
  • 网络Pea flower;the pea blossom;SWEET PEA
  1. 豌豆花DNA导入小麦对籽粒蛋白质的影响

    Effects on the Seed Protein after the Injection of Exogenous DNA into Wheat Plants

  2. 豌豆花DNA直接导入小麦体可诱导小麦种子蛋白质组分发生明显的变化。

    The seed proteins of winter wheat direct introduced DNA from pea flowers ap-peared striking changes of protein components .

  3. 妈妈高兴地说:非常感谢你呀,豌豆花!

    Mum says : thank you , pea flower !

  4. 她在心里感谢上帝派来的美丽天使——豌豆花。

    she thanks God for sending her the beautiful angel - the pea flower .

  5. 这是豌豆花。我从来没有想到有如此多的颜色。

    The pea flowers . I never expect the pea flower could be so colorful .

  6. 粉红色的豌豆花鲜艳极了。

    It has a brilliant pink flower .

  7. 我是最幸福的豌豆花!

    I am such a happy flower !

  8. 豌豆花轻轻地摇了摇枝条,好像是在说:瞧,我实现了我自己的诺言。

    The pea flower waves its branches , and seems to say : Look ! I fulfilled my promise .

  9. 研究豌豆花发育对于豆科植物特别是大豆产量的提高具有指导意义。

    Study of pea floral development is important for research of improving legume plants yield , especially for soybean .

  10. 妈妈高兴地说:“非常感谢你呀,豌豆花!你使我的女儿充满了欢乐。使她战胜了疾病,重新健康起来!”

    Mum says : thank you , pea flower ! You made my daughter happy and help her fight the sickness and get well !

  11. 豌豆花轻轻地摇了摇枝条,好像是在说:“瞧,我实现了我自己的诺言。我是最幸福的豌豆花!”

    The pea flower waves its branches , and seems to say : Look ! I fulfilled my promise . I am such a happy flower !

  12. 豌豆花最逗人爱:她有红有白,既娴雅,又柔嫩。她是家庭观念很强的妇女,外表既漂亮,在厨房里也很能干。

    The pea-blossom pleased him most of all ; she was white and red , graceful and slender , and belonged to those domestic maidens who have a pretty appearance , and can yet be useful in the kitchen .

  13. 一星期以后,这个病孩子第一次能够坐一整个钟头。她快乐地坐在温暖的太阳光里。窗子打开了,它面前是一朵盛开的、粉红色的豌豆花。

    A week after , the invalid sat up for the first time a whole hour , feeling quite happy by the open window in the warm sunshine , while outside GREw the little plant , and on it a pink pea-blossom in full bloom .

  14. 美国西部灌木般草本植物,开黄色豌豆般的花。

    Western United States bushy herb having yellow pealike flowers .

  15. 在北美开有艳丽的豌豆般的花和膨大的豆荚的属。

    Genus of North American plants with showy pealike flowers and an inflated pod .

  16. 目前,这些基因在豌豆,牵牛花和水稻中都有同源基因被克隆。

    Currently in Peas , morning glory and rice , the homologous gene has been cloned .