
  • 网络self-reinforcing;self-reinforcement;self-enhancement
  1. 凭借微处理器每台电脑的中央引擎市场约70%的份额,英特尔可以从自我强化的规模优势中受益,让它能够比AMD多投入逾3倍的研发支出。

    With about 70 per cent of the market for microprocessors the central engine of every computer Intel benefits from a self-reinforcing scale advantage that allows it to outspend AMD on research and development by more than four to one .

  2. 这种自我强化的循环并不适用于所有人。

    This self-reinforcing cycle doesn 't work for everyone .

  3. 重点介绍了Fisher的债务&通货紧缩理论和Krugman的通货紧缩自我强化的模型,对其他从货币金融和非货币金融角度分析通货紧缩成因的理论,论文也作了概括。

    It emphasized Fisher 's theoryof debt-deflation and Krugman 's model of self-strenth deflation and also summarizes other theoretical analyses from the aspects of currency finance and non-currency finance .

  4. 外部强化表现为语言强化和媒体强化,而自我强化表现为行为者本身的强化。

    While self reinforcement is the process of behaviorist ' ego .

  5. 过度投资的循环周期就是这样自我强化的。

    The cycle of excess investment is thus self-reinforcing .

  6. 这种自我强化的过程可能会使夏季与冬季之间出现巨大的价格差异。

    The self-reinforcing process can produce a large gap between summer and winter prices .

  7. 在制度变迁中,同样存在着报酬递增和自我强化机制。

    In system revolution , there exists a mechanism of increasing returns and self-reinforcement .

  8. 这些制度的建立使工作简单有序,但也同时不断自我强化,变得根深蒂固。

    These processes create simplicity and order , but they also become entrenched and self-reinforcing .

  9. 它的实施将建立在三个自我强化的因素之上:可靠性、警示性和稳妥性。

    Its implementation will build on three self-reinforcing elements : credibility , alertness and steady-handedness .

  10. 欧元区很可能会陷入一个自我强化的银行、政府债务违约循环。

    The eurozone could easily fall into a self-reinforcing cycle of bank and government debt default .

  11. 20世纪80年代以来,保险业的发展走上了自我强化的良性循环发展之路。

    Since 1980s , the insurance industry has gradually developed into a self-strengthened and virtuous path .

  12. 自我强化的基于身份的广播加密方案

    Self-enforcing ID-based Broadcast Encryption Scheme

  13. 在牛市中,交叉持股具有股价上涨市值增加业绩增长股价上涨这一自我强化机制。

    In the bull market , cross-shareholdings is with " rising stock prices-the market value-growth-rose ," the self-reinforcing mechanism .

  14. 从成立至今,我们一直在基于这三条价值观进行招聘和人才培养,实现员工的自我强化。

    Since our founding , we have hired and promoted based on these values , which makes them self-reinforcing .

  15. 持续不断的政治妥协和制度的自我强化,可以使政治系统得以生存和延续,因此也就具备了适应性和复杂性。

    Sustainable political compromises and systematic intensification lead to the existence and continuation of adaptive and complicated political systems .

  16. 同时,党政领导干部公开选拔制度由于其自身的自我强化机制而使得其不断得到巩固发展。

    At the same time , because of its self strengthening mechanism , it has been get consolidate development .

  17. 路径依赖的自我强化作用要求中小企业必须在原有基础上进行逐步创新。

    It is required for small and medium-sized enterprises to be gradually innovated by the self-strengthening of path dependence .

  18. 其原因在于我国已经形成内生性和外生性两种外汇储备增加的自我强化机制。

    In this article , the author advocates that some self-strengthening mechanism leading to the accelerating increase in Forex Reserve exists .

  19. 相对于传统的比较优势,集聚产生的优势具有自我强化的特点,对当今世界产业的空间分布起着越来越重要的作用。

    Compared with traditional comparative advantages , agglomeration advantages are self-reinforced and play an increasingly important role in the modern industry location .

  20. 在这些系统中,重力并非恒定不变的外力,而是恒星自身的产物,波动可自我强化。

    Because gravity in these systems is not a fixed external force but a product of the stars themselves , waves can be self-reinforcing .

  21. 大量的数据和案例表明,外资形成的产业集群,越来越有助于提升产业、区域竞争力和自我强化吸引外资的能力。

    A great quantity of data and cases indicate that FDI cluster is more helpful to promote both industrial competitiveness and regional self-strengthening FDI absorption .

  22. 区域发展中存在路径依赖机制,一次偶然事件可能引致某一区位获得一定发展优势,一旦这种优势确立,这个区域将会通过报酬递增而自我强化。

    There is path dependence mechanism in regional development , an accidental event could bring certain development advantage to a location , and then lead to self-reinforcement .

  23. 欧洲共同农业支持政策对于欧洲国家的经济增长和社会福利的改善发挥了重要作用,而且这种作用在随着其共同农业支持政策的完善而不断自我强化。

    The European common agricultural supporting policy has played a more and more important role in promoting the development of economy and the improvement of social welfare .

  24. 基于场所内的同质性和高集聚度场所的优质性,企业外部人获得信息费用的节约将导致场所内获得自我强化的集聚经济。

    Due to the same features and the advantages of high-concentration , the cost saving of information acquiring by enterprise outsiders would cause concentration economy and self-strengthen inside the location .

  25. 若要在欧元区化解自我强化的银行挤兑的威胁,唯一可信的政策是在全欧元区范围建立存款保险和银行清盘机制(在欧元区层面上)。

    The only policy that can credibly counter the threat of a self-reinforcing bank run in the eurozone would be a eurozone-wide deposit insurance and bank resolution regime at eurozone level .

  26. 使得这一切固化为自我强化的紧密范式的是股东价值:企业的唯一存在目的是实现股东回报的最大化。

    What locks them all together in a tight , self-reinforcing paradigm is shareholder value - the assertion that the sole purpose of the company is to maximise returns to shareholders .

  27. 本实验考察了在教学活动中,动力系统中自我强化和学生期待两因素与中学生学习效率的关系。

    This research studied the relation between the two factors in the dynamic system , self reinforcement and students ' expectation , and high school students ' learning efficiency in education .

  28. 在娱乐业掀起一轮自我强化、防守姿态的整合热潮之前,美国的监管机构和公司都应该考虑一个问题:现在的局面有何不好?

    Before the entertainment industry plunges into a frenetic round of self-reinforcing , defensive consolidation , both US regulators and companies should consider : what is so bad about what we have ?

  29. 在经济利好时期,人类集体心理和自我强化的经历让我们相信自己生活在一个崭新的时代,在这个时代,陈旧的繁荣与衰退的钟摆律已被赶走。

    In good times , collective human psychology and self-reinforcing experience convince us that we are living in a new era , where the old oscillations of boom and bust have been banished .

  30. 人性经常会自我强化,导致周期性的贪婪与恐惧,最终分别成为泡沫或者黑天鹅。

    It feeds on itself quite frequently , leading to accentuated periods of " greed " and " fear " that tend to be labeled " bubbles " or " black swans ," respectively .