
  • 网络Fourth
  1. 他开始了第四届任期。

    He is beginning his fourth consecutive term of office .

  2. 脑梗死诊断符合第四届脑血管病会议修订的诊断标准。全部病例均为急性发病3天内住院患者,均经头CT或MRI扫描确诊。

    Diagnostic criterion was accorded with the fourth national cerebrovascular disease meeting revised criterion . All patients underwent brain CT or MRI examination .

  3. EMMA第四届初级裁判培训班开坛授课

    The Forth EMMA Junior Judge Training Course Begins

  4. 诊断符合第四届脑血管病学术会议修订的诊断标准,并均经头颅CT和/或MRI检查证实。

    They were all diagnosed according to the standards revised at The 4th Conference of Cerebrovascular Disease , and were all checked by CT and / or MRI .

  5. 从第四届CUBA预赛谈江苏省高校高水平女篮技战术水平现状

    Study on the State of Tactic and Skill of Female Basketball Teem of Jiangsu University in CUBA Preliminary Contest

  6. 9月22日~23日,由中国通信学会和IIR国际会议机构共同组织的第四届中国IMT&2000移动通信国际论坛在北京召开。

    During September 22 and 23 , the 4th annual 3G Mobile China International Summit co-organized by CIC and IIR was held in Beijing .

  7. 会议可能通过第四届东京非洲发展国际会议(TICADIV)《行动计划》(其中包括一个监控机制)来解决这些问题。

    Ticad-storyA TICAD IV Action Plan , including a monitoring mechanism , is expected to address these issues .

  8. 但本周三,有近2000人来到加州圣克拉拉市会议中心参加第四届OCP峰会。

    But on Wednesday , nearly 2,000 people gathered in a Santa Clara , Calif. convention center to participate in the fourth OCP summit .

  9. 对第四届CBA-CUBA对抗赛中女运动员焦虑程度与临场技术间的相关性研究

    Relevance between anxiety level and on-the-spot technical performances of the female athletes in the fourth session of CBA-CUBA tournament

  10. 针对亚广联(ABU)第四届机器人电视大赛,搭建一台由单片机控制的轮式机器人,依靠光纤传感器感知场地内白线而前进。

    To take part in the 4th robot contest hold by Asia - Pacific Broadcasting Union , a robot controlled by MCU is constructed and fiber sensors are used to detect the white line in the game field .

  11. 上周六,广东东软信息技术学院(NINT)举办了第四届网络攻防大赛。

    The cyber security competition last Saturday was the fourth sponsored by the Neusoft Institute of Information Technology ( NINT ) in Guangdong .

  12. 通过对四届CUBA联赛中进入过女4强赛的6支球队的技术指标的统计分析,并对第四届CUBA女4强赛中3场比赛中的攻防战术运用情况进行录像观查统计。

    By analyzing the technique statistics of the 6 woman teams , which entered the CUBA semifinals in 4 years , and the tactics application in the 4th CUBA Woman Semifinals from the video record , we summarize the present technique and tactics situation of outstanding woman teams in CUBA .

  13. 2008年1月14日主题为“汇聚成长的力量”的第四届中国会展经济国际合作论坛(CEFCO)在成都骄子国际会议中心隆重举行。

    Jan14, 2008.The4th China International Exhibition Cooperation Forum ( CEFCO ) was held under the theme of " Influx of Growing Strength " at Chengdu Pride International Conference Center .

  14. 养生产业从北京向世界延伸&访第四届世界养生大会组委会秘书长郑志坚

    To the world HEALTH Health Preservation Industry is Extending to World

  15. 《工程热物理学报》第四届编辑委员会

    The 4 ~ th Editorial Council of Journal of Engineering Thermophysics

  16. 第四届全国杀虫微生物学术讨论会概况

    4th Nation Colloquium on the Microbial Control of Insect , Wuhan

  17. 第四届焊管学术年会征文通知

    A notice of soliciting papers for the 4th welded pipe Symposium

  18. 第四届冶金过程动力学和反应工程学学术会议

    The Fourth Symposium on kinetics and reaction engineering of metallurgical process

  19. 从第四届城市运动会排球比赛看新赛制的特点

    Characteristic of New Vollyball Game Rule in The Forth City Games

  20. 第四届斯坦福数学大联盟杯赛年度竞赛(样题):

    Fourth Annual Stanford Math League Competition ( Sample Questions ) :

  21. 第四届东北草原学术会议在长春召开

    The 4th Congress of northeast grassland was held in Changchun City

  22. 第四届国际雉类学术讨论会在北京召开

    The 4th International Pheasant Symposium was held in Beijing , China

  23. 2001年荣获第四届府城传统民间工艺奖刺绣类入选奖。

    2001The selected prize in the Tainan Traditional Folk Craft Contest .

  24. 一年一度举办,现在是第四届的W100K骑行并不轻松。

    The fourth annual W100K ride isn 't an easy one .

  25. 第四届国际二次离子质谱学会议简介

    A brief review of 4th International Conference on secondary ion mass spectrometry

  26. 汇聚世界家具精品打造国际交易平台&第四届中国(乐从)国际家具博览会印象

    World Furniture Elaborate Works Converge to Create International Exchange Setting

  27. 第四届亚欧财长会议讨论世界经济形势

    4th Asia-Europe Finance Ministers ' Meeting Discusses Global Economic Situation

  28. 我衷心祝愿第四届亚洲财富论坛取得圆满成功!

    I sincerely wish this conference will achieve complete success .

  29. 全国第四届冷轧窄带钢生产技术经验交流会

    The 4th meeting on production and technology for narrow strip cold rolling

  30. 第四届女子世界杯足球赛射门及进球研究

    Analysis on shooting and goals of 4 th women World Cup Football