
  • 网络company secretary;Board Secretary;Secretary;board secretariat
  1. 董事会秘书在公司治理中具有重要作用,他具有广泛的职能。

    Company secretary is important in corporate governance because of its special duties in it .

  2. 董事会秘书对于公司内部治理结构和外部治理结构都有积极作用。

    Today 's Company Secretary should play a pro-active and central role in the governance of the company .

  3. 中国水电(Sinohydro)董事会秘书王志平表示:我们看上去像殖民者吗?

    Do we look like colonists ?

  4. 公司设董事会秘书。

    The board of directors of the company shall have a secretary .

  5. 股份公司董事会秘书制度研究

    Study on Company Secretary of Joint - stock limited Company

  6. 我国的董事会秘书制度移植于英美法系国家。

    Secretary of the Board system in China transplanted from common law countries .

  7. 首先,对董事会秘书的制度价值进行了分析。

    First , the system of values of the Secretary of the Board .

  8. 而实务中,董事会秘书制度的实施效果并不理想,存在各种各样的问题。

    But the effect of implementing is not ideal and there are some problems .

  9. 董事会秘书特征可以解释信息披露质量。

    The secretary of the board of directors can interpret the information disclosure quality .

  10. 上市公司董事会秘书负责信息披露事项

    The secretary of the board of directors shall be in charge of information disclosure

  11. 立法方面,我国董事会秘书制度的法律位阶不高,系统性不强。

    Legislation , the legal position of Secretary of the Board system is not systematic .

  12. 首先,对我国董事会秘书制度的产生原因和相关规定做了介绍。

    First of all , introduced the causes and regulations of the system of company in China .

  13. 董事会秘书特征变量对信息披露质量有一定的解释力度。

    Secretary to the board on the quality of information disclosure characteristic variables have some explanatory power .

  14. 提出从宏观与微观两个层面来完善我国的董事会秘书制度。

    The thesis pointed out that we should improve the company secretary system from macro and micro aspect .

  15. 董事会秘书是英美法系国家公司法所特有的制度,最早发源于英国。

    Company secretary is thought to be a unique mechanism of common law system , which origins from England .

  16. 董事会秘书教育水平越高,越有助于提高信息披露质量。

    The higher level education of secretary to the board , the more help to improve the quality of information disclosure .

  17. 但是长期以来,董事会秘书制度在提升信息披露质量中的作用被人们所忽视。

    But a long time , the role that secretary of the board in improving quality of information disclosure has been overlooked .

  18. 修订后的《公司法》正式以法律形式确立了董事会秘书制度,并将其界定为公司高级管理人员。

    The revised Company Law has established the system of the company secretary formally , who has been defined as the administrative officer .

  19. 实践方面,我国董事会秘书面临着高管职位名不副实,权责不均衡的困境。

    Practice , our Secretary of the Board is facing senior management positions unworthy of the name , powers and responsibilities balanced dilemma .

  20. 董事会秘书有权就被公司不当解聘或者与辞职有关的情况,向本所提交个人陈述报告。

    Secretary of board of directors shall be entitled to submit to the bourse personal statement concerning the resignation or inappropriate discharging by the company .

  21. 但在目前的理论和实践上,我国上市公司董事会秘书制度都不够成熟,制度框架还存在很多问题。

    However , in current theory and practice , the system is not mature enough , the institutional framework , there are still many problems .

  22. 证券事务代表应当取得本所颁发的董事会秘书培训合格证书。

    Representative for securities affairs shall obtain certificate of competency in the training of secretary of board of directors that the candidate obtained from the bourse .

  23. 本文以面板数据分析的方法研究了董事会秘书特征与信息披露质量之间的关系。

    This paper uses panel data analysis to study the relationship between the characteristics of secretary of the board of directors and the qualities of information disclosure .

  24. 董事长经与副董事长协商,可续展董事会秘书的任期,也可以随时撤换。

    The term of the Secretary may be extended or the Secretary may be removed or replaced by the chairman acting in consultation with the vice chairman .

  25. 未设董事会秘书的,挂牌公司应指定一名具有相关专业知识的人员负责信息披露事务。

    In absence of such a secretary of board of directors , the company-in-name shall appoint a person with relevant professional knowledge to be responsible for information disclosure .

  26. 董事会秘书在履行职责的过程中受到不当妨碍和严重阻挠时,可以直接向本所报告。

    In case of any inappropriate impediment and serious obstruction in the process of performing obligations , Secretary of board of directors may report to the bourse directly .

  27. 其中宏观上,统一董事会秘书制度的法律渊源,提高其法律渊源的层级,扩大董事会秘书制度的适用范围,调整董事会秘书制度的价值取向。

    At macro level , we should unify the source of law , enhance the level of legislation , expand the applicable scope and adjust the value orientation .

  28. 董事会秘书被解聘或者辞职时,公司应当及时向本所报告,说明原因并公告。

    When Secretary of board of directors is discharged or resigns , the company shall report to the bourse in time , explain the reasons and make an announcement .

  29. 上市公司董事会秘书和公司证券事务代表必须参加由证券交易所举办的岗位资格培训和后续培训。

    The secretaries of the board of directors of listed companies and securities affairs representatives of companies shall participate in post qualification training and subsequent training held by stock exchanges .

  30. 后续培训的对象是已通过资格培训的现任上市公司董事会秘书和公司证券事务代表。

    The objects of qualification subsequent training include secretaries of the board of directors of listed companies and securities affairs representatives of companies , who have passed the qualification training .