首页 / 词典 / good


gǎn jǐn
  • run;hasten;hurry up;lose no time;proceed apace
赶紧 [gǎn jǐn]
  • [lose no time;proceed apace;hasten] 抓紧时机从速进行

  • 赶紧出发

  • 赶紧走吧,别迟到了

  • 我赶紧拭干了泪

赶紧[gǎn jǐn]
  1. 这是一个值得称道的热情,我赶紧说。

    It is a commendable zeal , I hasten to say .

  2. 扎奈塔赶紧接下去说。我赶紧说明他没有受伤。

    I hasten to say that he is not hurt .

  3. 他们冲到高速公路时,他赶紧把摩托车调转方向。

    He slewed the motorbike over as they hit the freeway .

  4. 你这家伙,别只是站着——赶紧去找医生呀!

    Don 't just stand there , man ─ get a doctor !

  5. 他赶紧起程去了伦敦。

    He lost no time in setting out for London .

  6. 我得赶紧点——我是并排停车。

    I 'll have to rush ─ I 'm double-parked .

  7. 赶紧找个座位吧,我不会耽误你太多工夫。

    Grab a seat , I won 't keep you a moment .

  8. 对不起,我真得赶紧走了。

    Sorry , I really have to bail .

  9. 我得赶紧走,来不及了。

    I must dash , I 'm late .

  10. 我赶紧站了起来。

    I leapt to my feet .

  11. 她赶紧进到商店后面的厨房。

    She hurried to the kitchen in back of the store .

  12. 他赶紧捂住嘴,不让自己笑出声来。

    His hand shot to his mouth to stifle a giggle .

  13. 他们在他身边疾驰而过,他赶紧让到一边。

    He stood to one side as they careened past him

  14. 查尔斯点燃了导火索,他们便赶紧四处躲避。

    Charles lit the fuses and they ran for cover .

  15. 现在到了你该赶紧动起来的时候了吧?

    Isn 't it about time that you pulled your finger out ?

  16. 成千上万的人趁着局势稳定赶紧撤离。

    People are leaving in their thousands while the going is good .

  17. 要我赶紧出去一趟买些食品吗?

    Should I nip out and get some groceries ?

  18. 我得赶紧走了。几分钟后要开个会。

    I 've got to rush . Got a meeting in a few minutes

  19. 我们叫了一辆救护车,赶紧把她送到了医院。

    We got an ambulance and rushed her to hospital

  20. 她下班后就得赶紧回家照顾儿子。

    When she finished work she had to hurry home and look after her son

  21. 我赶紧去叫出租车。

    I hurried away to hail a taxi .

  22. 不赶紧行动就没机会了。

    If you don 't do it soon you 're going to lose the opportunity

  23. 联邦探员赶紧把他送进了一辆车里。

    Federal agents rushed him into a car

  24. 布莱克对一个经过的侍者打了个响指,侍者赶紧朝他们走了过来。

    Blake clicked his fingers at a passing waiter , who hurried across to them .

  25. 我得赶紧走了。

    I 'll have to fly .

  26. 我赶紧跑到帐篷里,抓起了几件虽然有些皱,但是很干净的衣服。

    I hurried to the tent and grabbed a few clean , if rumpled , clothes .

  27. 他先是冲我咧嘴一笑,不过看到我的表情后又赶紧收起笑脸。

    He flashed me a quick grin but rapidly swallowed it when he saw my expression .

  28. 哈迪夫人赶紧问客人假期过得怎么样,替自己的言不得体打圆场。

    Mrs Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by asking her guest about his holiday

  29. 看,火车进站了,我们现在得赶紧朝那边跑了。

    Look . The train 's in . We 'll have to run for it now .

  30. 我们得赶紧就此事开动脑筋,展开讨论,并采取行动,否则就来不及了。

    We need to get thinking , talking and acting on this before it is too late .