
qún zhònɡ tuán tǐ
  • mass group;mass organization;nongovernmental group;nongovernmental organization
群众团体 [qún zhòng tuán tǐ]
  • [mass organization] 非国家政权性质的人民大众的各种组织、机构的总称

  1. 从政治参与的团体因素看,群众团体的政治参与缺少独立性,主要是贯彻执行党和政府的政策。

    In group angle , mass group Political Participation was to implement policy of CPC and government , short of independence .

  2. 群众团体的工作,应由群众团体自己去讨论和执行。

    The work of a mass organization should be discussed and performed by the organization itself .

  3. 该组织成立于1955年,并迅速发展成为中产阶级的一个群众团体。

    The organization was founded in1955 and quickly mushroomed into a mass movement of the middle class .

  4. 通过与各个群众团体、企业、志愿群体及个人的合作

    " through collaboration with communities , Businesses , volunteer groups and individuals ,"

  5. 增强社会群众团体表达利益和整合利益的功能;

    The mass organizations should be helped to strengthen their functions of interest integration .

  6. 其次,要推动群众团体,主要的是工会和贫农团。

    Next , the mass organizations , chiefly the trade unions and poor peasant leagues , must be moved into action .

  7. 不能在地主面前去打击或批评群众团体及其干部,以致增高地主气焰。

    We cannot criticize or attack mass organizations or their cadres in front of the landlords , lest we inflate their arrogance .

  8. 这些群众团体的发展,在创造政权、巩固政权和支持抗日方面都起到了重要作用。

    The development of these mass organizations had played an important role to create and consolidate the regime and support the anti-Japanese struggle .

  9. 党对群众团体,应加强其政治领导,不应在组织上去包办。

    The Party , on its part , should strengthen political leadership over the mass organization , but not act in its place .

  10. 卯、党的领导及各项政策应该充分地通过政权和群众团体去实现。

    The party should exercise its leadership and have its policies implemented by giving full play to the role of governments and mass organizations .

  11. 那样的党连个群众团体也不如了,怎么领导人民搞建设?

    A party like that would be no better than a mass organization , how could it be expected to lead the people in construction ?

  12. 教学与科普专业委员会是中国药理学会所属的二级学会,是药理学教学工作者的学术性群众团体。

    The Committee of education and popular science is a second class member of Chinese Pharmacological Society and a mass academic organizetion of Pharmacogical teachera .

  13. 实业界和教育界人士并不总能认识到这一点。计划生育协会是由热心于计划生育的各界人士组成的具有广泛社会基础的群众团体。

    Consisting of people from all walks of life who are interested in family planning , these associations are mass organizations with an extensive social basis .

  14. 群众团体的经费,应逐渐做到自给,政府给以足够的津贴。组织群众、宣传群众、教育群众、服务群众

    Mass organizations should gradually become financially self-supporting , but the government will provide them with adequate subsidies . Mobilize , inform , educate and serve the people

  15. 军队派到乡村工作的干部,必须统一于当地党的领导之下,在当地群众团体的工作计划之下步调一致地工作。

    Army cadres sent to rural areas must work under the leadership of the local Party organizations and in conformity with the plans of the mass organizations there .

  16. 今后群众团体的经济开支,可以自己负责,不必由政府审核。

    From now on , the mass organizations should be responsible for their own budget expenditures ; it is not necessary for the government to examine and verify them .

  17. 建立社会、学校、家庭、社区、街道居民委员会、经济部门、群众团体、机关、街道媒体四结合的宣传思想工作模式;

    Set up four propaganda thought work patterns combined of society , school , family , community , neighborhood committee , economic department , mass organization , organ , street media ;

  18. 高校学生社团是在校大学生基于兴趣爱好、特长或者某些需要而自愿组成的并按一定规定和章程自主开展活动的群众团体。

    College student associations are based on interest hobby , special skill or some need and voluntary composition and according to certain rules and articles of the mass organizations independently conduct activities .

  19. 党政机关、群众团体、事业单位和全民所有制的企业单位和个人、干部符合条件的,都应该退休。

    The company unit of organization of Party and goverment officials , masses , institution and system of ownership of the whole people and individual , cadre accords with a condition , should retire .

  20. 如群众团体或干部有失理处,可以加以解释,同时指出地主的不合理。

    If the mass organizations or their cadres have done something unreasonable , we can offer explanations to the landlords and , at the same time , point out the landlords ' unreasonable actions .

  21. 新农业技术推广体系是由企业产业服务体系、农技推广政府机构、农业科研机构和大专院校、农村经济技术合作组织和其他社会群众团体组成的。

    And new agricultural technology extension system structure : the Government agricultural extension agencies , industrial technical extension services system , rural economic and technical cooperation in agricultural research institutions and universities , organizations , other social mass organizations .

  22. 学术型社团是由一群有志于某一学科或某一研究领域的学生自愿组织而成的群众性团体。建设学术型学生社团是提高大学生创新能力的重要渠道。

    Buiding college students ' academic organizations in HEIs is an important way to improve students ' innovation capability .

  23. 一些群众性团体和组织也承担了大量的保障儿童事业发展的任务。

    Some mass organizations also perform many tasks to guarantee the development of the work concerning children in China .

  24. 一方面,妇联是一个群众性团体组织,其基本职能和任务与专业妇女社会工作具有一致性;

    On the one hand , women organization is a mass organization and its basic function and responsibility is in harmony with professional women 's social work .

  25. 高校学生志愿组织是指由兴趣相同的学生自愿组成、并由学校相关部门批准的群众性团体。这一志愿性组织是体现高校校园文化、培养人才的重要载体。

    Student volunteer organizations is the same inclination or the interest of students and voluntary organizations approved by the school authorities amateur mass organizations and the campus culture is an important carrier of hidden curriculum .

  26. 高校学生社团是校园非正式群体,是学生在学习、生活中因共同志趣爱好而自发组织的相对独立地开展活动的群众性团体,是学生自我教育、自我管理、自我服务的有效形式。

    College students association is an on campus informal group , which is independent in activity by students of same interest in study and life and is good for students self education , self management and self service .

  27. 从理论上来讲,这一运作模式能充分利用政府职能部门,群众学术团体和各校体育系、部的现有资源,使我省体育科研水平进一步得到提高。

    According to the theory , this moving pattern can fully use . the government 's function department , the public academic group and the PE department 's source , make our provincial PE Scientific Research further improved .

  28. 群众性健身团体的非协调发展及其调适

    Accommodation and Unharmonious Development of Mass Athletics Gymnastic Group

  29. 学会是由从事交通运输系统工程或相关专业的工程、管理、科技、教学和企业等部门单位,以及具有高级职称的专家组成的群众性学术团体。

    It is a non-governmental academic organization of engineering , management , science and technology , teaching , and enterprises .

  30. 中国科学社是民国时期影响最大、范围最广的综合性、群众性科学团体。

    The Science Society of China was the most influential , extensive science society with its mass and comprehensive character in the era of the Republic of China .