
  1. 本文围绕提高查询速度和节约存储空间作为查询技术评价关键性指标,对物化视图、维表模式和聚簇索引的优化进行了研究。

    The optimization of the materialized view and the dimension table schema and the clustering index is researched to increase the key index to appraise query technology such as query speed and storage space .

  2. 结论:BA可能并非正常妊娠免疫耐受的关键因素,亦或不宜作为RSA患者是否应该接受主动免疫治疗的分流标准及疗效评价的特异性指标。

    BA may not suitable as a triage criteria for RSA patients whether receive active immunotherapy or not and may not as a specific indicator for assessing the effect of immunotherapy either .

  3. 二级指标包括节能贡献性指标(含绿色照明指标)、室内环境质量分项指标、可再生能源利用分项指标。节能贡献性指标是居住建筑竣工验收节能效果评价的依据性指标;

    Junior indexes include energy efficiency contributory index , indoor environment subentry index and renewable energy sources subentry index .

  4. 通过对煤与瓦斯突出的发生条件和规律分析,得到了评价的危险性指标;讨论了反映突出危害的危害性指标,得出危害性指标体系;

    We educed the probability index by analyzing outburst happening condition and rule , educed the fatalness by analyzing it .

  5. 一级指标包括建筑能耗指标、室内环境质量指标、可再生能源利用指标,是居住建筑竣工验收节能效果评价的结论性指标,可作为建筑能效标识指标。

    Senior indexes which are energy efficiency label indexes include building energy consumption index , indoor environment index and renewable energy sources index .

  6. 文中通过频度统计-资料调研-专家咨询的方法,建立了炼油行业清洁生产评价的一般性指标体系。

    General clean production evaluation index system of oil refining industry was established based on frequency of statistics , data research and expert advice .

  7. 因此,本文从分析财务管理目标的层次性入手,构建不同层次财务管理目标引导下的企业经营业绩评价的层次性指标体系。

    This paper starts from the stratified financial management objectives and constructs a stratified index system for assessing corporate operational performance under the guidance of stratified financial management objectives .

  8. 下古生界的勘探区带评价的关键性指标首先是存在有效盖层,然后考虑张性断层对局部封盖条件的破坏作用。

    The existence of effective cap rock is the key index of performing play evaluation on Palaeozoic prospecting , then to consider that tensional fault destroyed the cap rock in limited region .

  9. 将电力通信统计项目指标体系划分为资源性项目指标、应用功能性项目指标、评价考核性项目指标和增长发展性项目指标4大类,提出了构建电力系统通信统计指标体系的具体设想。

    The statistic index was classified as resource index , application function index , evaluation index and development index . The design of the constitution of communication statistic index system was presented in detail .

  10. 以上述四个因素为准则,构建了环境风险评价有效性的指标体系,该指标体系分为目标层、准则层、指标层3个层次,共17项指标。

    An indicator system for effectiveness of ERA was established with four above factors as criteria which is divided into three layers , namely the target layer , the rule layer and index layer , altogether 17 indicators .

  11. 但是随着材料工程的发展,使用条件的苛刻,有很多重大问题仍远未解决,其中关键问题之一是混凝土耐久性能的评价和耐久性指标的选择。

    Although materials science and technology have being highly developed , there are still many problems remained unresolved by now when concrete structures are exposed in severe environment , for example , the guideline selection and durability evaluation of concrete .

  12. 系统功能是收费系统评价的关键性指标,抽样检验是系统功能评价的有效方法,科学规范的抽检程序体现了系统整体质量的代表性

    System function is one of the key assessment indicators for the toll collection system , and sampling test is an effective assessment method to evaluate the system function The authors describe the sampling test procedures for the toll collection system assessment

  13. 而CAT活性的规律性不明显,并不建议将其单独作为评价百合抗寒性的指标。

    But the regularity of CAT activity was not obvious , which was not recommended as a separate index to evaluate the cold resistance of lily . 5 .

  14. 结论SVD患者的弥散与正常对照组明显不同,MD直方图分析可作为评价疾病严重性的指标。

    Conclusion Patients with SVD have obviously brain abnormal diffusion , and some of the MD histogram-derived measures may be used to monitor the severity of this disease .

  15. IgH基因重排可作为B-NHL早期诊断及评价疗效的特异性指标,重排发生与血浆LDH水平相关。

    The IgH gene rearrangement might be used as specific indicator for early diagnosis and evaluation of efficacy in B-NHL and corrected with LDH level .

  16. 用四格表法评价真实性与可靠性指标,并对二种ELISA试剂盒的Cut-off值的合理性进行评价。

    With the serum plate from Clinical Testing Center of the Ministry of Health as the golden criteria , the authenticity and reliability indexes were tested with four-fold table and the cut-off value of two ELISA kits was reasonably evaluated .

  17. 目的通过对应用利湿活血中药结合尿激酶溶栓治疗下肢深静脉血栓形成(DVT)的临床观察,探讨监测治疗及评价疗效的特异性指标。

    Objective To investigate the significative indicator for monitoring treatment and evaluating curative effect of herbal therapy with effect of dispelling the moisture and activating blood circulation combining with thrombolytic therapy with urokinase for treating lower extremity deep venous thrombosis ( DVT ) .

  18. 混凝土的渗透性是评价耐久性的重要指标之一。

    Permeability is an important index for evaluating the durability of concrete .

  19. 研究发现,除用传统的质量损失率衡量水泥稳定土的耐久性外,还可以利用抗压强度作为评价其耐久性的指标。

    In the analysis of the result the writer emphasizes the utilization of compressive strength as a competent indicator of durability in addition to the conventional percent mass loss .

  20. 目的:用室壁应力左室中层缩短率关系做为评价心肌收缩性的指标,研究高血压不同左室构型患者心肌收缩性的改变与心功能变化的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between the alteration of myocardial contractility and cardiac function in hypertensive patients with different left ventricular geometry using the end systolic stress midwall fractional shortening .

  21. 本文运用聚类分析方法对股票的成长性、盈利能力进行了研究,建立了较为合理的评价股票成长性的指标体系,衡量样本股票的相似程度。

    The paper applies the cluster analysis to research the growth and the ability of payoff of the stocks , and a synthetic evaluation index system is erected to measure the similarity of stock all - roundly and objectively .

  22. 介绍高等级公路软土地基勘察的基本方法,提出了软土土样质量评价和土性测试指标统计的方法。

    The basic method for prospecting the soil foundation high . grade highway is introduced in the paper and the methods for evaluating the quality of soft soil specimen and statistics of test index for soil characteristics are also raised in it .

  23. 多功能农业评价体系由经营性指标、功能性指标、效益性指标、发展性指标构成,是考核多功能农业项目的特性、产生、运行过程以及社会价值的评价标准。

    The multi-functional agriculture evaluation system is comprised of management target , function target , benefit target and development target . It can inspect the characteristic production , movement process of the multi-functional agricultural project and the evaluation criteria of social value .