
  • 网络tax lawyer;tax attorney
  1. 他的新角色与其之前职业可相距甚远他曾在年利达(linklaters)律所任税务律师。

    His new role is a far cry from his previous career as a tax lawyer with Linklaters .

  2. 经营GML的英国税务律师奥斯本周一表示,他预计俄罗斯会向位于荷兰的法庭申请撤销赔偿裁决。

    Mr. Osborne , a British tax lawyer who runs GML , said on Monday that he expected Russia to apply to courts in the Netherlands to have the awards set aside .

  3. 奥巴马政府(obama)刺激美国经济的努力仍在继续,税务律师成为其计划的最新受益者。

    The Obama administration is continuing its efforts to stimulate the economy , with tax lawyers the latest beneficiary of its plans .

  4. 他是税务律师,而我要主修刑法。

    He is a tax lawyer , and I am going to major in criminal law .

  5. 拍卖结束的时候还会有税务律师到场回答所有关于税务及审计方面的问题。

    Tax attorneys will also be present at the end of the auction to answer all tax and audit questions .

  6. 税务律师们表示,美国近期出台的税收和监管措施被广泛视为监管之手伸得过长。

    The recent tax and regulatory measures in the US are widely seen as regulatory over-reach , according to tax lawyers .

  7. 是不是他关注的税务律师想简单的形式“创业”为现有的公司寻找一个新税种,打破呢?

    Wasn 't he concerned that tax lawyers would simply form " start-ups " for existing companies looking for a new tax break ?

  8. 他有会计学的学位,而且他想成为一名税务律师,这当然是税务公司所要求的。

    He had a degree in accounting and wanted to be a tax lawyer , which was of course a requirement with a tax firm .

  9. 虽然看上去这只是一个金融家及他们拿着高薪的税务律师感兴趣的技术问题,但它还具有更广泛的意义。

    Although this seems to be a technical matter of interest only to financiers and their highly-paid tax lawyers , it has a broader relevance .

  10. 尽管放弃美国公民身份对一些批评者来说似乎不怎么爱国或是有避税的嫌疑,但税务律师则指责美国税收条例过于复杂。

    While dumping citizenship may seem unpatriotic or smack of tax avoidance to some critics , tax lawyers blame the Byzantine complexity of American tax regulations .

  11. 国际税务律师指出,人们这样做的原因和海外逃税没有太大的关系,更多的则是因为出现了一种新的税务规划,它成熟而且合法。

    The reason , international tax lawyers say , may have less to do with offshore tax evasion and more with a new generation of sophisticated and legal tax planning .

  12. 想了解有关I.R.S。还款计划和选择延期付税方式,可向税务专家、税务律师或者是当地I.R.S。代理人联系。

    For more information on I.R.S.payment plans and deferred payment options , contact a tax specialist or attorney , or your local I.R.S.representative .

  13. 想了解有关税收申报方面的信息,可与税务专家或者是税务律师联系。

    For information on taxes and filing , talk with a professional tax preparer or tax attorney .

  14. 向税务专家或者向国际税务律师咨询会得到有益的帮助。

    It may be helpful to consult a tax specialist or attorney familiar with international tax matters .

  15. 如果任何优越的税务安排都可被认定为选择性政府补助、因而非法,许多税务律师就失业了。

    If any tax arrangement that beats others can be outlawed as selective state aid , a lot of tax lawyers are out of work .

  16. 如果你存在税务问题,或者在税务上有触犯刑律的可能,务必向税务专家或者是税务律师联系。

    If you have any questions about your taxes , or the possibility of a criminal tax matter , consult a tax specialist or tax attorney .