
  • 网络Fair Labor Association
  1. 美国公平劳工协会(FLA)评述

    Judgment on American Fair Labor Association

  2. 上月,苹果对美国公平劳工协会(FLA)的一份报告表示支持。该报告建议,中国三家生产苹果产品的富士康(Foxconn)工厂应改善工作条件。

    Last month , Apple backed a report by the Fair Labor Association that recommended improvements in working conditions at three Foxconn factories in China where its products are made .

  3. 该报告称:在生产高峰期,工人每周平均工作时间超过了美国公平劳工协会的60小时标准。

    The report said : During peak production periods , the average number of hours worked per week exceeded the FLA Code Standard of 60 hours .

  4. 报告称:考虑到工人们对工资能否满足他们基本需求所表达的担忧,美国公平劳工协会建议展开后续调查,记录支出类型,以及满足基本需求的工资的各项实际成本。

    Given the concerns expressed by workers about whether wages cover their basic needs , the FLA recommends a follow-up study to document spending patterns and the actual costs of the components of a basic needs wage , the report said .