首页 / 词典 / good

  • look;see;presto
  • 看:~见。~病。~热闹。~不起。~得起。


[口] (看) look; see:

  • 东瞧西瞧

    look about;

  • 瞧亲戚

    visit [see] a relative; call on a relative;

  • 瞧热闹

    watch the excitement [fun];

  • 瞧书

    read a book ;

  • 瞧一瞧

    take [have] a look (at);

  • 等着瞧吧。

    Wait and see.

  • 你瞧着办吧。

    You can do as you see fit.

  • 瞧, 他来了。

    See, here he comes.

  • 瞧, 下雪了。 终于是冬天了。

    Look! It's snowing. Winter is here at last.

  1. 瞧!它正在往那棵树上爬呢。

    Look ! It 's going up that tree .

  2. 瞧我们变得有多懒。

    Look how lazy we 've become .

  3. 她把鼻子紧贴着窗户朝里瞧。

    She flattened her nose against the window and looked in .

  4. 你瞧着吧,我们会很开心的。

    We 'll have a great time , you 'll see .

  5. 我有朝一日会出名的,你就等着瞧吧!

    I 'll be famous one day , just you wait !

  6. 嗬,说曹操,曹操就到——瞧,艾丽斯这不来啦!

    Well , speak of the devil ─ here 's Alice now !

  7. 他们突然意识到有些人在瞧着他们。

    They suddenly became aware of people looking at them .

  8. 瞧他那副德行!他以为他是谁?

    Just hark at him ! Who does he think he is ?

  9. 你惹的这麻烦可真够瞧的,是吧?

    You 've got yourself into a lovely mess , haven 't you ?

  10. 她大步从他身边走过,都没有回头瞧他一眼。

    She strode past him without a backward glance .

  11. 他走到窗前仔细往外瞧。

    He went to the window and peered out .

  12. 这事我会找你算账的,等着瞧吧!

    I 'll get even with you for this , just you wait .

  13. 电脑程序在搜索,瞧!找到匹配的了。

    The computer program searches , and bingo ! We 've got a match .

  14. 等着瞧吧,到他遇上这事时,他很快就会改变调子了。

    Wait until it happens to him ─ he 'll soon change his tune .

  15. 咱们等着瞧下一周会怎么样。

    Let 's see what happens next week .

  16. 嘿,瞧着点路!

    Hey , watch where you 're going !

  17. 就这样,你瞧:这就是整个事件的起因。

    So , there you have it : that 's how it all started .

  18. 瞧她现在心烦意乱的样子——你就不能闭上嘴?

    Now she 's upset ─ why couldn 't you keep your mouth shut ?

  19. 瞧那边那些性感的家伙!

    Check out those cute guys over there !

  20. 瞧,将你一军。

    There , you 're in check .

  21. 我今天早晨在公共汽车上见到她,但她连一眼都没瞧我。

    I saw her on the bus this morning , but she totally blanked me .

  22. 不信你等着瞧,他到不了30岁就会成为百万富翁。

    Take it from me ─ he 'll be a millionaire before he 's 30 .

  23. 我们往阴暗处仔细瞧。

    We peered into the shadows .

  24. 瞧他那副自命不凡的样儿!

    He 's so pretentious !

  25. 瞧,我们只不过要出去喝几杯,这有什么坏处?

    Look , we 're just going out for a few drinks , where 's the harm in that ?

  26. 瞧他们对上级唯命是从的样子是多么愚蠢啊。

    See how stupidly they kow-tow to persons higher in the hierarchy .

  27. 我朝船库方向示意,他便往里面瞧了瞧。

    I gestured towards the boathouse , and he looked inside

  28. 喂,瞧,太阳出来了。

    Oh , look . The sun 's come out .

  29. 瞧,你必须非常努力啊。

    See , you got to work very hard .

  30. “瞧,又来了不是?又惹孩子伤心!”雪莉说。

    ' There you go again , upsetting the child ! ' said Shirley
