
  • 网络air-to-ship missile;ASM;air-to-shipmissile
  1. 空舰导弹武器系统综合作战效能研究

    Research on the Integrated Battle Ability of Air-to-Ship Missile System

  2. 本文对一般空舰导弹的纵向下滑段弹道优化设计进行了探讨;

    The optimum longitudinal glide trajectory design for general air-to-ship missile was discussed .

  3. 根据某型空舰导弹飞行试验要求,选用靶场已有的测控站点,采用双站交会与单站定位数据处理方法相结合,设计了一条射程为Xkm的飞行理论弹道。

    According to requirement of flight test of the air to ship missile , selecting existing measurement and control stations of test range , one flight theoretics trajectory has been designed .

  4. 空舰导弹用激光捷联惯导空中修正技术研究

    Research on LINS Rectification in Flight for Air to Ship Missile

  5. 空舰导弹大射程试验航路精度评估

    Precision Assessment for Test Fairway of Long-range Air to Ship Missile

  6. 基于多维动态规划的空舰导弹最优火力分配模型

    The Optimal Firepower Allocation Models of Air-to-Ship Missiles Based on Multi-Dimentional Dynamic Programming

  7. 不断改进中的空舰导弹

    Development Status of Air - to - ship Missiles

  8. 某型空舰导弹武器系统作战效能的统计模拟

    A statistical simulation on fighting effectiveness of a Certain-type air to ship missile system

  9. 空舰导弹弹道优化算法

    Algorithm for optimizing air - to-ship missile trajectory

  10. 速度法简易检测空舰导弹火控系统动态精度

    Simplified Checking the Precision of the Air-ship Missile Fire Control system with Velocity Method

  11. 空舰导弹武器系统综合效能分析不但对导弹的定型起着一定作用,而且对装载该导弹的作战飞机的作战效能都具有重要的意义。

    Performance evaluation of the air-to-ship missile weapon system is important to both finalize the design and the effectiveness of the planes .

  12. 描述了空舰导弹火力分配问题,建立了火力分配优化模型。

    The problem of fire distribution for air-to-ship missiles is described and the optimal model of fire distribution is established at first .

  13. 其次通过对具有典型意义的五种空舰导弹武器系统综合作战效能进行多因素模糊评估,给出了应用示例。

    The fuzzy method is used to evaluate the operational effectiveness of five typical ASM systems , and the evaluation result is analyzed .

  14. 研究了近程空舰导弹两种飞行方案的设计及弹道计算方法,并以某型导弹为例进行了计算。

    Two flight plannings and trajectory calculation method of short-range air-to-ship missile are studied . Calculation for certain missile as an example is made .

  15. 本文对空舰导弹武器系统有效性、可信赖性、能力的层次划分进行了既独立又交差关联的应用研究。

    The arrangement compartmentalize of anti-vessel missile weapon system effectiveness , including availability , dependability and capability are classified and researched absoluted with associated .

  16. 本文结合空舰导弹应用背景,针对弹用激光捷联惯导系统工作特性以及导弹武器系统作战使用特点,进行了空中修正技术研究。

    The technology of rectification in flight for air to ship missile is researched in this paper , considering the characteristics of LINS and airplane navigation system .

  17. 机载雷达的作用距离与空舰导弹的射程之间的匹配是弹机协调中的关键问题之一。

    The range matching problem between air-to-ship missile and airborne radar , which is the key to the cooperation between air-to-ship missile and its carrier is studied in this paper .

  18. 针对空舰导弹最优火力分配问题,运用运筹学理论建立了以射击效率指标为目标函数的多维动态规划模型,并给出了计算实例及结果分析。

    With the gunning efficiency serving as cost function , the paper establishes multi-dimentional dynamic programming models applying the operational research theories to solve the optimal firepower allocation problems of air-to-ship missiles . It gives an example and simulation results , too .

  19. 空对舰导弹目标毁伤概率的研究

    Study on the Damage Probability of Air-to-Ship Missile

  20. 用统计模拟法研究了空对舰导弹对水面舰艇毁伤概率。

    The damage probability of attacking warship with air-to-ship missile is studied using the method of simulation statistics .

  21. 本文首先分析了空对舰导弹攻击目标的典型轨迹,给出了分辨率、成象区域、脉冲重复频率及成象时间与导弹飞行参数之间的关系;

    This paper analyses the typical track of the missile when attacking a ship target and presents the relations between the resolution , imaging area , pulse repetition frequency and the flight parameters of the missile .