
  • Wormhole;wormhole-like
  1. 量子宇宙学、baby宇宙和虫洞

    Quantum Cosmology , Baby Universe and Wormhole

  2. adhoc网络环境中避免虫洞攻击的路由算法

    A Routing Algorithm Against Wormhole Attacks in Ad Hoc Network Based on Mobile Agents

  3. 第四,有了虫洞,就说明时空可以被拉伸、压缩、撕裂,也就推导出了时空旅行这个想法

    Fourth , a worm hole , elucidation space-time can stretch , compression , rent , also is deduced time-travel this idea .

  4. 检测多径路由adhoc网络中的虫洞攻击我国农村空洞化现象解析与治理路径

    Detecting Wormhole Attacks in Multi-path Ad Hoc Networks China countryside hollow out phenomena analysis and governance route

  5. 移动adhoc网络OLSR路由协议中虫洞问题的研究

    On the Wormhole Problem of OLSR in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  6. 低维引力理论中虫洞的Hilbert空间

    Hilbert space of wormholes in low dimensional gravitation theory

  7. 基于Javascript虫洞技术的SSO实现方式研究

    Realization Research on SSO based on Javascript Wormhole Technology

  8. 大卫威尔科克揭示了许多伟大的秘密:DNA基因,意识科学,虫洞,星际旅行,神圣的几何,三维时间,玛雅日历和很多很多!

    David Wilcock exposes many great secrets : DNA , consciousness science , wormholes , stargate travel , sacred geometry , three-dimensional time , the Mayan Calendar and much , much more !

  9. 虫洞攻击会导致DV-Hop算法失效。

    Lunching wormhole attack in DV-hop can cause the algorithm invalid .

  10. 得到满足Hawking边界条件的虫洞解。

    The obtained solutions satisfied Hawking boundary conditions and therefore they are considered to be wormhole wave functions .

  11. 对于half-open类型的虫洞,使用跳数分析的方法进行虫洞攻击的检测。

    For half-open wormhole attacks , the thesis uses hop-analysis .

  12. 再一次指出,APC在这里意味着一个巨大的优势,但是运输机,摄魂师和虫洞也可以运作的很好,相比APC甚至更好。

    Again , APCs mean a great advantage here , but CarryAlls , The MasterMind and the Worm-Hole work pretty well and even better .

  13. 物质场为共形不变标量场的Wheeler-deWitt方程的虫洞解

    Wormhole solutions of the wheeler-de Witt equation with an invariant scalar field

  14. 虫洞(Wormhole)切换技术已经被愈来愈多的多处理机系统所使用,由于其具有良好的通信性能,被认为是最有前途的MPP交换技术之一。

    The wormhole switching technique has been employed widely in multiprocessor systems and shown to be one of the most promising routing schemes .

  15. Brans-Dicke理论中的量子虫洞

    Quantum wormhole in the Brans-Dicke theory

  16. 采用基于MCPK的安全路由协议,通过在OLSR邻居探测阶段引入安全验证机制来预防虫洞攻击。

    MCPK-based security with routing protocols , OLSR neighbor detection stage by the introduction of secure authentication mechanisms to prevent wormhole attacks .

  17. 基于投影寻踪(PP)的虫洞检测机制不依赖于特定的数据分布,是一种完全基于统计的虫洞检测机制,可以直接挖掘数据相关性,给虫洞检测引入了新的思路。

    Wormhole detection mechanism based on the projection pursuit ( PP ), which is not dependent on specific data distribution and is a wormhole detection mechanism completely based on statistics , can directly mining data correlation and introduces new ways of thinking .

  18. adhoc网络受自然灾害和突发事故的影响小,应用的范围越来越广,同时各种针对adhoc的攻击也应运而生,如虫洞攻击、拒绝服务、黑洞攻击、灰洞攻击等。

    Ad hoc is little affected by natural disasters and acidents , more and more widely applied . In the meantime , various attacks have emerged , such as wormhole attack , denial of service , black holes attack and the ash hole attack .

  19. 在已知的攻击方法中虫洞(Wormhole)攻击是一种非常简单并容易实施的攻击方法,它不需要修改数据包就能使相距甚远的节点直接通信。

    Wormhole attack is simple and easy to implement in known types of attacks , which makes two far nodes directly communicate and in which the attacker does not need modify the packets .

  20. 在DV-HOP算法的定位过程中,提出用锚节点信任度来确定虫洞攻击产生的恶意节点。

    In the positioning process of the DV-HOP algorithm , it is proposed that the trust level of the anchor node is applied in determining the malicious nodes done by wormhole attack .

  21. 本文基于二维网格拓扑、XY路由算法、虫洞交换技术和轮循仲裁算法设计了一种含虚拟通道的高效路由器,可正确选择数据的传输方向,仲裁传输请求,并有效解决网络拥塞问题。

    Based on 2D-mesh topology , XY route algorithm , wormhole switch technique and Round-Robin arbitration , this paper presents a new router structure which can select data transmission direction , arbitrate transmission request correctly and deal with network congestion effectively .

  22. 本文在Brans-Dicke理论中,利用Hartle-Hawking的方法讨论了量子虫洞,导出了相应的Wheeler-deWitt方程,给出了虫洞波函数。

    In this paper , using the Hartle-Hawking method , we discuss the quantum worm-hole in the Brans-Dicke theory . The corresponding Wheeler-De Witt equation has been derived , and the wave function of the wormhole has been given .

  23. 爱因斯坦引力理论中非线性标量场的虫洞解

    The Wormhole Solution of Nonlinear Scalar Field in Einstein Gravitational Theory

  24. 一种基于邻居信任评估的虫洞防御机制

    Defend against Wormhole Attack Based on Neighbor Trust Evaluation in MANET

  25. 我猜想这设备在超导转移环之间创造了个稳定的虫洞

    I suspect the device creates a stable wormhole between superconducting rings

  26. 虫洞路由芯片的伸缩缓冲区设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Elastic Buffer in Wormhole Routing Chips

  27. 虫洞交换网络是片上网络系统中最常见的通信机制。

    Wormhole Switching is a popular communication mechanism for NoC .

  28. 一种基于虫洞交换的竞争预测路由算法

    An algorithm of CONTENTION-FORESEE self-adaptive routing based on wormhole switching

  29. 不要仅仅直接利用“虫洞”来使摄魂师进入敌人基地。

    Opposed to just running your Mastermind in you can use Wormhole .

  30. 之间爆发了热烈的争论,就这些虫洞物理学家。

    Spirited debates have erupted between physicists concerning these wormholes .