
  • 网络Air Mobility;air maneuver
  1. 上校R。区允长老,第62空中机动联队司令,事件的主办单位表示,今年的活动有望成为有史以来最大的圈地。

    This year 's event promises to be the largest rodeo ever , said Col.R.Wyn Elder , the commander of the62nd Air Mobility Wing , the host unit for the event .

  2. 空中机动司令部的人员,特别是C-130J办公室里的那些人,直接与我们共同工作,并且与C-130J系统规划办公室和洛克希德·马丁公司一道准备飞机和机组。

    The Air Mobility Command staff , and particularly the folks in the C-130J office , worked directly with us and with the C-130J System Program Office and Lockheed Martin to prepare aircraft and crews .

  3. 空中机动目标三维视景仿真系统研究

    Research of 3D Scene Simulation System Based on Aerial Maneuvering Target

  4. 空基多平台对空中机动目标的被动跟踪定位算法

    Passive locating and tracking of 3D maneuvering target with multi-airborne platforms

  5. 基于光电观测信息的空中机动平台被动跟踪研究

    Research on aerial maneuvering platform passive tracking based on photoelectron

  6. 研究在多个测向站的情况下,对空中机动辐射源的交叉定位和跟踪,主要采用最小二乘法对目标定位。

    A method of multiple stations cross positioning for motive target is researched .

  7. 详细研究了空中机动目标检测的传感器管理问题。

    Besides , it detailedly researches the problems of sensor management on dynamic target .

  8. 小卫星空中机动发射火箭最少发射条件测试分析

    Analysis on Minimum Launching Condition of Fast Testing of Carrier Rocket in Moonlet Flexible Launch

  9. 但正如前任美国运输与空中机动司令部司令官约翰·亨德利将军所指出的,需要从长椅上起身在实战中检验飞机。

    John Handy , the former commander of US Transportation Command and Air Mobility Command , pointed out , the aircraft needed to get off the bench and into combat .

  10. 陆军航空兵装备攻击直升机、运输直升机和其他专用直升机及轻型固定翼飞机,遂行空中机动和支援地面作战任务。

    The Army aviation corps , equipped with attack , transport , and other specialized helicopters and light fixed-wing aircraft , carries out air maneuvers and provides support for ground operations .

  11. 针对基于时延估计的空中机动目标定位与跟踪的算法仿真问题,提出一种以时变时延信号产生算法为基础的仿真方法。

    Aiming at a simulation of algorithms for moving target localization and tracking by time delay estimation , a new simulation method based on an algorithm to generate time-varying time delay signals is put forward .

  12. 通过对超视距空中机动目标的分析和合理的假设之后,提出了用空空导弹攻击超视距空中目标的基本模型。

    Based on the analysis of the characteristics of air maneuvering targets beyond visual range and some reasonable assumptions , a model of air to air missile for attacking air targets beyond visual range is presented .

  13. 针对红外单站被动定位技术中空中机动目标的运动速度不断变化这一实际情况,提出了一种基于红外相机运动特性的对目标的运动速度进行实时更新的校正算法。

    In face of the fact that the movement velocity of an aerial mobile target in the infrared mono-station passive location technology is always in changeable , a real time velocity updating algorithm for aerial mobile target based on infrared camera motorial speciality is presented .

  14. 基于战术意图的空中目标机动态势估计

    Maneuvering Mode Prediction of Aerial Target Based on Tactical Intention

  15. 当空中目标机动时,如何快速实现对机动目标的自适应跟踪,是雷达情报处理系统中必须解决的问题之一。

    How to realize maneuvering target tracking quickly when target is maneuvering is one of problems that radar information processing system must solve .

  16. 在空战中,需要基于空中移动平台对机动目标进行自适应跟踪。

    Under real airbone combat condition , an adaptive tracking of maneuvering targets for airborne mobile platforms is needed .

  17. 成像跟踪系统是利用景物的图像特征,对空中或地面的机动目标进行实时跟踪的系统。

    Image tracking system is a real-time tracking system , which takes advantage of characters of image to track moving targets in the air or on the ground .