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  • 网络EU Constitutional Treaty;The European constitution;treaty establishing a constitution for europe
  1. 《欧盟宪法条约》的制定及其前景

    The Formulation and Prospects of the EU Constitution Treaty

  2. 《欧盟宪法条约》框架下的欧盟机构改革

    The European Institutional Reform in the Framework of the Treaty of Establishing Constitution for the Europe

  3. 2005年,荷兰的投票者们在一次公民投票中否决了欧盟宪法条约,这一结果让精英们摸不着头脑。

    In2005 Dutch voters confounded the elite by voting against the EU 's constitutional treaty in a referendum .

  4. 从《欧盟宪法条约草案》看欧盟的性质

    Observing the Character of the European Union from the " Draft Constitutional Treaty of the European Union "

  5. 《欧盟宪法条约》经过近一年的谈判终于在布鲁塞尔政府间会议上获得通过。

    Treaty on establishing a Constitution for Europe has been adopted at IGC in Brussels Summit after over one year 's tough negotiation .

  6. 《欧盟宪法条约》公决受阻,使欧盟一体化进程再一次遭遇危机。

    The recent failure to pass the " Treaty of the EU Constitution " by plebiscite has once again plunged the EU integration process into another crisis .

  7. 今年5月和6月,法国和荷兰相继在全民公投中否决了《欧盟宪法条约》,使欧洲一体化遭遇严重危机。

    The European integration process has come to a crisis when France and Netherlands voted against the EU Constitution Treaty in the May and June this year .

  8. 《欧盟宪法条约》的签署标志着欧盟政治一体化进入了一个崭新的阶段,体现了欧盟联合自强以及和平理性的正确性。

    The signature of the EU constitution treaty symbolizes that the Political integration of the EU goes into a new stage . The right process manifests the EU unite striving for development .

  9. 《欧盟宪法条约》在法国和荷兰被民众否决表明,欧洲一体化未来的发展已很难再以签订条约的方式推进,而是更依赖于成员国民众的认可。

    The veto on The EU Constitutional Treaty in France and Holland manifests that the future of European Integration cannot count on treaty any more , but on the public recognition of nations members .

  10. 自从2005年法国和荷兰投票否决了《欧盟宪法条约》以来,亲欧派们的表现就像那个用手指堵住堤坝的神奇小男孩&因担心欧洲怀疑论的洪水决堤而不肯让步。

    Since the French and Dutch no votes in 2005 , pro-Europeans have acted like the mythical boy with his finger in the dyke ; unwilling to give ground for fear of a eurosceptic flood .

  11. 《欧盟宪法条约》的制定过程和内容,既体现出主权可分性,又体现出主权可分的有限性,即《条约》各成员国对某些主权的让渡必须是以强调国家主权为基石的。

    The content and forming process of the Treaty of Establishing a Constitution for Europe not only embodies its " the divisibility ", but manifests its limit , namely , the transition of various member nations ' sovereignty should take the certain sovereignties as the cornerstone .

  12. 第二,欧盟宪法具有明显的条约性。

    Second , the constitution of EU has the nature of treaty .

  13. 成员国逐渐将自己的部分主权让渡给欧盟,而《欧盟宪法条约》更是对欧盟和成员国之间的权力作了明确的分配。

    Members of the EU were gradually transferred their sovereign to the European Union , and the Constitutional Treaty of EU was cleared the boundary of power between EU and its members .

  14. 2004年10月,欧盟各成员国在罗马签署了《欧盟宪法条约》,这标志着欧盟政治一体化进入了一个崭新的阶段。

    In October 2004 , member states of EU ( European Union ) in Rome signed the Treaty of Establishing a Constitution for Europe , which meant that the political integration of the EU stepped into a new stage .