
  • 网络Grade score;elo;Elo rating;scale score
  1. 计算结果基于“世界足球等级分”。

    Calculation is based on " World Football Elo Rating " .

  2. 今年5月,他的Elo等级分达到2882分,这是人类选手曾获得的最高分。

    In May , he reached an Elo rating of 2,882 – the highest a human being has ever achieved .

  3. 报名单需包括:姓,名,国际棋联ID,国际棋联等级分及称号,护照号码及陪同人员信息。

    The complete registration form must include the surname , first name , FIDE ID number , FIDE rating and title , and passport number of each player and each accompanying person .

  4. 今年5月,他的“Elo”等级分达到2882分,这是人类选手曾获得的最高分。

    In May , he reached an " Elo " rating of 2882 - the highest a human being has ever achieved .

  5. 她刚取得第二个国际象棋大帅等级分。

    She has just achieved her second grandmaster norm .

  6. 对于已确定的棋手等级分仅计算与其他已确定的棋手的对局。

    For established players ratings are only calculated in games with other established players .

  7. 临时等级分不公布。

    Provisional rating are not published .

  8. 根据茶芽冻伤率,茶叶霜冻等级分为6级。

    Based on the frostbite rate of tea buds , we defined six grades of tea frost disaster .

  9. 比赛开始时,棋手有起始分,等于他们当前的正式等级分系数。

    In the beginning of a tournament the players have start ratings , which are equal to their the current official rating coefficients .

  10. 临时棋手在赛事开始时整个赛期暂停临时身份,直到新的等级分计算出来。

    A players who is provisional at the start of an event stays provisional through the whole event until a new ratings are calculated .

  11. 根据桥梁的类型、性质、重要程度、结构特点和使用功能要求等将桥梁防水等级分为三级,设计时按不同等级设防。

    According to the types , quality needs , structure performance and function of bridges , the waterproofing systems for concrete decks are divided to three grads .

  12. 如果临时棋手在比赛期间成功升格为确定的等级分,赛后他的临时等级分将重新进入确定的等级分。

    If the provisional player during a tournament has fulfilled the conditions to become an established rating his provisional rating will turn into established after the event .

  13. 一个由于不同原因丧失了等级分系数连珠棋手,经他所在国连珠联盟批准后,可以重新获得他的旧等级分。

    A renju player , which due to different reasons has lost his official rating coefficient , can regain his old rating again when his national renju federation approves .

  14. 给棋手国际等级分的比赛之后,所有贡献(正的或负的)都要加上棋手起始等级分系数。

    After a tournament , which entitles the players to international rating , all contributions ( positive or negative ) to a given players start rating coefficient are summed up .

  15. 把风险等级分为可忽略风险区、低风险区、中等风险区、高风险区和极高风险区。

    Based on the grades , five zones , negligible risk zone , low risk zone , medium risk zone , high risk zone and very high risk zone are differentiated .

  16. 根据隧道突水能造成的危害、紧急程度和发展态势,将预警等级分为四级,依次用红、橙、黄、蓝四种颜色表示,即四色预警。

    The early warning grading was devided into four classes , which was represented by red , orange , yellow and blue according to the damage , emergency degree and development situation .

  17. 研究结果表明:(1)运用等级分划分类法组分析技术进行桂林喀斯特石山地区苔藓植物生态分布的研究是可行且有效的;

    The result of research shows : ( 1 ) The methods of group analysis of mathematical ecological hierarchical in divisive classification being applied to study the ecological distribution of bryophyte is feasible and effective .

  18. 按照学时等级分为初、中、高级三个阶段,运用正确使用相对频率法分别统计出每个阶段的习得顺序。

    According to the school level , we divided them into early , middle and senior three stages , respectively by applying the method of correctly using relative frequency statistics from each stage of the acquisition sequence .

  19. 为保证埋地钢质燃气管道的运行维护管理需要,我们可将管道质量状况评价等级分为1、2、3、4、5五等。1级为最高等级,5级为最差等级。

    For the sake of the gas pipeline works normally in long-term , we can be divided into the quality grade 1,2,3,4 and 5 . 1 level is the highest grade , and 5 level are for the worst grade .

  20. 在足底压力区域分割计算中,将压力等级分为三级,并使用大津阈值法自动求解相应等级的分割阈值,完成足底压力区域的分割。

    In Plantar pressure area segment , pressure level is divided into three levers and the method of OTSU threshold was used to calculate threshold for segmentation which corresponds to the pressure level , and then complete segmentation of the plantar pressure region .

  21. 经等级相关分祈示mdr刁和冲的表达与耐药性密切相关。

    Expression level of mdr-1 and Irp were significantly correlated with clinical resistance through rank correlation analysis .

  22. 在下一代网络(NGN)中,提供分等级、分业务、细粒度的Qos保证机制是一个关键性的问题。

    In the Next Generation Network ( NGN ), the supplication of fine granularity guaranteed Qos for different classes and services is a key issue .

  23. 各项研究还得出,美国人没有等级之分。

    Study after study finds that Americans are not hierarchical .

  24. 整个旅程不应有等级之分。

    There should be no hierarchy for the whole trip .

  25. 作为批评家的读者,其抗拒性阅读有等级之分,建立在没有对话基础上的抗拒性阅读是主观臆想的霸权式阅读;

    Without interlocutory base , the resistant reading is hegemonic .

  26. 60000m~3/h等级空分设备配套氧气透平压缩机的研制

    Development of oxygen turbocompressor for 60000m ~ 3 / h air separation units

  27. 本条款所指“分包商”应包括卖方所有等级之分包商。

    " Subcontractor " as used in this clause shall include Seller 's subcontractors at any tier .

  28. 自然界的其他存在与自封为灵长的人类存在都是和谐发展链条上不可缺少的环节,并没有价值等级之分,和人类一样,它们也拥有神圣不可侵犯的发展权利。

    Both human beings and the other existence are necessary links of harmonious development , and have the same inalienable developing right .

  29. 阎学通用这些论文来支持自己的一个观点,即各国之间是(或者说应该是)天生有等级之分的。

    Yan uses these essays to argue for his notion that relations between states are , or should be , inherently hierarchical .

  30. 采用这种排座策略的用意是反映公司没有等级之分,该公司称,这对招聘千禧世代特别有帮助。

    The seating strategy was meant to reflect the lack of hierarchy at the company , which it says was especially helpful in recruiting Millennials .