
  • 网络Continental;Continental Airlines Inc;Continental Airline
  1. 严重的湍流迫使美国大陆航空公司飞机转移到迈阿密紧急降落。

    Severe turbulence forced a Continental Airlines plane to divert to Miami to make an emergency landing .

  2. 趁安保人员离开岗位之际,他弯身钻过安全绳索,与女友拥吻,然后两人手挽手走到美国大陆航空公司登机口,目送她登机。

    He slipped under the rope and kissed her and , arm in arm , walked her to her Continental Airlines gate and saw her onto the jetway . " And immediately I left ," he said .

  3. 工人们正在清理周四发生在纽约水牛城的通勤飞机坠毁的遗骸,美国大陆航空公司3407航班垂直落下撞击一处民居,机上48人和地面1人遇难,在家的两个人成功逃离。

    Workers are removing the remains of the victims of Thursday 's commuter plane crash near Buffalo , New York . Continental Connection Flight 3407 plummeted into a house , killing all 49 people on board and one person on the ground , two people in the home managed to escape .

  4. 弗拉纳根打电话给联合航空快运公司(UnitedCargo)的同事,这家当时还被称作美国大陆航空的公司(ContinentalAirlines)在圣诞节当天,将轮椅免费送到了那个男孩手中。

    Flanagan 's calls to colleagues in United Cargo and then-Continental Airlines got the wheelchair delivered , at no charge , on Christmas Day .

  5. 现在美国至少有六家航空公司允许乘客使用手机办理登机手续,它们是美国航空公司、大陆航空公司、三角洲航空公司、西北航空公司、西南航空公司和阿拉斯加航空公司。

    At least half a dozen airlines in the United States currently allow customers to check in using their mobile devices , including American , Continental , Delta , Northwest , Southwest and Alaska .