
  • 网络the first snow
  1. 第一场雪比往年提早了一个月。

    The first snow came a month earlier than usual .

  2. 我们这里就要迎来本地的第一场雪了。

    We are welcoming the first snow of this year here .

  3. 我很兴奋,因为这是今年冬天的第一场雪。

    I was very excited since it was the first snowfall this winter .

  4. 2014年的第一场雪将降临美国东北部。

    The first snowstorm of 2014 is aiming for the Northeast .

  5. 昨天下了这个季节的第一场雪。

    We had the first snow of the season yesterday .

  6. 今年的第一场雪让我回忆起旧日美好的时光。

    The first snow this year reminded me of the good old days .

  7. 哈尔滨迎来冬季第一场雪。

    Season 's first snow shower falls on Harbin .

  8. 这是今冬的第一场雪。

    It 's the first snow in this winter .

  9. 今天有点阴天,不知道北京的第一场雪什么时候才能降临?

    The weather is cloudy today , what time the snow will befall ?

  10. 冷空气为成都带来了今年的第一场雪。

    The cold front has brought this year 's first snow to Sichuan province .

  11. 我们放下手头的事跑出去看今年的第一场雪。

    We dropped everything to run outside and see the first snow of the year .

  12. 昨天,江苏省大部分地区迎来了今冬的第一场雪。

    Yesterday , most of Jiangsu Province met with its first snowfall of the winter .

  13. 当第一场雪降临时,火车停驶,机场关闭,企业艰难挣扎,学校也关上了门。

    Trains stopped , airports closed , businesses struggled and schools shut with the first snowflake .

  14. 这个冬天的第一场雪

    The First Snow in the Winter

  15. 很快,第一场雪就到了,四只老鼠回到了洞中。

    Soon , the first snow came , and the four mice went back into the wall .

  16. 第一场雪不仅是一件大事,而且是充满魔力的大事。

    The first fall of snow is not only an event but it is a magical event .

  17. 这张照片是在冬季第一场雪降临蓝池时拍摄的。

    This photograph was taken during the first snow of the season as it fell over the blue pond .

  18. 第一场雪来临时,它们就藏进洞穴&深的树洞、山洞、里面铺有野草的坑洞。

    With the first snow , they den & deep in hollow logs , caves , shallow holes lined with grass .

  19. 他们属于这个奇妙的世界,这与第一场雪同时出现的魔法世界。

    They belonged to that world of wonder , that world of magic , that was born with the first snowfall .

  20. 第一场雪前,因气温下降地面变硬,这时声音开始第一次季节性变化。

    Before that first snowfall , when the ground has hardened from the cold temperatures , sound experiences its first winter makeover .

  21. 西班牙西北部下了今年的第一场雪,孩童在提维沙堆雪人。

    Children make a snowman in Tivissa during one of the first snowfalls of the year in this northeastern part of spain .

  22. 这不仅是刘白看到的第一场雪,也是惠斯勒那年第一场雪。

    This was not only the first snow Bright had seen , but also the first snow of the year in Whistler .

  23. 在这个国度,我们居住的这块地方冬天有时来得早,但通常第一场雪会在圣诞节后才下。

    Winter sometimes came early to our part of the country , but usually we did not get a snowfall until after Christmas .

  24. 事实证明先头部队的开进慢于原计划并且第一场雪早在10月就已经降下。

    The advance of the Army proved to be slower than planned and the first snow began to appear as early as October .

  25. 八月十三日,山里的第一场雪早早地降临了。雪积得有一英尺高,但是很快就融化了。

    The first snow came early , on August thirteenth , piling up a foot , but was followed by a quick melt .

  26. 秋天,下了第一场雪以后,为了抓田鼠,我们转到了最近的草地上去玩耍。

    And in the fall , after the first snow our games took us to the nearest meadows in search of field mice .

  27. 对于忙着庆祝今冬(连续108天无降水后)第一场雪的北京民众而言,论据似乎无可辩驳。

    For the Beijingers busy celebrating the first snowfall of the season ( after 108 days with no moisture ), the evidence seems undeniable .

  28. 在整个北方地区,第一场雪都代表着一个意义重大的时刻,它宣告着雪季的到来,催促人们赶快做好过冬的准备。

    All over the north the first snowfall is a significant time , it heralds the coming season and hastens human preparations for the winter .

  29. 对大庆迎来今年入冬以来的第一场雪时,对此,她极不愿的回忆,这可能是她最近不大言说的苦衷。

    Although she was unable to recall when Daqing usually receives its first snow of the year , the latest one struck her as being heavy .

  30. “一年四季”、“二十四节气”等术语均基于农历而得,所以“2002年的第一场雪”中的纪年应以农历为准。

    One year four seasons and24 solar terms should be based on the lunar calendar , so the calendar in " the first snow in2002 " is the lunar calendar .