
wān dòu fěn
  • Pea powder;peameal
豌豆粉[wān dòu fěn]
  1. 好的豌豆粉粘度好,味道清新爽口,甜而不腻。

    A good pea flour cake should have a loose consistency ; the taste should be refreshing , but not sweet .

  2. 豌豆蛋白粉饲喂雏鸡的试验研究

    Study on chick fed protein powder of pea

  3. 豌豆蛋白粉的制取研究

    Study on the extract of pea protein powder

  4. 商用豌豆蛋白粉是豌豆淀粉加工副产物,具有低异黄酮含量少、低植酸、不易过敏等特点,是一种优质的蛋白质资源。

    Commercial pea protein was the by-products of the pea starch processing and one kind of high-quality hypoallergenic protein resource , which the isoflavone and the phytic acid were low .

  5. 因而探讨豌豆淀粉行业副产物&商用豌豆蛋白粉的开发利用方式,有助于提高豌豆蛋白的应用价值。

    So it was important to explore an effective method for the commercial pea protein to improve its value .