
xùn liàn jī dì
  • training base
  1. 为了打探真人CS游戏的乐趣,记者来到真人CS训练基地。

    In order to inquire honorable person CS game 's pleasure , reporter arrives at the honorable person CS Training base .

  2. 国家网球训练基地天津网球馆接待中心

    Reception center , Tianjin tennis hall , national tennis training base

  3. 第一章为国家地震紧急救援训练基地废墟训练场C场地(单层厂房)的倒塌方案设计。

    The first chapter is the primary design for cite C of the national seismic emergent succor training center .

  4. 在休斯敦美国宇航局的约翰逊航天中心,代号为STS-119宇航员在运动训练基地的模拟发射程序。

    At NASA 's Johnson Space Center in Houston , the STS-119 astronauts are in the Motion Base Simulator practicing launch procedures .

  5. 的黎波里的训练基地于8月21日建成,当反对派巩固了他们的政权时,北约组织的战斗机同时轰炸了再Zawiya东边边缘附近的一个基地。

    The turning-point for Tripoli came on August21st , when NATO fighter-jets bombarded a base at the eastern edge of Zawiya just as rebels consolidated their control .

  6. 美国国家乒乓球队没有自己的训练基地。

    the U.S. team doesn 't have a national training complex .

  7. 构建昆明体育训练基地科研服务体系的思考

    Develop ang establish the Scientific research system of Kunming Sports Training Bases

  8. 甘肃省高原训练基地地理环境特点分析

    Analysis on Geographical and Environmental Characteristics of Altitude Training Base in Gansu

  9. 加强工程训练基地建设培养应用型人才

    Cultivating Application Talents by Strengthening Construction of Engineering Training Base

  10. 小乔昨天度假归来,返回训练基地。

    Joe Cole returns to Cobham having come back from his holiday yesterday .

  11. 甘肃榆中高原训练基地优势初探

    Advantages of Yuzhong Highland Training Base in Gansu

  12. 之后球队在主教练的带领下于3:45分入驻了科巴姆训练基地。

    The team coach then carried them into the Cobham training ground at 3.45 .

  13. 曼德勒省美迪拉地勤训练基地;

    Meikthila Grounding Training Base in Mandalay Division ;

  14. 贵族军营是基本的职业军队专属训练基地。

    Army Barracks are the first training facilities capable of training full-time professional soldiers .

  15. 建立省级少数民族传统体育项目训练基地、网点的可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on Establishing Provincial Training Bases and Network Nodes of Minority Nationality Traditional Sports

  16. 006年建成国际水准的芦城奥运选手训练基地。

    Complete the construction of the international standard training base for Olympic athletes at Lucheng .

  17. 跳动的轨迹&中国乒乓球通州国际训练基地工程设计

    Active Track & Design of the International Pingpong Train Base Project of China in Tongzhou

  18. 多样化、特殊化、自然化&武汉市警察实战训练基地规划设计

    Diversification , Specialization , Nature & Plan Design of WuHan Policeman Actual Combat Training Base

  19. 有六个训练基地针对导弹部队或者是发射场,可以进行实际操作并具备导弹发射能力。

    Six facilities are garrisons or launch areas providing hands-on training and missile launch capabilities .

  20. 第二是成立重点训练基地或青少年培训中心,得到相对稳定的社会投资。

    The second is building the base of training and cultivate center for the young .

  21. 他们驻扎在训练基地,不与附近的社区接触。

    They are encamped in training bases , sealed off from the community around them .

  22. 甘肃政法学院警务实战训练基地方案设计

    Design of Police Affairs Competitive Training Base Scheme In Gansu Political Science and law Institute

  23. 同时,它也是中国国家滑雪队的训练基地之一。

    It also serves as one of the training bases for China 's national skiing team .

  24. 利用高原训练基地优势提高田径耐力项目运动员成绩的研究

    Research on Plateau Training Base to Improve Competitive Sports Level of Track and Field Endurance Events

  25. 现代化的工程训练基地建立

    Build Modern Engineering Training Base

  26. 加强项目训练基地建设,改革训练体制,完善训练体系。

    Strengthen the training base construction project , making training system reform and improve the training system .

  27. 在训练基地的食堂里,刘翔拥有自己的专座。

    In the cafeteria at Liu 's training base , the hurdler has his own dining table .

  28. 湖北少数民族体育训练基地现状及发展对策

    The Current Situation and Countermeasures for the Development of Ethnic Minority 's Training Bases in Hubei Province

  29. 在2001年,马德里市重新区划皇马训练基地,允许俱乐部将其出售。

    In2001 , the city rezoned Real 's training ground , al-lowing the club to sell it .

  30. 某训练基地成立,在撒丁岛和139武器和弹药库被隐藏在意大利北部。

    A training base was set-up in Sardinia and139 weapons and ammunition dumps were hidden in Northern Italy .