
  • 网络isotype;isoforms
  1. 本报告根据鼻疽菌光滑型菌落的荧光结构变异,将原型称为N型,其荧光变异型分为FR、Fb、Ts及NF等型。

    Based on the colonial variation in morphology and fluorescent structure the original colony type of Ps.

  2. 本文针对日本小松4D、6D等型柴油机的使用实践,系统分析了缸套的穴蚀现象。

    Based on the application practice of Komatsu diesel engine model 4D and 6D the cavitation phenomenon in cylinder liner is analyzed systematically .

  3. 综合管理需考虑大功率机车,也需考虑旧有的韶山等型国产机车。

    High-power locomotives should be considered in the integrated management , and the old-made locomotives such as Shaoshan also need to be considered .

  4. 验证性因素分析结果显示幼保系学生的生活风格包含浪漫关怀、自主进取、社交时尚等型。

    The result of CFA shows that there are three life style factors among ECEC students , including romance and caring style , self-decided and ambition style , social and fashion style .

  5. 他们发现,与收银员等被动型职业相比,律师、医生等要求高、自主性也更强的从业者患痴呆症的比例少三分之一。

    They spotted3 a third fewer cases of dementia among people who had engaging jobs which involved demanding tasks and more control — such as solicitors4 and doctors , compared to adults in ' passive ' roles — such as cashiers .

  6. 丰富的寄主植物以及本身具有的多食性特性有助于B型、Q型等生物型在世界各地的广泛入侵。

    Multitudinous host plants and the inherent polyphagous characteristics enhance the wide invasion of B and Q biotypes in different counties .

  7. Internet上的信息访问,以及大部分新兴的信息应用比如DSS、OLAP等分析型应用,都需要数据集成技术的支持。

    To access information on Internet and most new information application such as DSS and OLAP will need the support of data integration technique .

  8. 目的介绍PCL、PLGA、PLA等聚酯型高分子纳米载药系统的研究进展。

    OBJECTIVE To introduce the progress of drug-loaded nano-system of polyesters such as PCL 、 PLGA 、 PLA .

  9. 如何准确、有效的集成海量高价值的Web信息,对于诸如市场情报分析、舆情分析、商业智能等分析型应用尤为重要,具有非常重要的应用价值和现实意义。

    How to integrate large-scale and high-value Web information accurately and efficiently is particularly important for such analytical applications as market intelligence , public opinion analysis and business intelligence and has good application effect and broad prospects .

  10. 基本结论对POS支付、ATM交易等网络型产业的接入定价与规划政策具有一定借鉴参考价值。

    The main conclusions are meaningful to the regulation of access pricing in network industries such as POS payment system and ATM transaction system .

  11. 系统构建了以microsoftSQLserver2000为平台的宏观金融数据仓库,不仅能对业务数据进行查询等事务型处理操作和简单的统计汇总,而且还能对各种数据进行复杂分析;

    The finance data warehouse based on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 , not merely operate transaction process such as data inquire , and can carry on complicated analysis to various data ;

  12. 成败型数据在工程中非常常见,且成败型系统的可靠度置信限对诸如指数、正态、weibull等寿命型系统可靠度置信限具有参考价值。

    It is common of Pass-fail component test data in the projects . Reliability of pass-fail series systems has reference to such systems as exponential , normal , weibull .

  13. 编制Fortran程序,以逐步破坏法为基础,根据有限元法计算出的加筋板单元应力应变结果,可以用来计算船舶与海洋工程等箱型梁结构的极限强度。

    The Fortran program is also complied to calculate the ultimate strength of the box girder structure based on the results about stress-strain relationship of stiffened panels calculated by FEM .

  14. 当拥有一定财富时,人们不再满足于银行储蓄、债券等保守型投资,而将目光转向股票、外汇等风险型投资,同时随着中国进入WTO,投资者也可以选择海外产业投资。

    When having a certain wealth , people are no longer satisfied in bank savings , bonds and other conservative investments , while turning to the stock and foreign exchange risk investment , as China entered the WTO , investors can choose to overseas industrial investment .

  15. rol基因的表达能诱导被感染植物产生发根,再培养后所形成的植株具有一系列的如矮化,生根力强等表现型,国内外学者对rol基因这一特性作了深入的研究。

    Expression of rol genes induces plant infected to produce hairy roots which regenerate plants with a series of variations such as dwarf and powerful rooting ability .

  16. 在中医症状疗效方面,两组均能改善胸闷、胸痛、心悸、气短等气虚型心绞痛主次症表现,各项中医症状疗效两组间比较均无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    At the aspect of treatment effect of traditional medicine , both groups could ameliorate the symptoms of angina pectoris of type qi deficiency such as chest pain , chest distress , short breath and so on . But between the experiment and control groups there was no significant difference .

  17. OOC是传统活性污泥法的改良工艺,该反应器综合了渐减曝气和氧化沟等池型的优点,具有简易、高效、节能的特点。

    OOC is a improved process of conventional activated sludge method . The bioreactor integrates the advantage of tapered aeration process with oxidation ditch , so it is simple and effective , and can save energy .

  18. 产烟曲霉酸等甾型抗生素的真菌,例如烟曲霉和金龟子绿僵菌等,具有优良的甾体羟化和C1,2位脱氢能力。

    Aspergillus fumigatus and Metarhizium anisopliae , fungi which produce steroid antibiotics like helvolic acid , have a great capability for steroid hydroxylation and C1,2 dehydrogenation .

  19. 新翼虎与新款福克斯依托于同一平台,起价为22500美元,它的竞争对手是本田(Honda)CR-V、丰田RAV4、马自达CX-5和起亚智跑(KiaSportage)等紧凑型SUV。

    The new escape , based on the same architecture as the new Ford Focus , starts at $ 22,500 and competes against the Honda CR-V , Toyota RAV4 , Mazda cx-5 and Kia Sportage .

  20. 北极地区的大型稀有隼,有白色和暗色等色型。

    Large and rare arctic falcon having white and dark color phases .

  21. 投资农、业、畜牧业等集约型农业项目。

    Intensivism agricultural projects such as farming and livestock husbandry .

  22. 对冲基金一直在吸引来自养老基金等保守型投资者的投资。

    Hedge funds have been attracting investment from conservative investors such as pension funds .

  23. Pd/TiO2等负载型钯催化剂中载体和金属间的相互作用研究

    The study of SUPPORT-METAL interaction in pd / tio_2 and other supported palladium catalysts

  24. 读书、看报和学习等发展型休闲活动以中青年和高文化层次的居民为主;

    The second , youth and high cultural quality people are more enjoying learning and reading .

  25. 经物理改性后的色素水溶液用琼脂、阿拉伯胶等赋型剂进行赋型,获得粉末辣椒红色素,该品具有良好的水溶性;

    Agar and Arabic gum are good forming agents of the aqueous capsanthin after physical modification .

  26. 地方政府对农业等公益型研究机构的管理和改革研究

    Study on the Administration and Reform of Agricultural and other Public Welfare Research Institutions by Local Government

  27. 磷化氢动态潮解法是配合环流熏蒸使用的一种施药方法,可用于平房仓、浅圆仓、立筒仓等仓型。

    Phosphine dynamic deliquescence has been used for recirculation fumigation in warehouses , squat silo and silo .

  28. 第二节研究了《看虹录》、《摘星录》与《水云》等对话型复调文本。

    Section 2 studied Kan Hong Lu , Zhai Xing Lu and Shui Yun and other dialogue-based polyphonic texts .

  29. 加息无疑会带来的货币升值,肯定不会让德国和日本等出口型国家欢呼。

    Exporting nations such as Germany and Japan will hardly cheer a stronger currency that would doubtless accompany higher rates .

  30. 与发行股票、债券以及担保贷款等传统型融资相比,证券化有着很大的不同。

    It is quite different from such traditional means of financing as stock issue , bonds issue and loan against collateral .