
  • 网络southwest airlines;LUV;Southwest Airlines Co
  1. •如果让美国西南航空公司(SouthwestAirlines)来负责压缩我们的预算,它会怎么做?

    • how could Southwest Airlines ( LUV ) cut our costs ?

  2. 想想美国西南航空公司(SouthwestAirlines)的例子。

    Consider Southwest Airlines as an example .

  3. 美国西南航空公司以及主要经营区域航线的Envoy航空公司和Expressjet航空公司准点率最低。

    Southwest and regional carriers Envoy and Boeing express jet had the worst .

  4. 举例说,在美国西南航空公司(SouthwestAirlines),管理者需训练行李处和登机口的员工,帮助他们掌握飞机晚点或其他应急事件发生时的处理方法。

    Southwest Airlines ' ( LUV ) managers , for example , train baggage and gate staff to know exactly what to do if planes are late or other problems arise .

  5. 比如,跟其他航空公司相比,美国西南航空公司(SouthwestAirlines)提供登机优先权服务比较晚,现在公司提供“晨鸟”自动验票登机服务,单程10美元。

    For example , Southwest Airlines ( LUV ) , which is relatively new to priority boarding , now offers an " EarlyBird " automatic check-in option for $ 10 , each way .

  6. 这三位研究人员的成果显示,脸型较宽的首席执行官——例如戴尔的迈克尔o戴尔(MichaelDell)以及美国西南航空公司的赫伯o凯莱赫(HerbKelleher)——都获得了优异的财务业绩。

    The three researchers already shown that firms whose male CEOs have wider faces - think Dell 's Michael Dell , or Southwest Airlines " Herb Kelleher - achieve superior financial results .

  7. 然而这些变化与美国西南航空公司(SouthwestAirlinesCo.)温馨舒适的公司文化相差甚远。在西南航空公司,专门有一整个部门负责在员工家属生病的时候向员工发送支助通知或在他们生孩子的时候发出贺信。

    But the changes are a long way from the warm-and-fuzzy corporate culture of Southwest Airlines Co. , where an entire department is devoted to sending employees supportive notes when a family member is ill or congratulations when they have a baby . '

  8. 美国西南航空公司经营战略研究

    Study on Business Strategy of US Southwest Airlines

  9. 精益管理是低成本航空运营成功的关键&美国西南航空公司运营管理案例分析

    Lean Thinking is the Key Factor of the Success in the Operation of LCCs

  10. 9.11后的美国西南航空公司

    US Southwest Airlines after 9.11

  11. 廉价航空公司美国西南航空公司不同意支付30万美元以解决广告诉讼的判罚,西南航空被控广告太好以致于不现实。

    Discount carrier Southwest disagreed to pay 300000 dollars to settle charges essentially advertise affair on television was too good to be true .

  12. 上个世纪九十年代以来,以美国西南航空公司为代表的低成本航空赢利模式在世界各地推行,并获得巨大的成功,影响和改变了整个行业的基本架构和发展方向。

    Since the late of last century , the business model of low-cost airline represented by Southwest Airlines spread all over the world , influences and changes the framework and development of the world aviation industry .

  13. 美国西南航空公司一名飞行员误将飞机降落在密苏里州布兰森附近机场,此前不到一天,他将波音737停在了一个专为小型飞机使用的机场。

    The pilots of a Southwest Airlines flight that mistakenly landed at the wrong airport near Branson , Missouri have been grounded , less than a day after they landed their Boeing 737 at an airfield designed for smaller aircraft .

  14. 通过对低成本航空公司的鼻祖&美国西南航空公司运营管理模式进行研究,认为其成功的核心因素是对精益思想的灵活运用。

    Through analyzing the operation mode of American Southwest Airline & the originator of low cost carriers ( LCCs ), this paper proves that the key factor of the success in the operation of LCCs is the application of lean thinking .

  15. 美国联邦航空管理局表示,美国西南航空公司不按规定维修某些客机,需为此支付1200万美元的民事罚款。

    Federal Aviation Administration is proposing a 12-million-dollar civil fine against Southwest Airlines for allegedly not complying with repairs on some of its jetliners .

  16. 美国联邦航空管理局称,自2006年开始,美国西南航空公司及其承包商对44架客机的铝制机身进行更换,以解决潜在开裂隐患,但是并未遵照适当的程序。

    The FAA alleges that starting 2006 , Southwest and the contractor did not follow proper procedures when replacing the aluminum fuselage skins on 44 planes to eliminate potential cracking .

  17. 美国联邦航空管理局对瓦卢杰所有飞机下了禁飞令,这家运营商最终精简机队后重新开始运营,但他们再也无法挽回客户群体,并最终与小公司穿越航空合并,如今一起化作了美国西南航空公司的一部分。

    After the Federal Aviation Administration grounded all ValuJet planes , the carrier eventually returned to the air with a reduced fleet , but it never rebuilt its customer base and ultimately merged with the smaller AirTran Airways , which is now a part of Southwest Airlines .