
wān dòu
  • pea;pease;pisum
豌豆 [wān dòu]
  • [pea] 一年生藤本作物( Pisum sativum ),羽状复叶,小叶卵形,开白色或淡紫色的花,果实有荚。嫩荚和种子供食用

豌豆[wān dòu]
  1. 肿瘤已缩小到豌豆大小。

    The tumour had shrunk to the size of a pea .

  2. 每个星期六爸爸都做美味的豌豆火腿汤。

    Every Saturday dad made a beautiful pea and ham soup

  3. 豌豆、豆荚和扁豆是植物蛋白质的大好来源。

    Peas , beans and lentils are a good source of vegetable protein .

  4. 牛排老得嚼不动,豌豆像子弹一样硬。

    The steak was tough and the peas were like bullets .

  5. 1857年,孟德尔开始在修道院的菜园里用豌豆做实验。

    In 1857 Mendel started experimenting with peas in his monastery garden

  6. 星期天午餐总是吃烤羔羊肉和豌豆罐头。

    It was always roast lamb and canned peas for Sunday lunch .

  7. 我选了些简单的:豌豆米饭和夹肉面包。

    I picked on simple things — rice and peas , meat and bread .

  8. 他满嘴都是豌豆。

    His mouth was full of peas .

  9. 豌豆过熟就会爆裂。

    Pea pods burst open when overripe .

  10. 小妹从田野里拾到许多豌豆。

    My little sister picked up many green peas in the field .

  11. 一个售货员接了电话,汤姆问:“能让管豌豆的副主管接电话吗?”

    A clerk answers and Tom says . " Can I please talk to the Vice President of peas ? "

  12. 最后,妻子实在忍无可忍,就跟汤姆说:“听着,这没什么,杂货店里卖豌豆的还有副主管呢!”

    Finally she couldn 't take it any longer , and told him , " Listen , it means nothing . They even have a vice president of peas at the grocery store ! "

  13. 豌豆种子发育过程中DNA和RNA含量的动态变化

    Dynamics of the dna / rna during developing of pea seeds

  14. 豌豆卷须肌动蛋白Ⅱ类异型体cDNA克隆的序列分析

    Sequence Analysis of Pea Tendril Actin Isoform ⅱ cDNA Clones

  15. 发酵条件对豌豆根瘤菌细胞生长和辅酶Q(10)合成的影响

    Effects of Culture Conditions on Rhizobium leguminosarum Cell Growth and CoQ _ ( 10 ) Production

  16. 饲喂燕麦-箭筈豌豆捆裹青贮对绵羊瘤胃pH与氮代谢参数的影响

    Effects of feeding with wrapped silage of oat and fodder vetch on pH and nitrogen metabolism parameters in rumen of sheep

  17. 铁锌混合肥喷施对豌豆子粒铁、锌、可溶性糖和维生素C含量的影响

    Effect of foliar application of iron , zinc mixed fertilizers on the content of iron , zinc , soluble sugar and Vitamin C in green pea seeds

  18. 方法:①用豌豆凝集素(PSA)作为靶蛋白,对噬菌体展示的随机六肽库进行亲和筛选;

    Methods : ① A phage-displayed random hexapeptide library was screened with PSA as target .

  19. 豌豆细胞核仁中rDNA的超微定位和排布构型

    In situ distribution and configuration of rDNA in the nucleolus of Pisum sativum

  20. 随机取两个PCR产物测序,其中一个是未知基因,另一个为豌豆肌动蛋白基因的同源序列。

    Two of the PCR products were sequenced . One was an unknown gene and the other was similar in sequence to the actin gene of pea .

  21. 1-MCP对冷藏食荚豌豆衰老及品质的影响

    Effect of 1-MCP on Senescence and Quality in Cold-Stored Edible Podded Pea

  22. WlkomirRichard,Americanwriter朴实无华的生活并不是必须住在木屋里,种植豌豆,它只不过是不让我们的生命一点一滴地浪费掉。

    The simple life is not necessarily living in a cabin , cultivating beans , . It is refusing to let our lives be frittered away by detail .

  23. 秋水仙素与DMSO诱导豌豆同源四倍体

    Inducing autotetraploid pea with colchicine and DMSO

  24. 目的研究创伤对反抑制细胞(Tcs)的影响。方法采用小鼠截肢伤模型,利用长柔毛野豌豆凝集素(VVL)分离获取Tcs细胞,以直接免疫荧光法检测Tcs细胞数目;

    Objective Effect of trauma on contrasuppressor T cells ( Tcs )

  25. 综合分析认为,10ìmol·L-1JA是诱导豌豆幼苗防御反应产生的适宜处理浓度。

    It is concluded that JA , under the suitable concentration , can induce pea seedlings defense response to wounding .

  26. 添加豌豆蛋白的Mozzarella干酪工艺参数的优化。

    The optimization of the process parameters of Mozzarella Cheese with pea protein .

  27. 增强UV-C辐射作用下小麦和豌豆幼苗光合响应及其相对抗性

    Photosynthetic responses of wheat and pea seedlings to enhanced UV-C radiation and their resistances

  28. 结果表明,去顶、顶端涂抹NAA和茎基部涂抹CME都不影响豌豆根系铁还原力。

    The results showed that decapitation , NAA of CME supply did not have significant effects on iron reducing activity of pea roots .

  29. 以蛹在甜菜、胡麻、豌豆、首蓿等作物土壤中越冬,田间杂草、地埂下也能越冬,深度达10~20cm;

    Overwintering as pupa in the soil of sugar beet , helminthosporium , pea , alfalfa and etc.

  30. Ross等以野生型豌豆为材料的研究表明生长素在生物活性GA1的合成中起重要作用。

    Researches made by Ross et al . using wild-type pea indicated the importance of auxin in biosynthesis of active gibberellin .