomica magazine and was recently introduced to Heston Blumenthal 's television series Feast .

  25. 日耳曼的Eostra之神是掌管春天繁殖的神,人们在春分的时候为她举办盛宴祭拜她。

    The Teutonic deity Eostra was the goddess of spring and fertility , and feasts were held in her honor on the Vernal Equinox .

  26. 为了庆祝这第一次来之不易的大丰收,他们想要好好感谢一下上帝和当地的印第安人,便邀请Squanto及其瓦帕浓部落参加他们的庆祝盛宴。

    To celebrate their first harvest , the Pilgrims wanted to thank God and the Native Indian . They invited Squanto and the entire Wampanoag tribe to celebrate together in a shared feast .

  27. 洛肯的签名古龙水(售价25土耳其里拉;按照1美元等于2.20里拉计算,约合11.30美元)堪称嗅觉的盛宴,它是店主斋南浦·开曼(ZeynepKeyman)研制的,从玫瑰、无花果、茶和含羞草等经典的土耳其香料中提炼精致而成。

    A feast for the nose awaits in Lokum 's signature colognes ( 25 Turkish lira , or about $ 11.30 at 2.20 lira to the dollar ) , which were developed by the owner , Zeynep Keyman , from classic Turkish essences like rose , fig , tea and mimosa .

  28. 让我们的眼享受盛宴。

    Crushed strawberries ! Come , let us feast our eyes .

  29. 圣诞节盛宴歌舞的狂欢在英国是很常见的。

    Christmas revels with feasting and dancing were common in England .

  30. 但恰恰相反,他们会准备好海鲜和贝类的盛宴。

    Instead , a feast of seafood and shellfish is prepared .