
  • 网络Export-Import Bank;eximbank;US-EXIM;US Export-Import Bank;Ex-Im Bank
  1. 但他表示,他还感到担心的是,共和党人正推动不为美国进出口银行(USExport-ImportBank)提供新的资金。美国进出口银行的行长是弗雷德•霍赫贝格(FredHochberg),该行将于今年6月耗尽资金。

    But he said he was also concerned about the current push by Republicans not to renew funding for the US Export-Import Bank , led by president Fred Hochberg , which is due to run out of money in June .

  2. 霍奇博格,美国进出口银行主席。

    Fred P.Hochberg – Chairman and President , Export-Import Bank of the United States .

  3. 而希拉里可能的对手杰布布什(JebBush)则表示,他会关闭美国进出口银行。

    Jeb Bush , her likely opponent , said he would close Exim .

  4. 中国进出口银行在短短两年里发放了大约6700亿美元信贷——超过美国进出口银行(USExImBank)在之前80年期间提供的贷款、担保和保险。

    The latter has in the space of two years doled out about $ 670bn in credit - eclipsing all of the loans , guarantees and insurance extended by the US ExIm Bank in the previous eight decades .

  5. 这使得支持美国进出口银行(Eximbank)愈发重要,如果不想让美国企业处于劣势的话。

    That makes it all the more important to sustain Eximbank , if US companies are not to be put at a disadvantage .

  6. 去年,奥巴马政府勉强避免了美国进出口银行的关门。

    The Obama administration narrowly avoided the shutting down of the Ex-Im Bank late last year .

  7. 波音公司一位发言人说,商业银行近期的疲软令美国进出口银行的融资支持显得更为重要。

    A spokesman for Boeing said recent weakness in commercial banks has made Ex-im bank financing all the more important .

  8. 然而,与这一进展相伴随的,却是最近几周另一场争论的再次出现,争论的主题是美国进出口银行在美国贸易政策中到底处于什么位置。这场争论已在共和党内部造成了分歧。

    But that advance has been accompanied by the re-emergence in recent weeks of a debate over Ex-Im Bank 's place in US trade policy that has divided Republicans .

  9. 赖斯表示,这个问题对通用电气至关重要,如果美国进出口银行被关闭,通用电气很可能将不得不把燃气轮机和喷气发动机的生产转到海外,在那里它能够利用其他国家的出口信贷机构。

    Mr Rice said the issue was crucial for GE and that if the Ex-Im Bank were to be shut down it was likely to have to shift production of gas turbines and jet engines overseas where it could take advantage of other countries ' export credit agencies .

  10. 除美国主权担保以外,美国进出口银行不提供任何补贴。

    Barring the US sovereign guarantee , exim provides no subsidies .

  11. 拉斯金还提到了中国多家开发银行为中国出口商提供廉价信贷的问题。美国担心,中国这么做,会将美国自身的进出口银行(Export-ImportBank)及其支持的美国出口商挤出市场。

    Ms Raskin also discussed the issue of China 's development banks providing cheap credit to Chinese exporters , which the US fears will crowd out its own Export-Import Bank and the US exporters it supports .

  12. 在许多企业对美国监管政策的不确定性表示不满之际,将美国进出口银行的再授权周期缩短为一年只会加剧它们的不满。

    At a time when many businesses complain about regulatory uncertainty in the US , a one-year renewal for exim would only add to it .

  13. 他补充说,美国有数百家中小型企业为通用电气供货,这些企业的生存在许多情况下依赖于美国进出口银行帮助安排出口融资和担保。

    Hundreds of small and medium enterprises in the US supply GE and their survival in many cases depends on Ex-Im Bank helping to arrange export financing and guarantees , he added .