
zhì xì bāo bìnɡ biàn xiào yīnɡ
  • cytopathic effect
  1. ②方法粪便标本经ELISA检测,离心后接种于MA104细胞株,观察病毒致细胞病变效应。

    Method Specimen were detected by ELISA and inoculated to MA104 , then the CPE caused by virus was observed .

  2. 用脂质体转染法将转录物导入RK-13细胞,24h后可观察到典型的RHDV致细胞病变效应。

    RK-13 cell was transfected with transcribed product in vitro using lipofectamine reagent , typical RHDV CPE would be seen after 24 hour .

  3. 目的对西尼罗病毒(WNV)和乙脑病毒(JEV)的致细胞病变效应(CPE)、致病性、形态学、免疫学和分子生物学性状进行比较,为WNV感染的鉴别诊断提供依据。

    Objective To compare the biological characteristics of West Nile virus ( WNV ) and Japanese encephalitis virus ( JEV ), including cells sensitivity , pathogenicity , viral morphology , as well as the results of immunological and molecular biological detection .

  4. 结果天花粉热提取物在高浓度时具有一定细胞毒性,在较低浓度时具有明显的抑制病毒致细胞病变效应的作用;

    Results The extract had some cytotoxicity toward HeLa cells at a high concentration , and it obviously inhibited CPE at a lower concentration .

  5. 以简便技术制备鸡胚皮肤(CES)细胞,进而进行了鸡马立克氏病(MD)SB-1株病毒适应于CES细胞和致CES细胞病变效应(CPE)的研究。

    A simple technique for preparing chicken embryo skin cell culture was developed and studies on adaptation of SB - 1 strain of Marek 's disease virus to this cell system and cytopathic effect induced were further ' undertaken .

  6. HEPES对狂犬病毒致细胞病变作用的增强效应

    Enhancement of cytopathic effect in rabies virus infected cells by HEPES