
  1. 本文通过对行政事业单位预算管理的现状、地位、目标、内容及编制程序的阐述,论证了当前行政事业单位预算管理工作的重要性。

    This article demonstrates the importance of budget management in the administrative public institutions through the expatiation on its actuality , station , target , content and program of its compilation .

  2. 研究完善行政事业单位国有资产的预算管理,既有利于有效开展资产管理工作,也有利于深化公共财政预算管理体制改革,科学编制财政部门预算,具有理论指导意义。

    Research institutions improve administration of the budget of state-owned assets management , both in favor of effective asset management job , but also conducive to deepening the reform of public finance budget management , scientifically draw up budget for the financial sector , with the meaning of theoretical guidance .