
  • 网络NBC;MSNBC;National Broadcasting Company;NBC Universal
  1. 圣地亚哥的美国全国广播公司报道称,星巴克所在的圣地亚哥县从5月1日起就要求在公共场所佩戴口罩,商家有权拒绝为任何不戴口罩的顾客服务。

    San Diego County , where the Starbucks is located , has required masks in public since May 1 , according to NBC San Diego , and businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone without one .

  2. 去年6月,美国全国广播公司(NBC)据称耗资43.8亿美元拿下截至2020年底的奥运会转播权。

    Last June NBC spent a reported $ 4.38 billion to secure Olympic broadcast rights through 2020 .

  3. 还记得美国全国广播公司NBC的剧集《名声大噪》一经首播便获得剧评家们的一致好评吗?

    Remember when NBC 's Smash premiered to a standing ovation from critics ?

  4. 根据美国全国广播公司财经频道介绍,电子商品连锁店百思买(BestBuy)在1981年还叫“音乐之声”(SoundofMusic)。当时,其品牌旗下位于明尼苏达州的罗斯维尔零售店被龙卷风夷为平地。

    According to CNBC , electronics chain Best Buy was still called Sound of Music back in 1981 when the brand 's Roseville , Minnesota , store was reduced to rubble by a tornado .

  5. 白宫的几个通讯记者组成一个歌唱团,并受邀在美国全国广播公司电视台(NBC)表演节目。

    A few White House correspondents formed a singing group . They were invited to appear on NBC .

  6. 这部NBC(美国全国广播公司)剧集的第九季于9月20日上映,本季也将是该剧的完结季。

    The ninth season of the NBC comedy series , which premiered on Sept 20 , will be its last .

  7. 中午过后,罗切特就向美国全国广播公司(NBC)详细地描述自己和同伴被冒牌警察抢劫的经历。

    Shortly after midday , Lochte describes to NBC in detail how men impersonating police officers approached him and his group .

  8. 美国全国广播公司(NBC)发消息称,著名情景喜剧《老友记》的主演们将重新聚首,参与录制两小时的特别节目。

    The cast of the hit sitcom Friends are to reunite for a two-hour special , according to US broadcaster NBC .

  9. 上个月,由美国全国广播公司NBC打造的梦露主题的百老汇音乐剧《名声大噪》初次亮相。

    Last month , a new NBC series , Smash , about a fictional Monroe-themed Broadway musical , made its debut .

  10. 周二,照例是10分钟的车程去上班,路上还听着美国全国广播公司财经频道(CNBC)的广播。

    On Tuesday he drove his usual 10 minutes into work listening to CNBC on satellite radio .

  11. 在接受美国全国广播公司(NBC)采访时,这位共和党总统候选人表示,如果自己利用关税将工厂从墨西哥迁回美国国内的计划遭遇挑战,美国可能会退出WTO。

    In an interview with NBC , the Republican presidential candidate said that the US might withdraw from the WTO if his plans to use tariffs to bring factories back from Mexico were challenged .

  12. 上周五,巴西马拉松运动员范德莱•德•利马(VanderleideLima)在里约点燃火炬(见上图),标志着美国全国广播公司(NBC)对奥林匹克运动会(OlympicGames)商业成功的数十年押注翻开最新一章。

    When Brazilian marathon runner Vanderlei de Lima lit the torch in Rio on Friday , it marked the latest chapter in NBC 's decades-long bet on the commercial success of the Olympic Games .

  13. 奥巴马周日在美国全国广播公司(NBC)“与媒体会面”节目发表讲话时还表示,他认为对三大汽车公司中的任何一家来说,破产都不是一个可接受的办法。

    Speaking on NBC 's'Meet the Press'Sunday , he also indicated he didn 't believe bankruptcy is an acceptable course of action for any of the companies .

  14. 美国全国广播公司(nbc)上周报告称,其奥运会在线视频流有45%正在向智能手机和平板电脑传送。

    US broadcaster NBC reported last week that 45 per cent of its online video streams of the games are being delivered to smart phones and tablets .

  15. 根据美国全国广播公司的报道,专家们对在Ursuline修女院找到的三具骨骸做了一系列的DNA测试。

    According to NBC , a team of specialists have begun a series of DNA tests on three different skeletons found in an Ursuline convent in Florence .

  16. 一月份,卡尔•伊坎与比尔•阿克曼本应该在美国全国广播公司财经频道(CNBC)就康宝莱公司(Herbalife)进行辩论。

    In January , Carl Icahn and bill ackman went on CNBC supposedly to debate Herbalife ( HLF ) .

  17. 著名电视流媒体网站Hulu即将与美国全国广播公司(NBC)、福克斯(Fox)以及美国广播公司(ABC)达成一项新协议,用户将能在Hulu上观看到三家公司的节目。

    Hulu , NBC , fox , and ABC are close to a new deal that would keep their content available for viewing on the popular tv-streaming web site .

  18. 我可以确认从这部美国全国广播公司的情景喜剧中获得灵感的超过70道菜中一定有“JustforJoeyFries”和莫妮卡的“FriendsgivingFeast”。

    And I can confirm that the more than 70 recipes inspired by the hit NBC sitcom 100 % include recipes for Just for Joey Fries and Monica 's Friendsgiving Feast .

  19. 最近几年,社交网络Facebook、Twitter和领英(LinkedIn)已从新闻集团(NewsCorp)、美国全国广播公司(NBC)等机构招了不少记者和编辑,以帮助处理媒体集团与其发行平台之间的关系。

    In the last few years , social networks Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn have hired reporters and editors from the likes of News Corp and NBC to help broker relationships between media groups and their distribution platforms .

  20. 这也许就是许多人看了美国全国广播公司(NBC)的情景剧《办公室》(TheOffice)之后都深有感触的原因,这部剧的主题思想是:要是没有其他人,办公室会是个不错的工作场所。

    This may be why so many of us could relate to the NBC sitcom ' The Office , ' with its universal message : The office would be a fine place to work , if it weren 't for everyone else .

  21. 共和党副总统候选人在CNBC(美国全国广播公司财经频道)上称这一政策的花销将大于所获和保底金额,因此说它不是明智的财政政策。

    The Republican vice presidential nominee told CNBC the cost would outweigh the benefits and amount to a bail out for what he calls " bad fiscal policy . "

  22. 如果苹果和康卡斯特无法就交易达成一致,新服务不会涉及美国全国广播公司(NBC)或它所拥有的有线电视网,比如精彩电视台(Bravo)和科幻频道(Syfy)。

    If Apple and Comcast do not come to terms on a deal , the new service will not include the broadcaster NBC or the cable networks it owns , such as Bravo and Syfy .

  23. Zillow首席经济师斯坦o汉弗莱斯告诉美国全国广播公司消费者新闻与财经频道(CNBC),他相信这正是市场上房屋库存量低的原因,而低库存在近几个月延缓了房地产市场的复苏。

    Zillow 's Chief Economist Stan Humphries told CNBC that he believes this is partly why the inventory of homes on the market is so low , a dynamic that has held back the real estate recovery in recent months .

  24. 他曾在美国全国广播公司电台和英国广播公司工作。

    He has worked for NBC radio and for the British Broadcasting Corporation .

  25. 美国全国广播公司在网络上直播奥运比赛,占用了宝贵的宽带带宽。

    NBC is streaming the games live online , which taxes highly valuable bandwidth .

  26. 美国全国广播公司财经频道报道称公司之前计划的上市时间为8月初。

    CNBC reported that the company had previously scheduled its listing for early August .

  27. 财政部部长做客美国全国广播公司财经频道时呼吁大家要有经济爱国主义意识。

    On CNBC , the Treasury Secretary called for a new sense of economic patriotism .

  28. 美国全国广播公司开通广播1926年的11月15日,美国全国广播公司(或译国家广播公司)广播网开通,开通之初有24家电台。

    NBC radio network opens November 151926 , The NBC radio network opens with 24 stations .

  29. 美国全国广播公司当时正在播放这场演出,即刻为她“失宜的手势”而道歉。

    NBC , the network airing the show , swiftly apologised for her " inappropriate gesture . "

  30. 美国全国广播公司的道歉信

    Letter of Apology from NBC