
  • 网络critical mass;cluster effect;clustering effect
  1. 数值计算结果表明,在两种情况下所得到的减光子压缩真空态当湮没光子数k为奇数时均呈现出群聚效应,而当k为偶数时呈现反群聚效应。

    For both cases , the theoretical results show that for these quantum states anti-bunching effects appear when k , the number of depleted photons , are even , and bunching effects appear when k are odd .

  2. 增光子压缩真空态的反群聚效应

    Anti - bunching Effects of the Photon - added Squeezed Vacuum States

  3. 波动群聚效应和杠杆效应是资本市场风险变异性的两个重要特征。

    Volatility clustering and leverage effect are two important risk features in the capital market .

  4. 并且,上海期铜市场的风险特征发生重大变化,具有明显的波动群聚效应,但分阶段呈现杠杆效应。

    Furthermore , leverage effect emerges only after January 2001 , while volatility clustering has existed over the whole period in Shanghai Future Markets .

  5. 研究人员把这种传染性称为离婚群聚效应,他们指出,亲近朋友离婚会使你的离婚几率增加75%。

    The researchers have called it divorce clustering and say that a split up between immediate friends increases your own chances of getting divorced by 75 % .

  6. 同时,作出二阶关联函数随压缩参量η变化的曲线来描述减光子压缩真空态所呈现的反群聚效应的变化特性。

    The relation curves between the second-order correlation function of the deplete squeezed vacuum states and the parameter η are also plotted to describe the anti-bunching effects .

  7. 首先,我们以增、减光子奇偶相干态为背景构造了增、减光子压缩真空态,并对它们的非经典效应&光子反群聚效应进行了研究。

    In this thesis , we focus our theoretical study on the non-classical effects of some quantum states , such as the photon-added and photon-depleted even / odd coherent states and the photon-added squeezed vacuum states .