
  • 网络Schmidtea mediterranea;Dugesia;Planarian
  1. 真涡虫是一种扁虫,一种可以被认为是动物的最低级生命形式。

    A planarian is a flatworm , one of the lowest life-forms that can be considered an animal .

  2. 一旦你找出了生活中的真涡虫型人,那么选择去对他们有一点点怨恨这样可以为你免去巨大沮丧。

    Once you 've identified the planarian people in your life , choosing to bear a very light grudge toward them can spare you immense frustration .

  3. 真涡虫的采集和培养是实验教学及工作人员的基本工作。

    Its collection and cultivation is basic work of clerks engaged in the experiment and teaching .