
  • 网络Request for Instructions
  1. 其次,鉴于实践中对国有控股公司的监督失控,提出建立国有资产代表人制度,具体通过完善国有资产代表人的选拔委派制度、请示报告制度、激励制度和个人责任制度来完善国有资产监督机制。

    Secondly , in view of ineffective control over state-holding company , it puts forward establishing state investment-representative system .

  2. 以请示报告流程作为实例,描述了本文设计的工作流在办公自动化中的实现以及应用情况。

    Explained the realization of workflow designed above in Office Automatic system by taking the report flow as an example .

  3. 请示报告是党政军系统最正规的信息系统源;

    Asked the report is the most formal of the party , government and military system , the source of information systems ;

  4. 你们对下级亦应要求他们严格执行请示报告制度。

    You should also require your subordinates to follow strictly the practice of seeking instructions from and reporting their work to their superiors .

  5. 总结了8.4中毒事件成功救治的基本经验:战备值班制度、战备训练和组织制度、战备储备制度、战备请示报告制度的落实。

    The author generalized the experiences of successfully curing wounded in ' 8.4 ' intoxication accident , such as actualization of watching system , training and organizing system , reserving system , asking and reporting system prepared for war .

  6. 本文应用法人治理理论与集团集分权理论,分析南汽集团委派董事管理的现状,从而构建出系统的委派董事制度,包括选拔委派制度、请示报告制度、考核监督制度和激励约束制度等。

    This paper , by adopting the corporate governance theories and centralization-and-division-of-power theories , analyzes the present condition of appointed directors and sets up an aggregate of appointed director 's systems , including the selection and appointment system , the instructing-and-reporting system , the assessing system and the reward-and-punishment system etc.

  7. 关于请示与报告的写作学研究

    Research on Writings on Requesting Instructions and Submitting Reports

  8. 岳飞不和宋高宗沟通,不请示,不报告,擅自对部队说,同志们!

    Yue Fei and Song Gao do not communicate , do not ask , do not report unauthorized said of the troops and comrades !

  9. 从今年起,全党各级领导机关,必须改正对上级事前不请示、事后不报告的不良习惯。

    Beginning with this year , the Party 's leading bodies at all levels must correct the bad habit of neither asking the higher level for prior instructions nor submitting reports afterwards .