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  • isotonic solution;isoosmotic solution
  1. 钠是通过蒸馏提取的。氯化钠和蒸馏水构成的等渗压溶液。

    Sodium is made by distillation . an isotonic solution of sodium chloride and distilled water .

  2. 方法:向大鼠肺内滴注等渗酸溶液,机械通气1小时后测定通过肺泡上皮屏障的双向蛋白流和肺泡液体清除率。

    Methods : Isosmolar acid solution was instilled into rat lungs followed by mechanical ventilation for 1 hour . Bidirectional flux of protein across the lung epithelial barrier and AFC were then examined .

  3. Miles手术的会阴切口,用等渗氯化钠溶液连续冲洗法治疗35例。

    The perineal wounds of Miles ' operation in 35 patients were treated with continuous normal saline irrigation postoperatively for the prevention of wound infection .

  4. 静脉内输液和注射就是用和血液等渗压的盐溶液进行的。

    Intravenous feeding and injections are performed using a salt solution that is isotonic with blood .