
  1. 如今,董明珠已是商圈里名角。

    Today Dong is something of a celebrity in Chinese business circles .

  2. 与董明珠一样,温图尔认为自己从不出错。但温图尔的不同寻常之处在于,她真的几乎从不出错。

    Like Dong , Wintour thinks she is never wrong .

  3. 任月丽表示:“我想成为下一个董明珠!”

    Ren said : " I want to be the next Dong Mingzhu ! "

  4. 董明珠的强硬手段让她成为亚太地区最有权势的女性第四名

    Dong mingzhu 's steeliness has made her the fourth most powerful woman in the Asia-Pacific region .

  5. 1990年,36岁的董明珠进入格力,开始做销售。

    In 1990 , she joined Gree when she was 36 years old and started her career from doing sales work .

  6. 《财富》杂志称,在促进这家制造企业从传统营销模式扩大到网络营销的多元营销模式上,董明珠起到了关键作用。

    According to Fortune , Dong has played a key role in diversifying the traditional sales mode of the manufacturing company to online sales .

  7. 伴随着中国的城市化进程,更多的人进入中产阶级,建了更多的房子,于是董明珠卖出了更多的空调。

    Dong has sold a lot of air conditioners since then as Chinese moved to the cities , joined the middle class and built homes .

  8. 格力电器董事长董明珠在《福布斯》“中国杰出商界女性百强榜”中位居榜首。华为科技董事长孙亚芳位居次席。

    Gree Electric Appliances chairwoman Dong Mingzhu topped Forbes list of China 's top 100 businesswomen , followed by Sun Yafang , chairwoman of Huawei Technologies .

  9. 这样一个城市里长大的女孩子,应该是小家碧玉式的,但到董明珠身上,则出现“异变”。

    The grown girl in a such cities , should be small jasper type , but go up personally to Dong Mingzhu , appear " different changes " .

  10. 儿子两岁时,董明珠遭受了丧夫之痛。她作为单身母亲将儿子养大,而且一直奋战在竞争激励的家电市场。

    As a widow who lost her husband when her son was 2 years old , single mother Dong brought up their son and still fights in the competitive market .

  11. 格力电器董事长董明珠连续两年蝉联《财富》杂志“中国最具影响力商界女性”排行榜榜首。

    Dong Mingzhu , president of Gree Electric Appliances Inc , took the top spot in the list of most influential businesswomen in China for the second consecutive year , according to a ranking by Fortune magazine .

  12. 然而,年轻女性们不乏备受瞩目的榜样们,不管是英德拉。诺伊印度出生的百事老总,还是董明珠一本中国畅销商业图书的作者。

    Still , young women have no shortage of high-profile role models , from Indra Nooyi , the Indian-born boss of PepsiCo , to Dong Mingzhu , the author of one of the bestselling business books in China .