
  • 网络training equipment
  1. 炮兵防空兵训练器材管理系统设计与开发

    The Design and Development of Management System of Artillery and Air Defense Soldier Training Equipment

  2. 山东省各院校教学条件较好,但在力量训练器材和图书资料方面存在不足。

    All colleges and universities teaching conditions in shandong province , is good , but in power training equipment and materials .

  3. 选择可以带来挑战,让你集中精力的训练器材。

    Choose a machine that challenges you and keeps your attention .

  4. 该系统已推广至国内四所航海院校,成为船舶驾驶专业教学和高级船员培训的主要训练器材,系统的实用性和可靠性已得到了实际验证。

    There are four navigation schools which use this system for teaching and training .

  5. 该系统可以作为反潜训练器材使用。

    Experiments suggested that the system is effective as a part of anti-submarine training system .

  6. 该系统可以有效检测相控阵雷达多目标跟踪性能,同时为雷达操作人员提供了实用的模拟训练器材。

    The emulator can evaluate multi-object tracking capability of PAR , it is also helpful for radar operator training .

  7. 自由训练器材均不含玲片支架以避免传统自由训练器材易阻碍行动之缺点。

    Free Weight machines are all without branch in order to avoid causing block like tradition free weight machines .

  8. 先进的健身房和训练器材放置在新教学楼里。多信仰中心也在那里。

    A state of the art gym and training facility is housed in the new school building , as is the Multi-faith Centre .

  9. 购买先进的网球教学、训练器材和软件对于广大网球教练员和运动员来讲,需要付出高昂的成本。

    Purchasing advanced tennis teaching , training equipment and software for the vast number of tennis coaches and athletes need to pay a high cost .

  10. 文中应用数理统计方法并结合教学及实弹射击实践,提出了在第二代反坦克导弹模拟训练器材中实现智能化评定射击训练成绩的主要方法。

    With statistic method and instruction theory and live-ammunition firing practice , the article provides the main evaluation methods on firing training of second-generation anti-tank missile .

  11. 随着军事技术和坦克装备的发展,现有的坦克射击训练器材明显不能满足信息化条件下坦克部队的训练要求。

    As the development of the military technology and tank equipments , the existing tank shooting training equipment can not meet the training requirement of the tank army .

  12. 此方法避免了传统机械射击训练器材无法存储成绩、无法实时得知射击情况等缺点,实现了自动报靶、数据存储、信息显示、成绩评定等功能特点。

    This method avoids the shortcomings of the traditional tank shooting equipment , in which the data couldn 't be in storage and the shooter couldn 't know his shooting result .

  13. 在我国大多数射击训练器材自动化程度较低,报靶大多由人工完成,其包括统计、考核、成绩评定。

    In china , most of shooting training equipment was a low degree of automation , and reported target mostly done manually , which includes statistics , assessment , and performance evaluation .

  14. 为了降低便携式地空导弹射击训练器材的生产成本并提高其使用寿命,提出了一种用模拟导引头替代机械陀螺导引头设计方法。

    In order to reduce the cost and increase the life of portable surface-to-air missile weapon training equipment , it is put forward to use a simulative seeker to replace mechanical gyro seeker .

  15. 从各类运动员的选拔、训练器材和场地的技术革新、运动损伤与肌体损伤的修复、运动机能的改善等方面研究纳米技术对竞技体育发展的促进作用。

    Functions of Nanometer technology on the development of sports were studied from aspects of the selection of athletes , technical innovation of training facilities and grounds , recovery of sports injury , improvement of exercise enginery and resistance .

  16. 场地设施较简陋、训练器材有限,较差或没有足球场地的学校占调查总数的27.14%,训练器材不足并且损坏程度严重。

    Location facility cruder , training device limited , worse or does not have the soccer location the school to account for the investigation total 27 . 14 % , the training device insufficiency and the damage degree is serious .

  17. 美军高技术反恐训练模拟器材的开发与使用

    The Development and Use of U.S. High-tech Anti-Terrorism Training Simulation Equipment

  18. 建立适于快速实时仿真的动力学模型是训练模拟器材研制的关键。

    Building a dynamics model which can fit fast real-time simulation is the key process for the development of training simulator .

  19. 依据流体力学原理,设计外形类似把张开的伞,固定在运动员身后的一种后负荷阻力训练辅助器材。

    According to the theory of flow mechanics , the resistance dress is designed like an open umbrella that is fixed as a kind of resistance training device behind the athlete .

  20. 我军训练模拟器材起步较晚,但发展较快,目前有大量武器模拟训练系统装备,在部队训练中发挥了巨大作用,取得了较大的军事经济效益。

    Military training simulators started late , but rapid development , there are a large number of weapons simulation training systems and equipment , training in the armed forces played a significant role , the military has made great economic benefits .

  21. 重庆市对于网球项目后备人才培养还存在着资金投入不足,训练场地器材还不能满足网球运动训练的需求,中小学几乎没有参与到网球项目后备人才培养中来等问题。

    The capital investment for training tennis talents by Chongqing is insufficient , and the training ground could not meet the demand for tennis training . Primary schools and middle school have not joined in the training of tennis talents together .

  22. 体育科研和训练用仪器器材的研制工作,有其自身的特点和规律。必须实行理论研究与应用研究;

    The work of studying and manufacturing apparatus and equipments used in the sports scientific research and training has its own characteristics and laws .

  23. 高校资金匮乏,没有充足的财力来满足拓展训练场地、器材、装备需求,缺少资金是阻碍拓展训练在山东省高校开展的重要因素。

    Higher lack of funds , without adequate financial resources to meet the expansion of training facilities , equipment , equipment requirements , lack of funds is impeding development training in Shandong Province , an important factor in the College . 7 .

  24. 基于振动力量训练的新型健身器材开发研究

    Research on a New Type of Sports Equipment Based on Vibration Strength Training

  25. 在上周的训练场上和器材室里加班加点的训练之后,罗德给了欧文一个周末的休假。

    Manager Glenn Roeder gave Owen the weekend off after the 27-year-old worked overtime on the training pitch and in the gym last week .

  26. 无锡市高级中学课余田径训练的经费和器材基本能满足训练的需要,但对运动员生活的关心较少。

    The training funds and equipment of Wuxi High School can meet the basic need for Amateur Athletic training , but they show less concern for the life of athletes .

  27. 所以他们真的得试试让我拿一件进行训练,让我当初使用的训练器材加上衣服的重量,让我为这个状况做好准备。

    So they were really trying to let take one to practice with , and get the trainer I used at first with the weight suit on to prepare me for this .

  28. 两省排球训练的场馆设施需要维护与修缮;训练器材略显缺乏,较原始,教练员需借它物助训。

    The two provinces ' volleyball venue and facilities need maintaining and repairing ; train apparatus are scarce and relatively primitive , so coaches need lend other things to help training .

  29. 针对格斗教学训练的实际需要,提出了研制改进训练辅助器材和利用计算机模拟仿真技术对技术动作进行分析评估的思路。

    Based on the practical demand of combat training , this paper points out that it is necessary to improve the assistant equipment and make good use of computer analogy simulation to make a analysis of the technique .