
  • 网络ISM;Institute for Supply Management;US Institute for Supply Management
  1. “总体而言,很难说服许多制造商相信,我们即将迎来复苏,但数据表明,假如目前的趋势持续下去,我们将在第三季度看到增长,”美国供应管理协会主席诺伯特奥尔(norbertore)表示。

    " Overall , it would be difficult to convince many manufacturers that we are on the brink of recovery , but the data suggest that we will see growth in the third quarter if the trends continue , " said Norbert ore , ISM chairman .

  2. 美国供应管理协会称制造业活动指数在去年12月跌至28年来的最低点。

    The Institute for Supply Management said its manufacturing activity index fell to the lowest level in28 years in December .

  3. 主要购买经理人组织美国供应管理协会表示,管理协会制造业指数上升0.5至56.2。

    Institute for Supply Management , a key purchasing managers group , says its manufacturing index was up 0.5 to 56.2 .

  4. 美国供应管理协会称,今天非制造业活动的指数上升至55.1,任何评级都在50之上。

    The Institute for supply management saying today its index of non-manufacturing activity rose to 55.1 , any rating above 50 suggest expansion .

  5. 美国供应管理协会今天表示,其对于工厂活动的评级因新订单和生产下滑在上月呈现下跌趋势。

    The institute for supply management said today that its rating on factory activity dropped last month s new orders and production fell .

  6. 下周三,美国供应管理协会将发布6月份非制造业活跃指数,市场将看到美国服务业的一项指标。

    On wednesday , the Institute for supply management will release its index of u.s.non-manufacturing activity for june , which will give a reading on the services sector .

  7. 主要制造业经理人组织美国供应管理协会表示,其制造业指数为55.3,指数高于50表示制造业处于扩张态势,而指数低于50则表示制造业处于收缩状态。

    The Institute for Supply Management , a key purchasing manager groups say its manufacturing index was 55.3 and it reading above 50 indicates expansion of manufacturing while reading below that level that shows contraction .

  8. 据主要采购经理组织美国供应管理协会表示,8月份制造业指数的增幅创2011年6月以来的最高水平,上升幅度超过1个百分点。

    The Institute for Supply Management , a key purchasing managers group , says its manufacturing index in August expanded at its fastest clip since June of 2011 , rising more than a full point .