
yì shì
  • Discussion;discuss official business
议事 [yì shì]
  • [discuss official business] 商讨官方的事务;商议公事

议事[yì shì]
  1. 内部管理要规范教学过程管理,改革和优化人事分配制度,依法办学,规范议事制度;

    As to the internal management , it needs to standardize teaching process , reform and optimize personnel allocation system , run a school by laws and discuss official business with criterion .

  2. 争论持续不休,直到主席要求双方遵守议事规则。

    The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order .

  3. 主管官员裁定这项动议不符合议事规程。

    The presiding officer ruled that the motion was out of order .

  4. 当议长走进议事厅的时候,前面由执议长权标的人开路。

    The Speaker is preceded by the mace-bearer upon his entry to the chamber .

  5. 下议院的书记官整理了下议院的议事录

    The Clerk of the House prepares the journals of the House .

  6. 一个参议员硬把这个题目拉扯进来,作为一种阻碍议事的手法。

    A senator dragged the subject in as a filibuster .

  7. 民主党党员在参议院上组织了阻挠议事。

    The democrats organized a filibuster in the senate .

  8. 我们plan一会议,就要确定会议的长短,议事程序等细节

    When we plan a meeting , we decide in detail on its length , on the agenda , etc

  9. wto总理事会的议事规则应予适用,除非另有规定。

    The Rules of Procedure of the WTO General Council shall apply unless specified otherwise .

  10. 定期评审政治参与情况的英国议会议事录学会(HansardSociety)表示,目前只有30%的选民承认自己坚定地支持某个政党。

    The Hansard Society , which carries out a regular audit of political engagement , says only 30 per cent of voters will now admit a firm party allegiance .

  11. 本文系统分析和深入研究了全球性森林认证体系&森林管理委员会(FSC)的组织结构、原则和标准、议事及管理方式和国家行动。

    The thesis systematically analyses and studies the internationally important forest certification system - Forest Stewardship Council ( FSC ), and introduces its organizational structure , principles and criteria , administration patterns and national initiatives .

  12. 随着我国航空标量测量系统CHAGS的成功研制及投入生产,航空矢量重力测量系统的研究提上议事同程。

    After our airborne scalar gravimetry system CHAGS ( Chinese Airborne Gravimetry System ) was successfully created , the research on airborne vector gravimetry is putting on agenda .

  13. 参议院以52票对48票的结果,结束了所谓的使用借助冗长发言等方式阻碍议事程序规则(filibuster)反对总统提名的做法,推翻了参议院允许少数党阻扰白宫提名的传统。

    By a vote of 52 to 48 , the Senate ended the use of so-called filibusters against presidential nominees , overturning traditions in the chamber that allowed the minority party to block White House nominees .

  14. 周三早晨,JK·罗琳的第一本成人向作品纷纷在英国各书店上架。《临时空缺》讲述了英国小镇议事员去世所引发的一系列事件。

    British bookshops opened up early on Thursday for the launch of JK Rowling 's first book for adults . " The Casual Vacancy " is the tale of what happens in a small English village after the death of a town official leaves a owning .

  15. 议事会对于一切重要问题作出最后决定;

    The ultimate decision in important matters rested with the council .

  16. 如果议事会认为异议是正当的,选举就算无效。

    If it maintained the objection , the election was void .

  17. 英国议会议事录每天记录议会的进程。

    The proceedings of Parliament are published each day by Hansard .

  18. 作为十一五规划的重要内容,区域协调发展已经提上议事内容。

    Coordination of regional development has been put on the content .

  19. 议事规则和执行公约及建议问题委员会

    Committee on Standing Orders and the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

  20. 他的话将一丝轻率带入了议事过程中。

    His remarks injected a note of levity into the proceedings .

  21. 有讨论公共事务的部落议事会。

    A tribal council for the common affairs of the tribe .

  22. 加拿大议会议事录用英语和法语两种语言出版。

    The Canadian Hansard is published in both English and French .

  23. 他们甚至修改了皇家议事录,取消了他的名字。

    They even emended the royal journals to remove his name .

  24. 法官说他愿意在议事室里听取控诉。

    The judge said he would hear the complaint in chambers .

  25. 或,我现在把答应您的议事日程表附上。

    OR : As promised , I 'm sending you the agenda .

  26. 勿与愚人议事,因他不能保守所议之事。《便西拉智训》(犹太-基督教)

    Consult not with a fool , for he cannot keep counsel .

  27. 联合国会议标准议事规则草案

    Standard Rules of Procedure for United Nations Conferences , draft

  28. 议事规则委员会〔临时立法会〕

    Committee on Rules of Procedure [ Provisional Legislative Council ]

  29. 渊源,你知道议事厅前地在哪儿吗?

    Yuanyuan , do you know where Senate Square is ?

  30. 府上的规矩,议事和吃饭都在这里。

    It 's our custom to have all meetings and meals here .