
fán tǐ zì
  • the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character
繁体字 [fán tǐ zì]
  • [the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character] 已由简化字代替的汉字

繁体字[fán tǐ zì]
  1. 我和张国立都认为,能不能选择50个或更多有含义的繁体字,增加到小学的课本里,让小学生感受传统文化。

    Actor Zhang Guoli and I wonder if we can resume using 50 or more traditional Chinese characters and include them in textbooks to enable students to better learn traditional Chinese culture .

  2. 巧用Word2003制作繁体字电子手册

    To Make Electronic Handbook of Complicated Chinese Characters by Word 2003

  3. 你是学简体字还是繁体字?

    Do you learn simplified character or traditional character ?

  4. 当前,繁体字和简体字两大字体体系存在于中国不同的地区。

    At present , two major writing systems coexist in different areas of China .

  5. 检查中药名之第一字,用繁体字,以笔画为序。

    Select the amount of strokes of the first traditional Chinese character of herbs .

  6. 艾伦:这里的中文系是教繁体字或是简体字?

    ALLEN : Does the Chinese department here teach regular characters or simplified characters ?

  7. 简化字与繁体字笔画数的动态统计与比较

    Dynamic Counting and Contrast between the Stroke Numbers of Simplified and Traditional Chinese Characters

  8. 繁体字版中文图书检索途径初探

    On the Retrieval Approach of Donated Books Printed in the Complicated Type of Chinese Characters

  9. 为繁体字和简体字之间的诸多不同之处作一综述。

    A summation of the kinds of differences found between traditional characters and their simplified versions .

  10. 香港和台湾一直保留着繁体字的传统。通常来说,同样一个字,繁体字的笔画要多于简体字。

    Hong Kong and Taiwan retained traditional Chinese , which usually has more strokes per character .

  11. 恢复繁体字的主张夸大了繁、简体字间的差异。

    Advocates for reinstating traditional characters exaggerate the break of the simplified system from the traditional orthography .

  12. 没繁体字签名没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。

    No one indebted for others , while many people don 't know how to cherish others .

  13. 这是以前常用的繁体字。

    Those are traditional characters .

  14. 范冬琳说:我们也不再硬性要求学生,一定要写繁体字而不是简体字。

    We also dropped the requirement for students to write traditional characters rather than simplified ones , says Fan .

  15. 你好繁体字大权林。是的,我上午十一点将参加一个会议。

    B : Hello , Lin. Yes , I 've got a meeting this morning at eleven o ' .

  16. 电视节目将不再使用任何不规范字,繁体字将被撵出荧屏。

    TV programs will no longer use any nonstandard words and complex characters will fade away from TV screen .

  17. 一些汉字的笔划将增加,更接近于繁体字。

    Some characters will have more strokes added and thus be brought closer to their earlier , more complicated forms .

  18. 我用繁体字,因为我的电脑只装有繁体字。

    I used traditional instead of the simplified characters ( traditional character is the only form installed in my computer ) .

  19. 赵星花了七年时间来筹备这次旅行,她学习了繁体字,还深入研究了台湾文化。

    Zhao then spent seven years preparing for the journey , learning traditional Chinese characters and undertaking deep research into Taiwanese culture .

  20. 他们称,汉字无需返回传统的繁体字,也不用进一步简化。

    China , they say , need not move back toward the traditional forms , nor further along the path of simplification .

  21. 本课程的重心在标准的发音及用法、读繁体字和简体字以及写作。

    The focus of the course is on standard pronunciation and usage , on reading in both complex and simplified characters , and on writing .

  22. 本章对恢复繁体字的必要性和可行性做了论述,提出了恢复繁体字的观点。

    Based on the necessity and feasibility of recovering the traditional Chinese characters , this paper puts forward the viewpoint to reuse the traditional characters .

  23. 姚思宇读的书略有不同——竖排版的繁体字、没有标点符号。

    Yao Siyu reads books that are a bit different - the traditional Chinese characters are printed vertically on the page and there is no punctuation .

  24. 研究中国的文字,特别是如今的简体字和繁体字,有着重要的现实意义。

    There are important realistic meanings of studying the characters of China , especially the simplified Chinese characters and the original complex forms of simplified Chinese characters .

  25. 文章还分析了对全部繁体字进行类推简化所存在的问题与困难,进而指出:对全部繁体字进行类推简化,既无必要也无可能。

    This article analyzes the existing problems and difficulties encountered in this attempt of exhaustive simplification and points out that it is neither necessary nor possible to do so .

  26. 香港人反对的东西很多,从大量内地产妇占据产科病房,到使用简体汉字(而非香港惯用的繁体字)的公司广告。

    Hong Kongers have objected to everything from Chinese mothers crowding their maternity wards to company advertisements in simplified Chinese rather than the complicated Chinese characters used in Hong Kong .

  27. 学生若在中文学校学习的是繁体字和注音符号,在三藩市上高中的时候,必将遇到严重的知识衔接问题。

    If students were to study traditional characters and Zhu Yin phonetics in Chinese school , this would cause a conflict with what they learn in San Francisco 's high schools .

  28. 教育部这项规章意味着考生将被禁止使用繁体字,也杜绝了极个别考生使用甲骨文答卷的现象。

    The Ministry of Education regulation means students will not be allowed to use traditional Chinese characters , or , in some extreme cases , oracles , in their answer sheets .

  29. 所涉及的商标都含有繁体字鸡及鸡图形,从商标标识来看构成商标标识近似,但是,相关公众对两商标标识仍然能够进行区分。

    It constitutes similar trademarks from the trademark signs because both of the signs have the Chinese-traditional version of Ji and the image of chick . However , related publics can still distinguish them .

  30. 将汉字的文化因素融入到汉字教学中的技巧有以形体结构为突破口、重现繁体字、延伸深层文化、以点带面掌握规律。

    The skills of teaching Chinese character related to the cultural factors are the shape and structure as a breakthrough , reproducing complex characters , extending deep culture , understanding and applying the rules .