
  1. 激光干扰与致盲武器攻击对象主要是人眼和光电装置。

    Human eye and optoelectronic devices are the main target of the interference and blinding laser weapons .

  2. 介绍了激光致盲武器的损伤机理,总结了国外激光致盲武器及其防护的现状和发展,指出了激光致盲与防护的发展趋势。

    The principle of wounding is introduced , the status of the overseas laser blinding weapons and the protection are concluded and their development trend is described .

  3. 战术致盲激光武器的应用需要了解激光视网膜损伤效应,对其中的热效应和光化学效应进行了详细的分析。

    The application of tactical blinding laser weapons need to know about the effects of laser induced retinal damage , mainly discussed the thermal effect and photochemical effect in detail .

  4. 基于激光技术的测距、制导、致盲等武器在现代战争中的广泛使用,迫使我们及时研制出应对策略,烟雾干扰是比较常用的手段之一。

    Various kinds of laser weapons basing on laser technology force us to develop the counter-measure promptly to maximally reduce the damage and occupy the favorable position in the modern war .

  5. 一种新的机载装置将帮助防止来袭的热追踪导弹,办法是采用高能红外光束致盲这种尾随的武器。

    A new aircraft gadget will help protect from incoming heat-sinking missiles , by blinding the trailing weapon with a high powered infrared beam .

  6. 文章主要分析了激光致盲的损伤原理及关键技术,并简要介绍了外军激光致盲武器的发展现状。

    The damage principle and key technology of laser blinding are analyzed , and the current situation of foreign laser blinding weapons is also introduced .