
zì wǒ yuē shù
  • self-restraint;self-discipline;self-disciplined;self-limited
  1. 他们依靠别人的礼貌、别人的自我约束来维持自己的心理优越。

    They rely on other people 's decency and self-restraint to sustain their psychological dominance .

  2. 认知偏差、缺乏自我约束和投机心理构成大学生作弊的个体内在因素。

    Cognitive bias , lack of self-restraint and speculation constitute individual internal factors of students cheating .

  3. 自己在家锻炼需要很强的自我约束能力。

    Exercising at home alone requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline .

  4. 甘地体现了克己、禁欲和自我约束的美德。

    Gandhi exemplified the virtues of renunciation , asceticism and restraint .

  5. 倘若欧元区能够接受其纾困基金的评级为AA级,将移除在为受困国家融资方面的自我约束。

    If the eurozone accepted a double A rating for its rescue fund , it would lift a self-imposed constraint on the funding it can raise for troubled states .

  6. 我要学会自我约束,帮助自己和他人。

    I will develop self-discipline , to help myself and others .

  7. 有序竞争使得各公司有了自我约束的激励。

    Managed competition gave the firms an incentive to regulate themselves .

  8. 自行回避的自我约束机制不存在;

    And there is not any self-restraining mechanism for the system .

  9. 建立自我约束管理体制推动国有医院改革深入发展

    Setting up the self-constraint system to promote the state hospital reform

  10. 但它对发展自我约束确实是一个很好的经验。

    It is a really good lesson for developing self-discipline .

  11. 检察机关侦查权的自我约束与外部制约

    Self & Restriction and Exterior Supervision of Procuratorates Investigation Power

  12. 贵在慎独,提高自我约束能力。

    The valuable point is in self-controlling and promotion of restricting capability .

  13. 自我约束不是所谓的内疚或羞愧或宗教。

    Self-discipline is not about guilt or shame or religion .

  14. 这只是个自我约束问题,现实控制问题。

    It 's merely a question of self-discipline , reality-control .

  15. 制度化安全合作与权力的自我约束

    Institutionalized Security Cooperation and the Self-restraint of Power

  16. 自我约束,律己:对自己和自己行为的训练和控制,通常是为了个人的进步。

    Training and control of oneself and one 's conduct , usually for personal improvement .

  17. 如果你停止幻想,马上去做,自我约束就会很容易。

    Self-discipline is easier if you stop thinking about it , and simply do it .

  18. 七是增强盛学生的网络道德涵养和自我约束。

    Sixth , the schools should enhance the optimization and management to the network environment .

  19. 身体控制由自我约束转向制度伦理约束与规制。

    Physical control by the self-constraint turns to the constraint of the rules and regulations .

  20. 约定辅导,自我约束和监督。

    Promising to restrict and supervise himself .

  21. 当前大多数的公立医院实际上还没有成为有自我约束自我激励机制的企业。

    Currently most public hospitals actually are not yet corporate bodies with self-controlling and self-stimulating mechanism .

  22. 浅谈国有企业经营者自我约束机制

    Self-restricting Mechanism of State-owned Enterprises Managers

  23. 建立权力自我约束监督机制,保障权力正确行使;

    Set up the self-restriction supervision mechanism of power and ensure the correct exercising of powers ;

  24. 就对上市公司反收购的管理来说,英国实行的是既有公司自我约束同时与政府监督相互配合的形式。

    British anti-takeover of listed companies to take the company self-regulation and government regulation combined system .

  25. 自我约束与放逐之间的守望

    Catch between Self-restraint and Exile

  26. 有聪明的方法能使你既能自我约束又影响所发生的事情。

    There are smart ways to influence what happens while still checking your ego at the door .

  27. 商业育种体现市场驱动、法制化管理和自我约束的原则,以市场需求为导向培育新品种,根据市场要求改革运行机制。

    Hybrid maize breeding in commercial system is driven by the market demand and managed by legislation .

  28. 相互依存、共同命运、同质性、自我约束是建构欧洲认同的四个主变量。

    Mutual dependence , common destiny , homogeneity , self-restraint is four major variables of European identity .

  29. 中国诉诸世贸组织的做法是令人鼓舞的,因为目前的世界贸易体系是建立在自我约束基础上的。

    China resorting to the WTO is encouraging , since our trading system is based on self-enforcement .

  30. 这就要求我比平时早11分钟把自己从床上拽起来,这种自我约束是很艰苦的。

    The self-discipline required to drag myself out of bed eleven minutes earlier than usual was considerable .