
  1. 评论者将欧容的这部怀旧夏日恋曲和《请以你的名字呼唤我》相提并论。

    Reviewers have compared Ozon 's nostalgic recreation of a sun-kissed summer fling to Call Me By Your Name .

  2. 虽然这部电影不是该网站上评分最高的,8.9分低于2018年的同类型电影《请以你的名字呼唤我》(CallMeByYourName(9.1))

    The film is not exactly the best-reviewed film in the site 's history . Its 8.9 average score is lower than that of fellow 2018 awards contender Call Me By Your Name ( 9.1 ) .

  3. 《请以你的名字呼唤我》背景设定在意大利,讲述了的一个少年和一个学者之间的柔情之恋。

    A tender love story between a teenager and an academic , set in Italy .

  4. 《请以你的名字呼唤我》

    Call Me By Your Name

  5. 反对:《请以你的名字呼唤我》在很多方面的表现都很不错,但却没有哪一方面是最突出的。

    Against : Strong in many categories , but without quite managing to be a front runner in any .

  6. 其他最佳剧情片的提名影片还包括《请以你的名字呼唤我》,这是另外一部青春片;以及二战惊悚片《敦刻尔克》。

    The other best motion picture drama nominees are Call Me By Your Name which is another coming-of-age tale , World War II thriller Dunkirk .

  7. 通过在这部新片中展示的更加炉火纯青的演技,蒂莫西证明了自己在《请以你的名字呼唤我》中一鸣惊人的表现不是昙花一现,蒂莫西在该片中扮演了一名情窦初开的少年。

    Here he proves his breakout success - as a sexually curious teenager in Call Me by Your Name - wasn 't a blip by challenging his considerable skills still further .

  8. 提莫西·查拉梅(22岁):这位演员曾出演过备受称赞的热门电影《伯德小姐》和《请以你的名字呼唤我》,而且21岁就获得了奥斯卡奖提名。

    TIMOTHEE CHALAMET , 22 : The actor appeared in critically acclaimed hits such as Lady Bird and Call Me By Your Name , and was Oscar-nominated by the age of 21 .

  9. 上周,独立精神奖最佳影片候选名单中有,《请以你的名字呼唤我》、《佛罗里达乐园》、《逃出绝命镇》、《骑士》。

    Last week , it was announced as a candidate for the Independent Spirit Awards ' best picture , along with Call Me by Your Name , The Florida Project , Get Out and The Rider .