
zì wǒ àn shì
  • autosuggestion;self-suggestion;auto-suggestion
自我暗示[zì wǒ àn shì]
  1. 通货膨胀有如自我暗示、催眠术、麻醉剂,可以减轻手术时的痛苦。

    Inflation is the autosuggestion , the hypnotism , the anesthetic , that has dulled the pain of the operation for him .

  2. 如果你的思想锁定在贫困或贫困表象的话,那么这些影响力就会经由自我暗示转移到潜意识中。

    If your thoughts are fixed on poverty or the physical signs of poverty , these influences are transformed to your subconscious by autosuggestion .

  3. CUBA篮球运动员在竞技比赛中自我暗示效果的研究

    Research on Effect of Application of Self-suggestion of CUBA Players

  4. 方法:选择自愿参加者103名,以心率和ST-T波为指标,在诱导被试进入短时放松入静状态后,采用电脑型8110K心电图机,连续观察自我暗示对心率和ST-T波的影响。

    Methods : 103 cases were chosen in this study and were induced a brief state of relaxation . During self-suggestion the cardiac rate and ST-T wave were analyzed by the 8110k electrocardiography .

  5. 运用自我暗示,有效控制自我;

    Fourthly , control themselves effectively by the use of self-hint .

  6. 短时放松入静状态下自我暗示对心脏功能的调节作用

    The Role of Self-suggestion in Regulating Heart Function under Relaxation

  7. 自我暗示法在篮球投篮教学中的运用

    The Application of " Self-suggestion " in the Teaching of Basketball Shooting

  8. 自我暗示套语与投篮效果的实验研究

    An Experiment on Self-suggestion Formulae and the Effect of Shots

  9. 体育比赛中建立自我暗示的鉴别方法与控制技术

    Hints Control Technique And Distinguish Methods In Athletic Competitions

  10. 我们都是每天有意或者无意地不断自我暗示的结果。

    We are the result of what we daily think consciously and subconsciously .

  11. 自我暗示会成就你的生活也会毁掉你的生活。

    Self-talk can make or break your life .

  12. 运用程序化参赛模式和自我暗示提高帆船运动员十运会比赛成绩&对十运会帆船冠军的心理训练方案设计与心理干预

    Design and Intervention of Mental Training Program towards Champion Sailing of the 10th National Games

  13. 随时随地做积极的自我暗示。

    Make positive self-suggestions whenever you can .

  14. 自我暗示可以引发信心梁式引线带自动焊接器


  15. 让自己放松,深呼吸,冥想,进行积极的自我暗示。

    Teach yourself to relax ; breathe deeply , meditate , use positive self-talk with yourself .

  16. 这种证据简单明了,也易于举证,证据就包藏在自我暗示的法则里。

    The proof is simple and easily demonstrated . It is wrapped up in the principle of auto-suggestion .

  17. 竞技体育中的自我暗示

    Self-suggestion in competitive sports

  18. 射击心理训练的常用方法有放松训练法、自我暗示训练法、模拟仿真训练法、抗干扰训练法等。

    Such methods as relaxation training , self-suggestive training , simulation training , anti-disturbance training are often used .

  19. 她的经历是一个很好的例子,用一些积极的自我暗示,来增强跑步的动力。

    Her experience is a great example of how a little positive self-talk can improve your running motivation .

  20. 方法运用语言暗示、行为暗示、自我暗示及榜样暗示进行护理质量管理。

    Method The language hints , behavior hints , self-hints and role-model hints were applied in nursing quality control .

  21. 自我暗示法是心理训练的一种方法,将自我暗示法应用于篮球投篮教学中,通过对投篮命中率影响的初步探讨和研究了解其功能。

    " Self-suggestion ", which is a method of mental training , can be used in the teaching of basketball shooting .

  22. 他的一些诗让我着了迷,但是我怀疑我对他小说的兴趣是自我暗示的结果。

    I was enthralled by some of his poems , but I suspect that my taste for his tales was somewhat self-induced .

  23. 一些研究业已证明:运动员在比赛中使用积极自我暗示语可以有效地调整和控制心理状态。

    Some researches have proved that it is valid for athletes to use active suggestive words to adjust and control mental state .

  24. 自我暗示抛掉那些潜意识里消极的想法,因为它们只能让你看起来更害羞,更忸怩。

    Step 1 : Speak to inner gremlins Get rid of those subconscious negative thoughts that make you seem more shy and self-conscious .

  25. 如果你的主导思想是明确的、被关注的、成功的并且安全的,那么自我暗示的原理也会以同样的方式发生作用。

    The principle of autosuggestion works in precisely the same manner when your dominating thoughts are fixed , through controlled attention , upon success and security .

  26. 在训练期可采用环境变换法、自我暗示法、精神转移法、想象训练法和模拟训练法等;

    During the training , the methods of changing circumstances of self-implication , of attention diversion , of imagination training and of imitation training can be adopted .

  27. 根据研究结果,提出了在对青少年运动员进行心理调节的办法:1。自我暗示法;

    According to the findings , proposed in carries on the psychology to the young people athlete to carry on the psychological adjustment the means : 1.autosuggestion law ;

  28. 暗示是一个心理过程,竞技体育中的自我暗示是运动员用来调整心理状态的一种方法。

    The self-suggestion in competitive sports is an important method by which athletes adjust their mental state , and the self-suggestive words are the carrier of the self-suggestion .

  29. 在自我暗示那章中描述的说明指示,已确切地告诉了你化渴望为对应财富的具体方法。

    Through the instructions described in the chapter on auto-suggestion , you were definitely informed of the method by which DESIRE may be transmuted into its monetary equivalent .

  30. 切记,执行这些指示的时候,你是在运用自我暗示的原理,目的是为了下达命令给你的潜意识。

    Remember , as you carry out these instructions , that you are applying the principle of auto-suggestion , for the purpose of giving orders to your subconscious mind .