
kǔ ài jiǔ
  • vermouth;absinthe
  1. 她只在杜松子酒里加了少许苦艾酒。

    She added only a hint of vermouth to the gin

  2. 我要了杜松子酒和苦艾酒。

    I ordered gin and vermouth .

  3. 苦艾酒:琴酒,你能告诉我吗?

    Vermouth : Can you tell me , please , Gin ?

  4. 带有少量苦味的威士忌和甜的苦艾酒。

    Whiskey and sweet vermouth with a dash of bitters .

  5. 我从不喜欢苦艾酒的味道。

    I 've never liked the taste of vermouth .

  6. 他肯定在死前喝过苦艾酒。

    Confirms he was drinking absinthe prior to tod .

  7. 与苦艾酒相似但是不包含苦艾的酒。

    Similar to absinthe but containing no wormwood .

  8. 十年前,德加的朋友莫奈画过一个饮苦艾酒的纨绔子弟。

    Degas'friend Monet painted a dandish male absinthe drinker just over a decade before .

  9. 一开始每个人都会得到把苦艾酒匙。

    Everyone gets an absinthe spoon at initiation .

  10. 威士忌及甜苦艾酒倒入杯里搅匀。

    Stir whisky and Sweet Vermouth in glass .

  11. 彼得尝了尝起泡的瑞士苦艾酒。

    Peter sampled the fluffy absintle suissesse .

  12. 把苦艾酒和番茄搅拌,从煎锅底部抹去少量的棕色物。

    Stir in vermouth and tomatoes , scraping up any brown bits from bottom of skillet .

  13. 显然在绘制室内装修图的时候,设计师喝了过多的苦艾酒(5欧元)。

    Clearly someone had a few absinthes ( 5 euros ) when drawing up the plans .

  14. 你给他们喝的是苦艾酒?

    You 've given them absinthe ?

  15. 曼哈顿酒(用威士忌或其他烈酒与苦艾酒调制而成)。

    Manhattan & an a1coholic drink made by mixing whisky or another strong alcoholic drink with vermouth .

  16. 马提尼酒一种由杜松子酒或伏特加酒和苦艾酒混合而成的鸡尾酒兑鸡尾酒、饮料等

    A cocktail made of gin or vodka and dry vermouth . mix cocktails , drinks , etc

  17. 是一种鸡尾酒,用英式金酒、意大利苦艾酒、法国苦艾酒和橙汁调制而成。

    It 's a cocktail made from dry gin , Italian vermouth , French Vermouth and orange juice .

  18. 在招待时,把苦艾酒柱中的冰倒光,用一瓶酩悦香槟填充。

    Aromatic herb of temperate Eurasia and North Africa having a bitter taste used in making the liqueur absinthe .

  19. 六份杜松子酒和一份苦艾酒加冰。

    I ordered gin and vermouth . Six measures of gin to one of dry vermouth on crashed ice .

  20. 此酒原需要苦艾酒的,不是法产茴香酒培诺。出自著名调酒师亨瑞詹姆森之手。

    This cocktail originally called for absinthe , not Pernod fils , and was created by famous barman , Harry johnson .

  21. 别担心,我今晚不会再用苦艾酒或艾蒿来做预知梦了。

    Don 't worry , I won 't be hitting the absinthe or the mugwort to try to induce the visions tonight .

  22. 告诉我们“苦艾酒”和“生活”表演的地方的情况。

    Tell us the status of the place where the shows of " Absinthe " and " La Vie " are presented .

  23. 所谓灵魂的铅块便是由啤酒、烧酒、苦艾酒这三种酒的烈性构成的。

    It is of these three vapors , beer , brandy , and absinthe , that the lead of the soul is composed .

  24. 带有干苦艾酒味道的杜松子酒(伏特加酒)。从苦艾叶中获取的黑色苦味的油,给苦艾酒加味。

    Gin ( or vodka ) with dry vermouth . a dark bitter oil obtained obtained from wormwood leaves ; flavors absinthe liqueurs .

  25. 马提尼应该是这样的:杜松子酒和涩苦艾酒混合,还可以装饰一两个橄榄,或一片柠檬皮。

    A martini is this : gin and dry vermouth . And maybe an olive or two . Or a twist of lemon peel .

  26. “她会知道的,”塔齐斯顿说,做了个鬼脸&但是在生胡萝卜和绿色的苦艾酒的期望上,不是萨莱恩。

    " She would know ," said Touchstone , making a face & but at the prospect of raw carrots and green absinthe , not Sulyn .

  27. 意大利都灵:开胃酒这个意大利北部城市盛产苦艾酒,和香料混合的一种强劲酒,现在它是最受欢迎的开胃酒。

    Turin , Italy : Aperitifs This northern Italian city developed vermouth , a fortified wine mixed with spices , and today it 's a favorite aperitif .

  28. 曼哈根鸡尾酒一种由甜味美思、威士忌和些许苦艾酒调成的鸡尾酒是一种鸡尾酒,用一份普利茅斯金酒和一份意大利苦艾酒配制而成。

    A cocktail made of sweet vermouth , whiskey , and a dash of bitters . It 's a cocktail made by mixing one part of Plymouth Gin and one part of Italian vermouth .

  29. 是一种鸡尾酒,用一份普利茅斯金酒和一份意大利苦艾酒配制而成。我刚才亲眼见到调酒师用上好品牌的金酒和苦艾酒调兑的。

    It 's a cocktail made by mixing one part of Plymouth Gin and one part of Italian vermouth . I saw the bartender fix it with the best brands of gin and vermouth .

  30. 现代美国版马提尼由杜松子和苦艾酒混调而成,该调法源于威尼斯的哈里酒吧,献于海明威,因为他是这家酒吧最著名的常客之一。

    The modem American Style Martini a squirt of Vermouth to a shot of gin & was invented at Harry 's bar in Venice to satisfy Ernest Hemingway , one of the most famous and regular client .